Phil M. 15 years, 11 months ago

YAY SPANKETTI!!!! I don't even need to tell you good luck, you are already on your way to brighter days. Have a great journey and enjoy it the whole way through. *licks and hugs*

Dani96 15 years, 11 months ago

Handsome Spanky Jump Jump Jump........ Good Health, better future, a centered mind, freedom, joy are all waiting for you to grab. The process could be as simple as you want it to be or as hard as you want it to be. It is very simple.....Accept and Trust the process and your result will be amazing. Fight and resist the process, build a bigger wall around you and you will fail the success. It is a choice and the rewards are Huge once you embrace your FEAR and you recognize it is there because of the lack of the unknown. But this unknonw place will become a familiar territorie once you allow the work and progress in your life. Embrasse it hold it like you would hold a newborn baby. You have the tools and the support of OH myslef and everyone else around here. Use them reach out..........God Bless and many Hugs. I am proud of you.......Dani

illiniscott 15 years, 11 months ago

Spank.......What a nice surprise to have your surgery so soon!! I believe it is because of all the hard work you did on your own that made this happen. I wish you a speedy and complication free surgery and I will see you on the other side! Scooter

Jeny F. 15 years, 11 months ago

I am so excited for you! You have worked so hard and have been such an inspiration to so many already! Your just plain awesome Spanky. May your recovery be swift and your weight loss more rapid than ever! Your already a success, this is just the icing on the cake! :) My thoughts and prayers will be with you on surgery day and we will be waiting for your speedy return! Jeny

*Hope * 15 years, 11 months ago

hey spanks! i just want to tell you how proud i am of all you've done and how certain i am that you'll do well with this. your will and enthusiastic spirit inspires and that attitude promises to bring you much success. know that i wish you the very best and will be thinking of you as we share this journey. sending you hugs, HOPE

TypoKingJimB12 15 years, 11 months ago

Congrats Spanky with the way you have started without surgery I can only imagine where you'll go after. Hey don't turn sideways or walk through the rain drops. Congrats Kid!! Proud of you!! Jim

bbbbigkev 15 years, 11 months ago

Im so proud of you spanks.You have come so far.There are ones on here that are successfull but you my friend,you want this cause it didnt come for free.I dont think I could lose like you did just to have this surgery you deserve to be small.Good luck on the 18th you will do fine and we will be here when you get done to help you as much as we can love ya LITTLE KEV

RubyStar 15 years, 11 months ago

Spanky!!!!!!!!! This is wonderful !!!!!!!!! I am so happy for you. Spanky you are such an insperational person. I addmire how far you have come to this point. You have always been so kind and helpfull to me. I want to say thank you and send my best wishes for a sucessful surgery and a speedy recovery. Hugggggggggssssssssss Spanky

kathy oh 15 years, 11 months ago

spanksaliciousness! i am so proud of your journey so far! you have done amazingly well. this will help you to finish that journey for sure. good luck! we are all praying for you! soon we will call you a loser like us! hugssssss ko

LorettaMI 15 years, 11 months ago

Spankeroooooooo..congrats on your date. I just heard. I am so happy for you and will enjoy this journey. You deserve this buddy. Good Luck and I look forward to seeing you on the loser side ;-). -L
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Mar 22, 2008
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my hugs to all
