I guess I've been wishing for WLS ever since I heard about it back in the very early 90's.  A woman I knew had it and lost well in excess of 100lbs. I saw her a year after her surgery and simply didn't recognize her!  I couldn't put her new look to the woman I'd known.  I was a candidate then, and she encouraged me to have it, but I believed that one more (the next one for SURE) diet was what would do it!  A strong person with character would be able to overcome this eating problem!!   I didn't know then, what I know now--that it was becoming an obsession that I would NOT be able to control.   I had overcome drinking, drugging and smoking!  Even though, I know drinking and drugging are not WILL POWER problems, I TOTALLY believed eating was, and so I ate and dieted through the rest of the 90's and lost and gained weight regularly.  I sacrificed and binged alternately hating and despising who I was becoming (an angry fat woman) and fearing that I just would never be able to do anything again that mattered.   I couldn't go anywhere without worrying where I would sit (would they have a chair?) how close to the bathroom (I have to go CONSTANTLY) how far would I have to walk (I have to rest every few steps) would I be able to breathe?  My life was exhausting!  I make jokes about how I look to my family and comple strangers! (I have an entire BODY, by Kentucky Fried Chicken!) I'm sure low self-esteem would be a step up!
Now that I am starting the process, found a Dr-went to the support group-made an appt with the Psychologist, I have to hold myself down from excitement.   I KNOW I'm in the right place doing the right thing!  My husband is VERY supportive and scared!  He doesn't want me to be sick, or in danger.  I KNOW I'm not!   I've read ALL the literature and snooped on these web sites for YEARS.  I know I can follow a plan, I know I need to be constantly aware and have a support group!  I have a support group thats kept me sober for 22yrs!  This I KNOW how to do!   So Bless you for reading this, and Bless you for helping me, even when you didn't know you did.  I'm ready and confident.  With the help of trained people and people who've been though it, I believe I can suceed.  I want to be rid of Diabetes, seat belt extenders and hard chairs!  I want to sleep without so much snoring, I want to be an example to my children and grandkids that I can suceed.  I want to live to hold my great-grandchild.  I want to love my husband and give him the gift of a healthy wife. 

About Me
Surgery Date
Aug 10, 2008
Member Since

Friends 6

Latest Blog 3
Countdown to Surgery
The beginning
