bad day turned good

Jul 15, 2009

hello, i posted today on the forum.  i had just got back from the dr and was very upset.  i am going to put all my posts here you can see i went from being mad to ok lets get this over with. 

i went to my new pcp today. she was skinny and had an attitude when she came in. she eventually said that she would not help me becuase i was not helping myself. i have never had a doctor be so rude and horrible, she made me cry. in the end she did say she would give me the referral to the DS surgeon. if i didn't have to go back to her i wouldn't. my new goal is to loose wt so i can get off medicare and don't have to see her anymore. i know some doctors are that rude but i just had not run into them yet. today was my lucky day. ok i am calmer now. thanks. 

thanks everyone for being mad with me. i don't have a choice in changing drs and this is a smallish town so no real big practices here. this is just the one i got assigned so i will put up with her and be done in a while. at least she is going to give me the referral i thought for a while she wouldn't and i did not know what i was going to do. now to argue with the insurance about going out of state for surgery. life is fun sometimes. but God is always there to pick up the peices. thanks again

you have a good point, she also said she did not give pain meds so if i was there for drugs she could not help me. to me being a former nurse that is inhuman, you as a person cannot judge what the other person is feeling, if they say they hurt then they hurt and if what they are taking is not helping then you need to work on getting the pain relief they need to live a quality life. i did tell her i wanted something for all the aches and pains and that i was taking high doses of ibuprofen and she said stop taking alot of that blah blah blah. i have heard it all and i know that to get any relief i take what i have to. i am going to call the insurance and see if i can change drs. my friend also goes there and her dr is really nice she says.

i am worried that she will write this letter that is so full of lies that i won't get in the surgeons office. this is what she wrote on my discharge paper. "we discussed that she will not be able to lose weight, with or without surgery, without or without a significant change in her lifestyle. thus i am hesitant to provide a referral to denton, tx. we discussed the possibile severe risks with further bariatric surgery, i will refer her to the program in denton so she can gather information but i do not recommend that she proceed with surgery until she has made a significant and prolonged (several months to 1-2 years)effort at exercise and diet-control." ok i will die without surgery and i do know the risks of the surgery how can i not when that is all you hear about. people love to tell you about someone they knew that had this horrible complication with the wls. but that is the risk i am willing to take and it is not her decision it is mine. she did say she was trying not to be mean just honest, well ok that was her honest point of view and that is all it was a point of view. maybe she will read the website that i gave them and see that it is not so bad. i will have to pray for her to get her compassion in her work.

told you it was long.  lol  this was not a good example of how a christian should act, i should have just given it to God and let it go.  but as a human i can't seem to let it go that little voice in my head reminding me what was said and done and how can you stand that blah blah blah.  that is where you have to take control and put on your armor from ephesians to protect you from all those little thing the devil does.  i fell for it today but i am fighting that weasle to keep my head and heart for Jesus.  thanks



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Roff, OK
Jun 08, 2009
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