Smack me!

Jan 15, 2012

Enough already! I need to get back to a routine of recording my proteins and watching the food that I eat. I'm so close to goal and now I'm slipping up. I know what to do, do it already!!

With this new year all fresh and waiting for me, I'll set some exercise goals.  I can do this, I've come this far let me finish the race to my goals. I'm going to try the meditation tapes that have worked for me in the past to focus on what is important. I'll try to be more aware of what I am eating and set up a good routine for myself. One that I will stick to every day.

I need to get serious if I want to make goal by my anniversary.

Aug 13, 2011

Enough of the screwing around and time to get serious. I'm still losing but, come on! I can and will do better. I want to make goal by November 29 and that means another 30 pounds in 4 months. I can do this, I just need to focus on the goal and not the excuses. 

My tiny tubey is my salvation!

Apr 24, 2011

  Now that Easter is over and all the food, all the food, did I say ALL THE FOOD, is gone, I weighed myself this morning, like every Monday morning and still managed to burn off 3.25 pounds!!  I am so thankful for this sleeve and the new life it is affording me.

I knew that I couldn't eat too much, so I chose wisely when I did eat. No chocolate for me, not interested really. But the appetizers! Oh boy do I love the spinach artichoke dip. But it didn't love me as much as it used to. Even the nibble of cheesecake wasn't as good as I remembered. Somehow it seemed more fun to watch everyone else dig in and enjoy all my efforts. They love my cooking so that's what I did, cooked and then cooked some more. And everyone had a nice 'care package' to take home for snacking.

Now onto some serious body sculpting exercises. Getting a bit flabby, okay more than a bit, but my hubby knows what is behind door #1 and loves me anyway.

I'm feeling good and staying positive. I dare anyone to try and burst my bubbles! 

Gardening is much more exercise than 30 minutes of elliptical.

Apr 01, 2011

For the past 3 days I have spent at least 4 hours a day in the garden raking, pruning, hauling brush and bending, stretching and basically contorting in ways my body hasn't seen in years!   And I love it! I'm getting some great exercise while at the same time prepping for a gorgeous garden this summer.

When I get tired, I rest and when I'm thirsty, I drink. Having my ipod close by with some terrific podcasts that help too. And when I need a burst to keep going, I jam up some tunes like Prince or Kid Rock to get me moving again.

I prefer to accomplish something when I exercise rather than just mundane movements on a machine. And it helps quiet the gremlins in my mind that keep saying "Get the garden going!"

Next I tackle weeding but thankfully(?) the ground is still too frozen for the little buggers to let loose. Maybe by next week......

Half way there!

Mar 27, 2011

      I can't help myself this morning! I am grinning from ear to ear with nothing but pure giddiness. I set my sights on being halfway to my goal by 4 months out and I not only did I get there, but went under by 1 1/4 pounds!

Now I need a new target to aim for and I'm thinking of a nice round number like 20 more pounds to bring me to 176.75 by the time I head to Florida in May. Wouldn't that be a shock for my sister whom I haven't seen since last June?  

I'm going to pump up the exercise ~ especially now that Spring is here in Michigan and it's a balmy 30 degrees.
The garden needs attention and I could spend every day out there working on it passionately.

This site has been a godsend for me. I learn so much from others and gain so much from their support. ((Hugs)) to all.

Wonderful World of Onederland!

Mar 20, 2011

I did it!!  I am officially in Wunderland this morning and I'm walking on air! I want to be 1/2 way to my goal (another 1.5 pounds to go) by next Monday (4 month anniversary) and this is a huge boost for me. Now I'm inspired to really keep working at it.

All the posts that are so inspirational and informative have been a huge help, as well as the encouragement from my OH friends. Thank you all so very much!  Hugs all the way around to you.

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Need a boost

Mar 16, 2011

 I have the proteins, fluids and carbs conquered, but I need to really concentrate on the consistent exercise. Once I get started I enjoy it, but it's getting off my big (soon to be much smaller) butt and just do it!

I think I will take up the gals in my support group on the Zumba classes. They are all at goal or really close to it and even though they are much smaller than I am, they understand how I will feel about just starting out. Once I start it, I know I will continue. I need to get stronger and firm up the mushy muscles.

Walking is good exercise but I have a fear of being chased by the neighbors dogs. (Perhaps a little jog from a dog wouldn't be bad either, huh?) I have to stop saying I'll do it in an hour and do it NOW! I need to schedule it and make it happen at the same time everyday.

I can do this, I've done a lot more difficult things in my life. And this benefits me, no one else. Get up, let's go, grab the ipod and let's take a walk.
1 comment

A matter of semantics

Mar 04, 2011

Many things about getting healthy and fit begin in my head. It's pyschological and the brain is powerful in helping achieve a goal. Using positive self-talk will help, but avoiding words that have negative connotations will also help.

I don't want to 'lose' weight because losing something means that we usually want to find it again. I want to 'get rid of, dump, donate' my excess weight and I never want it back! I'm not 'giving up' cherished foods, I'm making 'better choices' for my body and my lifestyle. And 'working hard' to achieve exercise goals will be 'progressing consistently' toward the prize of a fit and healthy me.

If I can learn to put the positive spin on this journey, I can sustain it for life and it will be joyful instead of a tedious chore.
1 comment

Just out of am I doing?

Mar 01, 2011

I keep meaning to track how much weight I'm getting rid of on a monthly basis. I weigh in on Monday mornings even before the first cup of coffee to stay consistent, but I really would like to know if I'm averaging a decent weight reduction every 4 weeks. 

Nov 22  --  261
Nov 29 Surgery  -- 248.5  (12.5) pre op
Dec 27 --  232  (16.5)
Jan 24 -- 221.5  (10.5)  Figured out too many carbs and not enough protein. I fixed that!
Feb 21 -- 209.5  (12)
Mar 21  --199.5  (10)    Mar 28  --  196.75 !! Under by 1  1/4#s   (hope to hit 1/2 way to goal ~198)
Apr 18  -- 191.75 (7.75)  Needed to add more calories daily to lose more weight. I fixed that!
May 16 -- 182.5 (9.25)    May 30 --  (six months  181)
June 13 --176.75 (5.75) Florida vacation included- no real exercise
July 11 -- 168.5 (8.25)
Aug 8 --   164.75 (3.75)  Time to get serious! Enough screwing off!
Sept 5 --  159.5 (5.25)
Oct 3 --    158  (1.5)  What the hell?? I can do this, so do it.
Oct 31 --  152.75 (5.25) GOAL 149  Missed the goal, but still working at it.
Nov  29 -- 147.25 (5.5) (anniversary 113.8 down!) GOAL 145~ Not quite there, but am I happy? Oh, yeah!
Dec 26 -- GOAL 140

Working my way up for exercise, down for weight

Jan 20, 2011

I started on the elliptical machine a few days ago. (My excuse for not starting sooner? I had to find it under all the clothes that were hanging on it.) The first day was about 2 minutes, the second day 5 minutes, the third day 7 minutes. Now on the fourth day I am at 10 minutes. I do it three times a day too.

I'm looking forward to the day that I will be on it for 45 minutes at a time, smoking along at a very good clip. I plug in my ipod, turn up the Janis Joplin and away I go.  I realize that it is actually relaxing knowing that I don't have to do anything else while I am exercising.  It's for me! 

I took another look at my diet and made protein at least 50% of my calories each day. Time will tell if this is going to really push me. I need to push me harder. I'm in this forever, committed to making me healthy.  I have always been happy, so why not healthy too?

About Me
Livingston County, MI
Surgery Date
Dec 10, 2010
Member Since

Friends 22

Latest Blog 11
