Hi Everyone-

My name is Kim and I guess I am supposed to share my crazy weight stuggle story here. Soooo- here goes . .Let's see- my story is probably stranager than most. I have been overweight since the time I was in the 5th grade.

I am a very picky eater (always have been) and during my childhood years I would ofen refuse to eat school lunches. I went to Catholic School- so I was not allowed to bring my lunch and this marked the beginning of my destrying my metabolism.

You see- because I could not bring my lunch to school, I would often go the entire day without eating breakfast or lunch. Often times, by the time I would make it home in the evenings- I would be starving and would eat everything in sight. At first- it was okay- as I was a kid and would burn everything off until grade 5.

In 5th grade I remember going to my family physician for an annual check-up and having gained some 60lbs from the year before. How devestating is that to a pre-teen who is incredibly self conscious about her body???

After that- this cycle pretty much continued until I went to college. Once I made it to college, I worked full time and went to school full time as well. This in turn- led to the beginning of another pattern for me- that included me not eatting enough. So often I would skip meals as my school and work schedules kept me extremely busy. From over-eatting to under-eatting and still gainning weight.

My second year in college was when I had my first serious attempt at weight loss. At that time- my highest documented weight was 267lbs. I then found the program WW- in which they helped me to lose some 47lbs or so. WW was a great program in the beginning for me as I found it relatively easy to follow. But then- I got bored and sloppy with the program and gained 20lbs of my weight back. I have yo-yo'd with WW for some 9 years now- and unfortunately- because I have so much weight to lose- it just wasn't a long term weight loss option for me. (I do have nothing but love for WW though- as I belive they are a great program for the less severly overweight).

I also tried the LA-Weightloss system that yeilded similar results for me that WW did. Unfortunately- because I have such picky eatting habits- this program was not a long term option for me either. As a matter of fact, there are many weight loss programs that I could not try- because of my extremely picky eatting habits. (Yes- I eat no veg; no red-meat; no pizza; no seafood. I live my life off of turkey and chicken- but that is another story).

So now I find myself here. My current height is 5'5"; I weigh 247lbs; and I have decided that perhaps WLS is my only realistic option at substantial weightloss. I am fortunate not to have any major medical problems at this time, but my family history is inundated with high cholesterol, high blood pressure; diabetes; and stroke. After 2 very trying years and some major loss in my life- I figured you only live once- and I want to live the happiest and healthiest life I can.

On October 27, 2008- I have my surgery scheduled with Dr. Drake Bellanger, M.D. in Louisiana. I have choosen to have the vertical sleeve gastrectomy procedure. I will admit that I am obessed with my scale and my first goal is to see that needle drop below 200lbs. I will consider this to be my first win.

So there it is. . . my story. . .so far. I cannot wait to close the chapters of yo-yo's, roller-coasters, depression, and frustration and write the new chapters of achievements, goals, dream accomplishment, and hope. Stay tuned. . . this is only the beginning.

About Me
Surgery Date
Oct 11, 2008
Member Since

Friends 5

Latest Blog 2
Sooo. . . much harder than I anticipated. . .
Chapter 1: Houston. . .you are clear for take off. . .
