Hi my name is Seria Winkey and I have been battling with my weight for as long as I can remember I've never been obese growing up, but I definitely had my troubles with my weight going up and down. My problems started since i had my first child in 2009, at the time i thought you could eat whatever you wanted, and your weight would drop after having the baby. I gained 30 pounds during my pregnancy at the time i weighed 200 and i put on another 20 pounds while at home. I tried to diet and get in shape but it would only last for 4 days or 2 weeks, after going no where i started to lose my motivation and began to go back to being an emotional eater. Over the months i would gain more weight my final was 290. At the time i was so embarrassed to go any type of event. Over the time i kept the same weight and my mother introduce me to having gastric by bypass surgery.

About Me
May 30, 2012
Member Since

Friends 2
