Week 1 Post-Op

Oct 20, 2010

I'm starting to feel my ole self again and have lost 9lbs since surgery,  19lbs including post-op loss and 2-week prior crash diet per doctors instructions. I've gone back to work. The first day back wasn't too great (dizzy spells, told I had no color in face, few aches and pains from wearing office clothing with a belt). I had to go home at the 1/2 day mark.

Surgery went great and I was up and walking the hospital halls within 2 hours out of recovery.  I took a shower as soon as they stopped the IV and removed the catheder.  No problems getting down hot or cold liquids and jello. I fact I found myself taking a full swallow instead of sipping a few times accidentally with no problems.  Went home the next day.

Recovery at home was rough at first. I was bloated leaving the hospital, but the bloating and gas pains continued to grow as I couldn't belch or fart. Gas-X did nothing ot help. I had to control the pain with the liquid loritab pain med they sent my home with. I slept pretty much day and night for the first 2 days home, forcing myself to get up and walk now and then to prevent pneunomia, passing a clot, and trying to relieve the gas. I stared farting the 2nd day and that helped lessen the pain.  I started taking milk of magnesia (2 sips) every 8 hours per doctors instructions because I hadn't had a bowl movement since the day before surgery. Finally on the 3rd day I started getting loose bm's mixed with gas.  From there I started turning the corner and began feeling better as each day passed. I was "leaking" pink fluid from one of the incisions (considered normal) for days, so much I had to have my wife go buy some 4x4 gauze pads & tap because I was messing up my shirts. Finally on the 5th day the leaking stopped.

All and all I'm feeling pretty good and slowly getting energy back to pre-op levels. I've now found there are 2 types of hungers, the hunger your body feels and "head hunger", the hunger you feel when you see a food that your brain remembers you loved to eat.  This is getting a little hard to bear as drinking the same liquids every day and having only popsicles and jello.  I'll be glad to get the little change in the week 2 diet.

About Me
Mandeville, LA
Surgery Date
Sep 21, 2010
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