Happy Holidays and New Years Resolutions....

Dec 24, 2012

 Happy Holidays to all of  you! 

I am sorry i have not written for awhile. I finally made it to the other side.  It was a rough ride at times but I truly am grateful for Dr. Leslie, the Abbott Northwestern Barriatric Clinic nurses and the ABNW Nurses, chaplain, PCA's, etc.   Because of their wonderful work ..........I am down 80 lbs since surgery on 10/15/2012.  I have factored in the 30 lbs's pre-op that i had to lose but i had actually gained about 7 pounds when i "weighed in" prior to going to the OR-in the pre-op area. 

I was the last case of the day on 10/15/2012  (my new birthday!) and went into the O.R. at approximately 4:30 pm and woke up in the recovery room at approx. 12:00 a.m.  I had to have an Open procedure and apparently my intestines had such horrible adhesions from prior abdominal surgeries that they were stuck together he said "like double sided tape" and they got very congested and swollen during the surgery.   So....they had to convert to the open procedure and placed a G-tube, etc.  They kept it in for approx. 6 weeks in case i would need to be fed through it due to an ileus/bowel obstruction or per Dr. Leslie... "if your bowels get sleepy and slow down". 

Pain was a very big issue for me post operatively...... I had a terrible time in the recovery room and God Bless those nurses who had to put up with me.   One of my medications i take daily almost work as an antagonist to the Dilaudid they were giving me through the IV.   I ended up getting a consult from a pain management MD and he was wonderful and is going to work to get that other medication weaned off of me and he handled all of the pain issues in the hospital for both admissions.   He was awesome!   I had to however be in the I.C.U for 3 days due to the high doses of narcotics (Dilaudid PCA, Dilaudid drip).   I am by training and certification an ICU nurse and never thought i would be in an ICU EVER!  Well..... i had my opportunity.   I had a wonderful nurse who helped me and really pushed me to get up and doing the walking and "coughing and deep breathing".    She walked with me to my new room when i left the ICU.   I discharged after 7 days in the ICU.    I was only planning on being on my leave for 2 weeks and ended up being off for almost two months.  I returned to work on Dec. 4, 2012.

I started having a  lot of drainage from the wound and bleeding and at my appt. with the surgeon he took about 8 staples out and put his hands/thumbs in the wound and MANUALLY opened it up to facilitate the drainage of the wound.   This was Tuesday and by Sunday  (November 4. 2012) i called him in the afternoon and told him i was having high fevers and increased drainage and he sent me to theER and told me i would probably need to go to the OR for a "wound wash-out".   I had the most wonderful looking ER MD named Dr. Johnson.  He was awesome and got me ready to go to the OR within approx. 2 hours.   I woke up with the whole wound completely opened and was so disappointed.  I knew that this probably meant: a lot of dressing changes, more time off work and pain and prolonged healing.     Well the following afternoon a wonderful "old school" wound nurse (i mean that with all due respect  and admiration and thanks to her).  She came in with a student nurse (from my same nursing school....and there was also one in the ER the night before from my same school--ironic) and they applied the wound vac.    She was so encouraging and got everything moving along.    I had a great nurse the day of my discharge on Wednesday who worked with a clinic nurse navigator/consultant who made tons of calls for me to facilitate the Wound Vac company getting the home vac shipped to the hospital that day and set up the home health nursing visits, etc.   I am so grateful to everyone who was so kind and supportive and went the extra mile for me.   There were some very rude nurses there too and i did my best to bite my tongue but i do know that i would never treat a pt. the way some of them did.   That is ok though now.   I am ok in my skin and did what i needed to do to stand up for myself and be my own advocate.   I also remember a mug with a cute saying my sister Paula was given one year at her Birthday and it said..."Don't let the Turkey's get you down".   Amen to that!

Amy was my Home Health nurse and God Bless her!   She was so fun and nice and i remember the first day she saw me.  I was of course reviewing the procedure the hospital nurse did, etc..... and she looked at me and said....."believe me Suzanne....you are in good hands....".     She assured me that the other pt.'s she worked with that had wound vac's healed fast and one of them had necrotizing fascitits on her arm and underarm that extended down further and it was so huge it took the whole sponge (approx. 8.5 x 11) placed in there and approx. 2 months later she just used a bandaid.  Well.... i have pretty much all healed up now and do the dressing changes on my own and the help of the ABNW Wound Clinic and last Friday they discontinued the wound vac.  I had one of these approx. 4 years ago and spent 3 months in a nursing home as i did not have the support like i do now and my body was not getting good protein. 

So.... i won't continue to bore you with my saga.   I am so grateful for the wonderful professionals and Dr. Leslie and the support of family and friends and God and my Angel--Dad looking out for me.  I could not have done it without all of you.

It is fun now gettting back in to the clothes (especially expensive jeans i "outgrew" and my mom encouraged me to save).  The one's i have on today are 3 or 4 sizes smaller than i was at the surgery date.  I feel taller and don't get short of breath and have back aches when walking Molly.   Some of my short term goals have been met and i have a different outlook on my life.   My dog even loves it when i am not stopping every so many feet to rest.   She just gets so excited and runs and wiggles her little butt and runs on the leash.  She likes a healthier, happier Mommy too!    These are all truly gifts......for which i need NO materialistic things this year. 

God Bless everyone this Holiday Season and enjoy your family and friends every day and live everyday to the fullest!!!!!  We  are all going to be together this Christmas Day at my Mom's house and it will be a sad day without Dad-I know he is here in Spirit though. 






"Season's change....color's are changing.... and I will be too"

Sep 26, 2012

Two weeks and counting......

The big day is fast approaching.   I find myself dreaming about this upcoming surgery and at times question myself if i am doing the right thing.  I always come back to the same  answer.    YES!!!!  I AM DOING THE RIGHT THING!!!! I am following my heart.   However at times i hear my Dad's voice in the back of my head playing devils advocate and saying " your mom and i will get you a membership at Weight Watchers or the gym, etc".  "You can do it without the surgery..... I will worry about you!".   My Dad is now watching over me and he is my Angel.  I am at peace with my decision the majority of the time.  The bummer of the thing is that we all know that Nurses are the worst patients and i am one of them.  I always think the worse since i am an ICU/Critical Care Nurse i have seen the complications from surgery (Not just WLS) but others and trauma, etc.   We tend to think the worst and prepare for the worst.   That can be detrimental to your peace and sanity!   I have to continue to say the tried and true Serenity Prayer multiple times throughout the day! 

 "Susie Nurse"

My cousin Kim is doing well from her Gastric Sleeve surgery.   She is almost one month post op and it just seemed like yesterday i was talking to her and she was just one day post op.    She got me started on the Body Fortress Whey Protein shakes!   I love the Vanilla..... it is going to be a good downfall, if you will for me!  It reminds me of a Vanilla Shake at McDonald's (which i love)....especially when you add it ice.     I make them up in the morning and have one for breakfast and then my mom puts another one in a thermos of my Dad's and it keeps it ice cold until later in the day when i have it for lunch or late afternoon snack.   Great way to keep up the protein. 

I am getting things ready for the big day.   Getting the post operative diet "supplies" as Dr. Leslie's patients are on the liquids and progress to the soft diet and are on that for two months.  I am sure i will be OK with this as i went through the same thing when i had my Nissen Fundoplication done in 2001 and revised in 2002 after a car accident tore it open.  So my stomach is wrapped surgically around my esophagus  (similar to banding).  Dr. Leslie will have to take that all down and then proceed with the RNY surgery.  He told me that i need to be the last case of the day and it will take much longer but we are hoping to still do it laparoscopically. 

I am hoping to find an Angel (here on earth) to help guide me during the surgery process and post-operatively.   Any volunteers??   I would love to connect more out in the community with different support groups but the ones locally are geared to DS and not RNY.   Maybe it doesn't matter but my work schedule does not allow me to attend the one at the hospital Tues. in the evening since i get done with work at 8 pm.    Does anyone know of any other ones in the Mpls.-St. Paul area? 

Well, Better get back to work!
Have a great day!  This weather is so beautiful.  I love fall with all of the changing colors.   I will be changing this year right along with the colors. 


Hallelujah!!!! Surgery date has been announced! Amen.

Aug 30, 2012

I got a call from Christa at Dr. Leslie's office today while i was on a break at work and she told me that i was APPROVED for surgery.   She wanted to schedule the surgery today with me!   I had talked to her last week and she was getting ready to submit to the insurance company (Preferred One) and i had met with Dr. Leslie on Tuesday and i had lost 19 pounds since the last visit with the dietician approx. 2 months ago.  I was so excited when i saw those numbers on the scale!  I have 8 LB's left to go!!!!!!!!  I could jump for joy!!  She got the approval within one day!  I had read on other people's posts how hard it could be and it was so easy.  Well.... i also did not rush it either and took the time with Dad and had each and everything done in due time. 
I have my sweet angel Dad watching over me and keeping me safe. 

My cousin Kim  had her RNY last Wed. and she is doing great!  I have more support from my family!  I was talking with her sister's and parent's about the surgery at a family funeral last Thursday and i am excited to have so many  people cheering for me and Kim!

So happy to have my friend Jenna and some other people who crossed over to the "other side" of the weight loss bridge, if you will!  I am encouraged but am very cautious to know that this is not a cake-walk but a "walk away from the cake".....lol j/k!

I will write more later but if anyone reads this i can use any feedback, encouragement, etc.   Being a nurse i am so nervous of possible complications and want to be realistic but also positive.  Also....any hints on getting the last 8-10 lbs off????

Have a safe labor Day!!!!

My date is OCTOBER 15, 2012!!!!

Update to my journey!

Aug 03, 2012

Good morning everyone!   It has been awhile since i posted on here.  I have been pretty busy with things lately.  I am so sad to report that i lost my favorite guy in the world on April 12, 2012.  My dad died on this date- it was a beautfiul experience with Hospice and being there with my Dad, mom and sisters and family was a wonderful experience.    I was actually the one who gave part of the eulogy at his funeral.   I was just thinking the other day that i still can't believe i did that ......and that he is gone.   I miss him so very much.  He was getting so weak in the last few days and couple weeks of his life.  I am so glad that that on Easter (just a few days before he died) he spent the day with the whole family and he and mom shared their 45 th wedding anniversary that day and it was my mom's birthday (yes...she got married on her birthday).    We were all at Bucca on this day and i looked at my dad and i started crying and he looked at me and gave me the "two thumbs up sign and whispered it will be ok".    I think about that day a lot and know that he is in a better place but it still makes me sad.  He was such a wonderful and caring guy.   He would give the shirt off of his back for someone.  

Dad did not want me to have the surgery and i hope that he is going to watch over me while i go down the road of weight loss surgery.   He was always "worried about me" and his other girls (my mom and 3 sisters)! 

Regarding my surgery preparation..... I had hit a few roadblocks as i had mentioned earlier....i ended up hospitalized twice with cellulitis in the lower legs and had to be put on bedrest with my feet up on a Lasix drip and catheter to get rid of the fluid (i know....TMI but just one of the side effects of obesity!), i also had some blood pressure issues and with my dad dying my PCP wanted me to wait a little bit to actively pursue it.   I have completed all of the required testing, lab work, psychological testing and have the follow up with the psychologist next week to see if i passed the tests and then schedule with Dr. Leslie one last time and submit to the insurance.   I am keeping my fingers crossed!    Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers!    I want to join all of you on the other side! 

Have a great weekend!  Please send any tips or ideas my way if you will on losing the last few pounds i have to before i can schedule my surgery.



Happy Valentines Day!!!!

Feb 14, 2012

I hope everyone has a wonderful Valentines Day!  Even though i am single and not involved with anyone at this time it is fun to see people in love and enjoying this special day.  I am enjoying it at work seeing the pretty colors of red, pinks in my co-workers clothing and candy hearts and chocolates on their desks!   I know that i am at a good place in my life and have accepted that when the right guy comes along i will be in the best space I can be!  I have also gone by the motto...."good things come to those who wait".....   Who knows......we will see.....!!  :)

I went to the Dietitian last Friday on 02/03/2012 and i was so shocked to step on the scale and that i had lost 14 pounds since my visit with Dr. Leslie on 01/24/2012 which was approx. 12 days prior.   I really enjoyed my meeting with Liz (Dietitian) and she confirmed with me that my diet plan was good and that i had made some good changes recently.  We ended up meeting for over an hour and i was very satisfied with the amount of pre-op support they offer and the post-op care available there regarding my dietary needs, etc.

I have scheduled my second of three sessions with her for next month following an UGI to see how my Nissen is looking because Dr. Leslie explained to me that he is going to try and "take it down" and wants to make sure it is functioning currently in good order.    My next things to do after this is to meet with the Psychologist and the 2 remaining dietitian appt's, finish my lab work and meet with Dr. Leslie again before surgery which is tentatively scheduled for April-May of this year and ........again....

Happy Valentine's Day to all of you!!


"If at first you don't suceed, try, try again......."

Feb 08, 2012

I had a great appointment to report with my new surgeon Dr. Leslie who is affiliated with Abbott Northwestern Hospital and the University of Minnesota.   I had a meeting with him that lasted approximately 45 minutes and we just sat and talked during the course of the visit and reviewed my history (no gowns, paper sheets, etc).  I was wanting to lose some weight before surgery and he decided on 30 pounds so that way my liver fat would possibly be reduced and it would be easier to manipulate the instruments during the laparoscopic surgery and he wants me to be the last case of the day so he can take the extra time needed with my surgery.  I think that was great.  I really liked him and his "hands-on" and caring approach.  I am scheduled with the nutritionist on Friday 02/10/2012 and will have two additional meetings with her before surgery that is tentatively scheduled for April/May 2012.  I still have to pass the psychologist appt, nutritionist appts x 3 and the weight loss.   Here i go........I have already lost about 7 pounds since i have been sick with pneumonia this last two weeks and have been on antibiotics and just have not felt great.  I have also been doing a lot of research on the pre-op diet for GBS so i can be somewhat informed as to what to expect on the diet. 

My dad is doing so much better and is undergoing a rigorous chemotherapy regimen which they did not think his body would tolerate very well but much to my surprise....WELL i guess not too much of a surprise since he has been in and out of remission mulitiple times and he is such a positive and strong person and the love and support from my wonderful mother (his wife) and my 3 sisters he is fighting the BIG "C" (cancer--mantle cell lymphoma). 

Well.....that is all for today and i will keep all of you in my thoughts and prayers as you embark on this weight loss journey with me!!!!


Frustration or New Beginnings????

Jan 21, 2012

It has taken me a little while to compose myself to write again on the website.    I was just reading my most recent post and was very positive as to how the first part of my evaluation went.   I guess i was the fool!..........????  I went about my day but was dumbfounded when i went to the next appointment at the clinic on Tuesday December 26, 2011 and needless to say that i had taken a PTO day and all right before Christmas for my final evaluation day in the process before scheduling the surgery.   Well...... here is what happened and I want this to be out there since my experience was a  very upsetting event and want people to know what may happen when they continue to work with the Barriatric Program at Methodist Hospital in St. Louis Park, MN.     So.... I show up and i thought something was strange when i did not get a reminder call of my appointment and arrived early and to my surprise they DID NOT HAVE ME ON THE SCHEDULE!  They were nervously typing away and said my appointments had been cancelled internally the Thursday before but the Clinic Manager Teri was TOO BUSY TO CALL ME BECAUSE SHE WAS BUSY WITH ANOTHER PROJECT.     Needless to say i held my composure and was shuddled into a little office about a half hour later and a representative (not sure of her title) came and said that they cancelled my appointments all together.   Apparently my CASE went before their committee (interdisciplinary) and they found that i was not a good candidate.  That i "looked good in person" but "not very good on paper"!  What does that mean i  will never know.   I then had a brief little meeting with the Barriatric MD (not a surgeon) who saw me during the first meeting and she went over my lab work and had a brief review of them but did not have any reason for why they denied me.  No one seems to know and no one will bother to tell me.....  Teri--the nurse manager is actually a friend of my sister's and i would have thought better of her and such a well respected program to let me know  in advance.  But i guess not..... I have left multiple messages for her and no response.   And.... to review.....the only response was that i could contact other programs or try again later with them.   The answer is a big NO.   I have a lot of experience in Health care management as a nurse/health care provider and i would never treated someone like they have treated me.  Very unprofessional. 

I am also very limited in my PTO days.   My father's cancer came back with a fury this same week that this happened.....right before Christmas.  He has been in and out of the hospital and we are praying for him and "storming the heavens" for his recovery and peace.   Today is a good day for him.  He just got out of the hospital and is at home with mom and my sisters today while i work.   He does not want me to have GBS and wants to pay for me to do Weight Watchers again.  I have had good results with WW in the past and will entertain the thought of doing it again.   It is good plan for me and has been effective for so many people in the past.   I have been spending a lot of my time with him in the hospital and helping out at home with Mom.   This was a day that i could have used the PTO at a later date if they would have the decency to let me know in advance.

I have now turned this frustration over and have an upcoming appointment with a very well respected barriatric surgeon and program.   My appointment is  next week Tuesday.   I will keep you posted and thanks for letting me vent.

One thing for sure.....this did not and will not effect my sobriety and/or my serenity.  Peace
1 comment

Day One of the Evaluation Process

Dec 06, 2011

Hello everyone!
I wanted to leave a quick post and just recap how my day went last Friday December 2, 2011.    I had a very full day as most of you have probably experienced.  I had just recently sent in my paperwork after attending the required informational session at the Park Nicollett Barriatric Program and got a call from the wonderful insurance/scheduling girl Allie (spelling?) on Tuesday stating "we are ready to set you up with the evaluation process".  Needless to say that i am was so excited to start the process.  I am not sure what took me so long to write the required letter and gather all of the paperwork, etc.   I really just wanted to be ready.   I guess it is the perfectionist in me!  lol !!  She scheduled the 1st half of the eval for last Friday (Dec.2) and i was there from 9 am to 3:00 pm.  I met with the nurse, the psychologist, did the MMPI, had ALL of the labs done and met with the Barriatric MD and had my physical and session with her.  VERY COMREHENSIVE!!!!   I feel really great about this and have SOOOO Much support --i am really excited.  They sent me home with a sleep study apnea monitor and a big binder of information the BIBLE they refer to it as, and I have the last half of the eval scheduled for 12/20/2011 (the physical therapist, the Dietician, the Psychologist and the surgeon--i believe).   Then.... when my Preferred One is effective come 01/01/2012 they can submit it to my new insurance for approval.  Please keep your fingers and toes crossed!

I had another big breakthrough this weekend.   I have had a mountain of debt in the past and am almost embarrassed to admit that i am doing this but am filing chapter 7 bankruptcy.  It is the right thing to do and Dad came with me to get the ball rolling.  The attorney is awesome and explained everything to me and will walk me through the whole process.    This will also help "lighten my load" of things on my shoulders.

Shelly (my 3rd sister) and I had a really nice time together this weekend at our family annual Christmas party.   I really needed and loved the time together with her.  She has been so supportive of me many years ago and lost trust in me over the years and I think as the time goes on she sees that i am doing welll with my sobriety and that i am making some honest serious strides in changing my life.  I love her and want her back in my life.  She was very excited about my decision to embark in gastric bypass surgery.   Even my niece Kayla (her daughter who is 16) was told and she seemed supportive to me.  Thank God for their support.   My other sisters (Julie--most especially) and Paula and Mom and Dad have also been wonderful ROCKS for me in my recovery and as i journey down the WLS path!

Today is a good day to be alive--even though it is really cold here in Minnesota......I have so much to be grateful for today! 

Will write more later! 

Modern Changing Retro Woman

Nov 08, 2011

I saw this on someone's website recently and I loved this.   I really think that I would have been happy living in a retro time period and am often fascinated with hearing stories, seeing pictures about my mom and dad and "living in their time period"!  I know that this sounds funny but i really embraced a more "laid back lifestyle", etc.  I may be totally wrong but hey.... maybe things would have been different with me.  Maybe less anxiety, depression, etc.    I am not sure but just would enjoy a "day in their life growing up, etc".   So i guess this saying really applies that " i am a modern retro woman!".  I am looking forward to the future changes that i am embarking on!
