charanewme 21 years ago

Sue congratulations on your AWESOME wt. loss. Happy Anniversary. Charlene

Naes Wls J. 21 years ago

Hi there, CONGRATULATIONS, you are on your way now. Best wishes to you on your wls. may you have a speedy recovery and NO complications what so ever. Hang in there and remember everyday is a blessing. ~~Huggybear hugs~~

L. Brown 21 years ago

HAPPY RE-BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! One year ago today you started this WLS adventure, and look at you now! You are a shadow of your former self! I know that you're still sore and trying to recover from your tummy tuck last Tuesday, but try to celebrate a little bit. You are an inspiration.

Kemberly S F. 21 years ago

HEY SUE!! I'm so excited for you! Your tummy tuck is finally here!! Way to go! Right now, you're probably not feeling well - you take your time and heal - I'm pulling for ya! I hope you're feeling MUCH better soon... it's a tough surgery, i'm told. But in no time, you'll be wearing a BIKINI ON THE BEACH and these days will be long forgotten. :) CONGRATS ON YOUR TUMMY TUCK! WHAT A SUH-WEET THANG!! xoxoxoxox Kimberly Sweaton

candylnd24 21 years ago

Sue, God bless you on your flat tummied journey! How exciting it will be to look down and not see that stomach anymore! <green with jealousy> God speed in your recovery as well!!!

L. Brown 21 years ago

SECOND REQUEST: I know it's not as exciting as the WLS, but Sue still needs some support as she recovers from her Tummy Tuck on Tuesday. She's having some problems with low blood pressure, but other than that, she says the pain meds are keeping things pretty tolerable, and she's home recuperating. She would love some support from her friends at AMOS. Please show her some love and hugs.

L. Brown 21 years ago

Sue went in for her Tummy Tuck yesterday! Lets give her lots of hugs and support, she's gonna be so grateful to hear from you all. I'll post an update when I hear from her husband.

Joseph (Joe) S. 21 years, 7 months ago

Hey Sue!!! You are my Idol. I'm very happy for you and you should be VERY proud of yourself. I can't wait to see you (Mo too) - the only negative is there is just so much less of you to hug! Guess what? I've begun my journey - I meet with my surgeon on Jan 10th... I'll probably be pickin your brain some! Lookin forward to seein MUCH less of you real soon. Love Ya! Joe PS were tryin to see Bruce in Albay on Dec 13th

Janet C. 21 years, 11 months ago

Sue, Dr.Moreira gave my several printed papers with do's & don't, it said to drink V8 juice for your bowels. I have been drinking 2 cups per day & have had NO trouble at all. Hugs :)

L. Brown 22 years ago

I'd just like to thank everyone who responded to my request for information on pain meds. Sue was able to get what she needed and is now doing just fine. I saw her on Wednesday and she looked great and said she was feeling great. Beside the incision being sore, she said all is well. Again, thanks for coming to the rescue when she needed information. YOu are all great.
About Me
Wood-Ridge, NJ
Surgery Date
Mar 19, 2002
Member Since
