
Aug 19, 2008

Well my consult did not go the way I had hoped.  I went in, was weighed then taken to the Office Manager, where I was told I need to loose 80 -100 pounds before they will do the surgery.  No help what-so-ever on how to do it. I was schedualed to talk to the FNP as well as the surgeon, and never even go ta chance to talk to either.
Needless to say I am very upset and disappointed about this.  Guess just one more road block.  I have talked to people her at OH and with my PCP and they all agree.  They are looking for easy patients. This is a direct quote from my PCP. "If you could loose it on your own, then why would you need the surgery?"  Exactly what I was thinking. 
So now I am searching for a new surgeon.  I have cut a few things from my diet like sugar and soda (nope I don't even drink diet soda anymore), I really love the Crystal Light products. And I have cut way down on Fats and Carbs.
And we have joined the YMCA.  They have a great family plan and will work with you financially. 
So we will see where it goes from here. 
Take care all.

Consult Cancelled

Jul 06, 2008

I can't help but be upset becasuse my consult was cancelled.  It was schedualed for July 1, 2008 at 9:30 am.  The day before I called to confirm the appointment and to my surprise it had been cancelled.  Why?? Because my, not so wonderful, PCP gave them the wrong address and phone number, I never recieved the patient packet, and therefor could not mail it back in time. 

When I called I found out that they are booked up until October.  But the receponist at Dr. Watson's office was really nice.  She took down the correct information and said she would squeeze me in on August 7, 2008.  And she said that after I mail the packet back in to call and she will see if they have any cancelations. 

Well I have the packet and it is almost finished. I prayed and am still praying that God will let me know this is the right thing to do.  So I called my insurance, BlueCare/TennCare of Tennessee, and they cover the surgery if you qualifiy.  So hopefully there will be no problems there.  I am's a step....I'm taking it one step at a time.

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Consult Cancelled
