Back in the swing of things ....

Sep 28, 2010 goes. I had lost 140 lbs...and had not gained, only lost weight up to two months ago. I have now put on 25 lbs in two months..and I am panicking. My eating habits were under control for months and months..and in the last 8 weeks I am ravenous. It seems I can eat anything..and as much of I want to . I did the 5 day pouch test but never felt full..

SO now..I am ready to get back on track. I am at 160. My goal weight is 130. I would like to lose some of what I have picked up but also keep some of it and tone and muscle up! I will use this blog to be accountable for what I am putting in my mouth. ...Im back at it. Going to my first group support meeting tonight. Wish me luck!

1 week post op and hangin out on the losing bench...

Jun 25, 2007

Ok I haven't kept up with blogging so much. 
I am one week postop today...and already feeling like a new person.
My scar is not nearly as bad as I thought it would be.
I started the liquid diet 10 days preop and literally was starving most of the time...grumpy and testy...smelling food made me crazy .
I sat and hoped that it wouldnt be like that after surgery...prayed it wouldnt be like that after surgery..and you know what? It's not. I am not hungry. I have a hard time forcing myself to get water, protein shakes, mushy food etc. 
I continue to be really tired...and sore. My staples would like to come out now... I can feel them tugging and loosening. My postop visit to Dr W is a week away. I guess I misunderstood....thinking I would see him at one week...but it is Two. Hope my staples hold that long. 

The pain is wierd. Its more like an annoying "catch" just below my left rib cage. Im trying hard to stay awake...stay energized etc. My daughter is here from KC and has stayed with me since surgery. We went out for a while the other was nice. But boy...her driving wore me out. My husband is working all sorts of extra hours at his second job..feeling a bit neglected by him..but I know he feels it necessary financially. 

Ok...I am definately blogged out for now. 

Be well,



May 30, 2007

Ohhhhhhhhh I have a Date!!!!! June 18th! I just found out yesterday...things are moving at warp speed now. I'm so flippin excited.....

Hey !

May 24, 2007

My name is Stacy and I'm 37. I'm so excited to have found this site~!
I've been overweight my whole adult life and have dealt with body image issues my entire life. Looking back at high school pics now...wearing a size 8 and thinking I was a HUGE blob....reminds me of just how much our mental image of ourselves can be so skewed. I've been working really hard to change that emotional crap in my head, and it's funny how that now that  I've accepted myself just how I am and found some self love...that I have come to this point in my life...Ready for RNY and anxiously awaiting my surgery date! 

I know that there is a higher power at work....Somehow I have found Dr Warnock at just the right time! My visit with him was smashing....and he says Tricare is sure to approve my surgery. I saw him on the 22nd of May...and now am anxiously awaiting a date to start my new life. I am sooooooooooo sososo psyched to...
Play Softball/volleyball/soccer again. 
Not be the fatest chick in the room...that everyone feels compeled to tell "how pretty my face is" or "how great I look"....are they freaking oblivious? 
Keep up with my kids/mother/husband and not feel like Im taking a ride on the pity pot when my feet ache so bad that I just can't take another step without totally breaking down!!
Get on a roller coaster/airplane seat/go cart without the fear of the bar not locking again, the seatbelt not fastening, the man next to me overlaping my thigh cus I am halfway in his seat.
FEELING FULL after a meal...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Yay!!!!!!!!!!!

I've read thru so many profiles...and know that I have empathized with your stories...felt your pain...and shared in your joys and accomplishments....and am inspired by you....and motivated to become a healthy person that can pay it forward.

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Mark Twain

Remember...YOU are my inspiration...and I know how blessed I am to have you out there!


About Me
Republic, MO
Surgery Date
May 02, 2007
Member Since

Friends 18

Latest Blog 4
1 week post op and hangin out on the losing bench...
Hey !
