Step by step by step by step...

Sep 25, 2010

This whole experience has been very new for me. It's funny because I didn't realize how "not adult" I was. LOL
Having to reach out of my comfort zone to go to appointments by myself and figure the insurance stuff out has been really different for me...I think it has been good for me even though a lot of the time, I have be perpetually nervous or scared. I look at it as growing and starting the first steps of the new chapter that will start with my life.

Tomorrow is one of the biggest steps of all...telling my mother...

Sure, I know she is going to be supportive since she has been trying to get me to get some sort of WLS, but I have been doing everything so far under the cloak of darkness from her because to me, it was something I needed to start for myself so that I feel like I am doing it for me and no one else.
I just hope she doesn't make a huge deal out of it. I just want it to be an explanation and time for me to answer any questions and then for me to be on my way...I just don't want this to become the center of anything for anyone else except for me.

Maybe I am crazy to have started all of this right when I am moving and right before my brother ships off to Afghanistan, but you can't keep planning around everything or it will never get done. I am just really excited and looking forward to this new step for me. It is a chance for me to become on the outside, the way I feel on the inside. It will be a hard road, but I look forward to the challenge.

Here's crossing my fingers! 


About Me
Alexandria, VA
Surgery Date
Aug 24, 2010
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