Shame on Me!!!

Feb 10, 2008

I just wanted to say that I am so sorry for not posting sooner. My life is crazy now that I am in school. I am now at 219.5!!! I am still not losing as fast as I really want to, but I am ok with that, as long as I'm going down. No problems what so ever with eating. I was having a bit of a hard time with solid food at first, but I think that it had passed for now. I had a few times where I vomited. Not a pleasant experience, but no worse than before the surgery.
I am going in to have my filter removed on Feb. 12, which is just a couple days away. Then, I'm done with medical procedures for a while I hope. :) I am still having trouble with the pain from the first procedure, and I think that my neurologist may want to do cortizone shots. Whatever!! As long as I'm not in pain anymore!! 
Anyway, thats all for now.

Going Down

Jan 09, 2008

Hi Everyone,

I'm down to 233.5. Still going slow, but going down none-the-less! Anyway, I am taking neurontin to help ease the groin pain, so life is back to normal. I have uploaded some lovely pics, so be sure to take a look.
I am really having no problems with my bypass. I just need to learn how to slow down, and chew my food. My new pouch won't let me forget it!
Anyway, just thought I'd update.


Dec 27, 2007

Hi everyone,

I am losing a bit slower than I would like, but still losing, none-the-less. I have lost 22 lbs. total, and 15 lbs. since the day of surgery. My excersize has been limited due to that groin pain.......Yes, I'm still feeling it. I've become a bit depressed about it because it has been inhibiting my weight loss, and inhibiting my ability to function as a mother. I sometimes cannot take care of my children because of this pain, and I'm having trouble finding a Dr. who can figure out what the hell went wrong. It's very frustrating.
My husband has been supportive of the WLS, but not so happy about this unexpected injury. He and I both are at our wit's end. 
Anyway, sorry about being so depressing......I just expected to have lost more by now, and have been expecting to be able to be functional.

Just Truckin'

Dec 16, 2007

Well its been almost 2 weeks since my surgery. Things have gone pretty well. I go in for my first post-op visit at my Dr.s office tomorrow. I have lost about 12.5 lbs since the day of my surgery! I'm happy about that.
Its been hard emotionally, I won't lie. My husband wanted to go to Outback steakhouse for dinner last night.......I know.....not nice!!! I had the french onion soup, without the bread. I just had the broth and a bit of melted cheese. I wasn't sure how it was going to sit, but it went down pretty well. It was just sooooooo hard sitting there and eating my soup while my husband and children were scarfing down real food! I could still smell the place in my head!
I have not had any real hunger, though and thats good. The groin pain is almost gone, and I can be relatively normal now. I am being very careful about everything, though. Yesterday, I bought myself some stuff from the store for my next phase. I can't wait for cottage cheese!!! I know I'll probably get sick of it, but I know I'm really going to enjoy for a while! I can't wait for eggs either! I hope they go down ok.
I have had no vomitting and no real discomfort. Sometimes I drink too fast, and will just feel real full, but nothing to really write about. (knock on wood!)
Well, TTFN!

Home Sweet Home

Dec 06, 2007

Hi Everyone,

Well, here I am on the 'other side' of this gigantic journey!! PPPhhhheewwww! What a ride! 
Let me start at the hospital. Everything went smoothly and I had a quick recovery from the bypass. Things were not so peachy waking up, but in a few hours, I was OK enough to open my eyes and finally get up. I walked around the hospital floor 2x that night. My poor mother was there when I first woke up, and I think that I freaked her out a bit. I guess during surgery, they like to have two IV lines, so I had one in on arm, and in the other, it was just a mess. I have a huge black and blue where they inflitrated my vein like 5 times!!! Anyway, I was in so much pain when I first woke up that I couldn't talk. I didn't want to move. During those first moments, I really regretted doing this surgery, but once I started to feel better, things were smooth.
The next day, I did my upper GI test, and that went very well. I walked around a lot that day. 
The kicker to this whole damn story is that now that I'm home, I am feeling more f******ing pain from the f*****ing  IVC filter they put in me. I have been having this awful groin pain where they inserted the filter, and it is terrible!! I can't really walk around much now. It hurts terribly. I called the Dr.'s office that did it, and am awaiting a call back.
Other than the stupid pain in my groin area, everything is going great. I am sip, sip, sipping my doggone brains out! I have staples that are just starting to itch, but if thats all the pain I feel from the bypass, then so be it. I am just trying to get in enough H2O right now. I go back to see Dr. Valin and have the staples removed on Dec. 17th. I am on a full liquid diet right now, just mostly protein and water. I gained 3 or 4 pounds in the hospital because of all the fluids they gave me, but have lost it all plus a pound or two. So I was 255 at home the morning of surgery, was weighed at the hospital and was 253. Then after the surgery, I was weighed at 256 in the hospital. This morning at home, I was 251. So, there you have it. My first post-op update. I'll be keeping it up, so keep checking!

Adversity & The Big Day!!

Dec 02, 2007

Hi Everyone,

This is my last posting until I come home!!!!!!!!!!! I am sooo excited, and nervous!! Tomorrow is the beginning of a new life for me, and I am a little anxious! I will be posting some 'lovely' before pics of me........I say lovely because I know that they really aren't so lovely!! :) One day I will look at them and feel proud of how far I've come. I can't wait for that day.
Here's a few other things that I can't wait for:
-To be able to sit and cross my legs like a 'lady' again
-to get under 200 lbs!!!
-to wear my skinny jeans!!
-to be able to look at myself again without disdain, and feel proud of what I see in the mirror
-to feel comfortable in my own skin!!
-to feel pretty, and sexy
-to have energy to play with and keep up with my children
-to stop giving myself excuses as to why I am not living my dreams!

Well, there you have them......LOL!

OK, so here's the part about adversity. ya know when you are doing things right on track with your life and then, something bad happens? I must be doing something right cuz just that is what happened to me! Because I had that IVC filter put in, I guess they put too much pressure on my femoral nerve, so I started to get this shooting pain that went from my groin, right across into my lower right back. I was awful!! Then because that wasn't bad enough, I fell down my stairs last night and landed right on my butt!! I couldn't walk or get out of bed this morning, so my Mom took me to the hospital. They did an X-ray and determined that I bruised something and that it was just muscular......thank God! I actually feel 99% better right now, though and am able to get around ok. I am going to take 1 Vicodin before bed, and let it knock me out! Then I'll wake up and go to surgery! Anyway, that my story for the day......hehehehe
I have to be there at 10:30am. My friend Jamie is going right before me, and I can't wait to see her 'on the other side'!! We have the same surgeon, so I think we should be relativley close to eachother in the hospital. I'll find her....I'm really determined! 
So, I'm signing off for now. I'll see u on the other side!!!

IVC Filter

Nov 27, 2007

This morning I had my IVC filter put in. Had to get up very early, but, over all, the experience wasn't all that bad. I am feeling a bit sore, but its bearable. 
Tomorrow I am starting the 1000 calorie pre-op diet as suggested by my surgeon, Dr. Valin. At the moment, my husband is out getting my last real enjoyable meal, a Cold Stone Ice Cream..........hehehehe! 
As my day slowly approaches, I have been feeling a great spectrum of emotions. One moment I am very nervous, and thinking "What the hell am I doing???" The next moment I feel excited at the thought of being me again. I know I'm in there somewhere! 
This Sunday past was my daughter's 5th birthday party. I had some family over to celebrate and my husband happened to be taking pictures of the occassion. After the party was over and everyone left, I had a moment alone, and decided to look at the pictures. I happened apon one of me sitting a chair and eating birthday cake. I will upload it so you can see what I mean, but I never thought that I looked that bad! I know that I am fat, and morbidly obese, of this I am conscious; but to look at that picture was like looking at a stranger. I do not even recongnize myself anymore...........thats sad. But it affirms my decision to have this surgery. I realize that I am on a dieting vicous circle, and it will not stop without help. Help I so desparatly need. I cannot do this on my own anymore. I long to look on the outside, the way I feel I should look. This is going to be one of the most pivitol moments in my life. I cannot wait to wake up 'on the other side', just knowing that my journey is beginning. I cannot wait to see myself one year from today........things are going to be so different for me. I mourn for the life that I am living, but I am going to celebrate the life I am beginning. Halleluhiah!!!


Nov 15, 2007

Hi Everyone,
Had my endoscopy today. That sucked!!!! I decided to do it without the meds because I had tickets to go see Wicked tonight with my mother. I am supposed to be driving, and with the meds, they wouldn't let me drive. So they convinced me that it would OK to do it without the meds. I still got the yucky spray in the back of my throat, and that sucked, but the crazy part was when he put the scope in.........if I ever do this again, its with meds for sure!!! I'm just glad that its over. 
Also, I had the rest of my preop work done as well. I am just waiting to see the vascular surgeon later on today. 
I'm pretty much all ready to go!

Just Waiting........

Nov 11, 2007

I've been done with the Ketotic diet now for a few days! It was horrible, but I lost 7 lbs. on it, and passed, so I'm done with that. Now I am just trying to get all my pre-op stuff done. I have to meet with a vascular surgeon who will put an intravenous filter in me for surgery. Also, I have to scedule my endoscopy,...etc. 
This all seems very surreal right now. The reality of the situation has not yet hit me. I am a bit nervous and ofcourse I question my decision, but show me someone who hasn't. 
The ctscan came back normal, so that was a relief. I'll update more later.

Day 4 of this ?!@@**%^&* diet!

Nov 05, 2007

Hi Everyone,
I'm on the fourth day of the required diet by Dr. Valin. I actually feel better than I thought I would, but I did get a headache yesterday and today. Yesterday's was worse. Also, I am having a hard time with the food issue now. I am really trying hard not to, but I am just anxiuos to eat real food. I am going to try to get into Dr. Valins office tomorrow afternoon so that I can end this torture! To top it off, I have a good friend of mine coming to visit me from Florida that I have to go pick up at the airport tomorrow night, and I really don't want to have to worry about this diet anymore. 
I went for my CTscan on Saturday. It was also my 30th birthday on Saturday.........Happy B-Day me,, here, now down this large jug of white chalky crap and I'll see you in an hour. That was pretty much what it was like. The Barium was the worst part, I think. I am wating to see if they have gotten the results. I'm just waiting for the phone call. 
Anyway, I'm now less than a month away from my surgery. Doing this diet has really made me aware of my dependence on food. I really need to get a grip on it. I guess I won't have much of a choice here soon!

About Me
Waterford, CT
Surgery Date
Sep 10, 2007
Member Since

Friends 5

Latest Blog 22
Shame on Me!!!
Going Down
Just Truckin'
Home Sweet Home
Adversity & The Big Day!!
IVC Filter
Just Waiting........
Day 4 of this ?!@@**%^&* diet!
