I am one of those people who have been overweight forever.  I used to be my mom's dieting buddy, going on every diet imaginable.  We always lost weight, but I always managed to put it back on.  I was always being denied things the rest of my siblings were able to have, so once I was able to have them, I ate as much as I could since I never knew when the next time I would have it would be.  I am the youngest of 4 with my sister being only 16 months older than me.  She is 6 feet tall and has never been overweight a day in her life.  She was always calling me names and it was torture for me.  My brother's left me alone, thankfully.  As I became an adult, I sort of had a handle on my weight.  I would go to a diet center, lose the weight, put it back on, go to another diet center, etc., etc.  I managed to find someone who loved me for who I was (and I was on the smaller side at the time) and got married.  My weight continued to go up and down, having two kids didn't help either.  My husband LOVES to eat, so being around him didn't help either.  So my journey brings me here, to the place where I hope the madness ends and I can finally control my weight forever.  I am thankful to have been able to have the surgery.  If insurance hadn't paid, I would still be struggling.  I am on my way to being healthy and happy.

About Me
Surgery Date
May 29, 2007
Member Since

Friends 1
