
I just needed to put down in words how excited I am about shopping these days! I used to hate it with a passion and told myself that it was because I just didn't like making decisions. The truth is that I would get so frustrated with trying on clothes that it was just a cop out. Yesterday I went into Walmart to pick up a layaway I had and thought I would try on some pants because I noticed that my clothese were getting baggy again. I havent really lost any weight. (Still between 202 & 205) but I have done so much walking this summer that I must be losing inches. I tried on a large (12/14) top and to my total amazement it fits. What a shock! I must have looked at the tag 4 times. I could not believe it! And I have been wearing 18w pants and I triend on a regular ladies 18 and it fit also. I am so happy! NO MORE W'S!

On another note my daughter had her tummy tuck and arms done. All went well, except for her left arm. He cut too much off and she has a skin graft that only had a 30 - 40% chance of taking. We went for the post-op visit and it is doing so good. He sadi it had taken. No infection so far and that is definatley a bonus since she is prone to them. The tube and the stiches come out next Wednesday. Hopefully this will be the end of surgeries for her. I think this one made #9!


Things have been pretty hectic, thus the gap in posting. My daughter (who had WLS) had emergency bowel obstruction surgery and she is doing well now. My hubby is down 110# and is so much happier, more active and healthier. The scale has started to move again for me after a long plateau...YEAH! It's been a year and I never though I would do so well. Thank God and Dr. S for my new life.


Well....on Monday January 23 my hubby had WLS! It is Friday now and he is doing very well. He is not so good when it comes to pain and even he said he is amazed how well he is doing (only taking the pain meds at night.) When he started this journey he was 370 so we will see how surprised he is when he goes for his first post op check up and gets on the scale :-o


Well its almost Christmas and I'm 7 monhts out and down 113#. What an awesome ride! I have gone from a size 28/30 in pants to a size 20 and some size 18. From a size 30/32 top to a
Ladies XL. Woo Hoo!!!
I have a brand new granddaughter born on December 8th, Josie Michelle after both grandma's. So precious.
My husband is going to have WLS after the first of the year hopefully. He has lost almost 30# and Dr. Schuhknecht told him to schedule his filter for January. We will both be skinny minis!
Christmas will be so nice. Everyone is home and I will not be gaining 10#! That means I will still fit in all my clothes!


Well, I hit the Century Club this week. What a great feeling. I am looking at myself in the mirror lately and saying who is that beatilful lady?? I am starting to have a waistline again! My husband tells me how cute and y I look, sometimes its embarassing, but nice at the same time.


Went to my PCP on Friday for my annual physical and pap smear. Just too much fun. He was very pleased! According to his files I am down 101 pounds since January. That's mind boggling to me. I never thought I would see size 20 again. My blood work came out pefect and my blood pressure is down to 120/70. Yippee! God is so good. He has helped me to do this marvelous thing to help me get better and enjoy life and my family. Praise Him!


Been feeling kind of tired lately. Finally found Dr. Schunhknecht with the help of one of the OH pals and man was it good to see him. He said things look really good and he did a bunch of blood work and I am waiting to hear the results. He thinks I msot likely need some iron so we will see. I am down 86 pounds now and am still amazed when I put on my clothes. The sizes keep dropping and dropping. I still walk everyday but Sunday and on Saturday its 3 miles. Now that it is getting chilly I am wondering what I will do to keep up my routine. I have a eliptical walker and I have used it a couple of times. I am not to crazy about it though. It was free and all but I would rather have a treadmill or walk at the mall. We shall see.


So, it's 11 weeks post-op and things are going well. I'm down 66 pounds and still walking everyday. The energy level is amazing to me. It has always been hard for me to sit still but now I have the energy to go along with it.
The food issues are getting better and better. I can finally eat salad again and I am so happy. Can't really eat any meats besides hot dogs, ground beef and some lean lunch meats. I would love to have some chicken but its still kind of dry for me.
I feel blessed everyday because I was able to have WLS and it is working wonderful for me.


I have another short lull in the craziness of life so I thought I would try to get in a few thoughts.
I am 8 weeks out now and have lost 55lbs! Man, is this exciting or what? I can really tell when I put my clothes on but when I am nakee in front of the mirror its hard to tell so I had my daughter take a picture of me last night (with clothes) and that did the trick! Smaller tummy, face and hips.
I ma still having a hard time with solid foods some of the ones I thought I could handle are just not sitting right, and last night I drank my water to soon after my meal and I thought it was heart attack time. Patience.....one of my least admirable virtues....sometimes I have none. I am feeling great though and walking every weekday.


Well, finally someone more saavy than I am has helped me figure out how to get to this part of my profile so I can start journaling! I am grateful. So later tonight when I have time I will try to put down some thoughts here.

About Me
Sterling Heights, MI
Surgery Date
Jun 22, 2005
Member Since

Friends 4

Latest Blog 10
