' 4 week' post op surgery appt

Apr 09, 2009

Today is 'doctor' day...2 appts...first to see Primary doc and then in the afternoon a trip to Richmond to see Dr Park for 4 week post op visit.  Monday is actually the true 4th week, but she does surgery on Mondays so not available for office visit.  Unfortunately, she got tied up with an unexpected surgery today so I met with Dr Im. I had met him during the Orientation meeting back in October 08 so felt perfectly fine seeing him today.  As I expected, he was just as supportative and took all the time I needed to answer my questions...never felt like it was an inconvenience for him to pick up the appt on his schedule.

Feeling a little 'down' as I had hoped to have more weight off my first month but it is what it is.  On the positive side I no longer suffer incontenence, snoring or heart burn...all gone because of the surgery.  These 3 things alone make the surgery all worth while LOL  It is still somewhat of a struggle to get the water increased to 64oz but Dr Im advised that getting the water increased would definitely help with the constipation I'm going thru.  When I asked about calories and grams of protein, I was again reminded that Kaiser Richmond does things so different from other facilities; not to worry about calories or amount of protein.  As long as I concentrate on making protein the main item of food, get all my vitamins in and drink the water, the weight will come off and I'll be healthy.  Must be doing something right...I've increased my walking from 1.2 miles a day to almost 3!  Just walking around the block use to be a major achievement LOL

Well, tomorrow is a new day....the routine begins anew....I have returned to work and it actuals adds more structure to my new routine.  Or maybe I'm just getting use to the changes I have to make for this new way of life ^_^  I wouldn't have it any other way!


About Me
Sacramento, CA
Surgery Date
Feb 11, 2009
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