9/6/07 2 days post procedure

Sep 06, 2007

I am now 2 days post procedure. I slept poorly again. Would wake up with sore throat and chest pain. I used the vicodan liquid and was glad to have it. I do however feel much better today- More energy and less pain. The headache is gone (might have been from anesthesia or caffeine withdrawal). Sore throat better. I get some stabbing pains is my stomach/chest area--lets me know that is where the procedure was located. I took an hour walk no problem. Am sipping Isopure--a clear liquid low carb protein. Have not been hungry or even interested in food! Yayyyyyy! Hope that lasts forever! Ate a chewable vitamin and liquid calcium. 
I paid $8,000 for the stomaphyx (that included MD, anesthesia, whatever costs from the surgical center) In addition I paid for airfare, hotel, meals, pain med $56, rental car, movie tickets and meals for my daughter plus 3 shirts, 3 pairs of shoes (hey, we were girls having fun!) I am considering stomaphyx my first round of plastics....my health didn't depend on it, but it will make me look and feel better. Also, my insurance doesn't cover it...just like cosmetic surgery. That is how I justified the expense.

9/5 /07 Had stomaphyx done

Sep 06, 2007

 had this procedure done yesterday. I was on clear liquid diet day before and nothing by mouth the day of procedure. I flew to Phoenix the day before and enjoyed a fun day with my 18 year old daughter. I met with Dr. Schlesinger the next day at 10am and had the procedure at 3pm. All the staff was very friendly, professional and skilled. I was given an IV, walked into a surgical room, they gave me a sedative and then a fast acting anesthetic. I woke up with a very sore throat and dull pain in chest. I had filled perscription for liquid pain meds earlier in the day and took some when back at the hotel at 6:30pm. I started sipping clear liquids right away and had no trouble with this. Slept poorly that night, very dry mouth, dull pain in left side of chest, extremely sore throat and some injury to my lower lip...like I got hit in the mouth. And a ripping headache. Overall, not bad considering. 
We got up at 4am, I drove to the airport in the rental car. (At my own risk, I was less than 24 hours after anesthesia) Flew home. 
I was told clear liquids for 24-48 hours, then full liquids. Am not hungry. Am wondering how to take stool softener...should I get the gelcaps and pierce it? Don't want to be constipated. Was told not to strain for 1 month, no weightlifting, etc. I bet that includes constipation. Any questions? Ask away! I am returning to work tomorrow.

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9/6/07 2 days post procedure
9/5 /07 Had stomaphyx done
