Moma V. 21 years, 8 months ago

Hi Kathleen, to put an image by your post you use this HTML command, replace the stars with <'s to enclose it all. *IMG SRC="the http address here"* I hope this comes through :) Well doody it didn't work ok try again replace the 8 with the arrows enclosing it, and remove the space too after the 8. 8 img src="the http address goes here" 8

Dodistew 21 years, 8 months ago

Hi Kathleen,Thanks so much for the well wishes you left for me.I hope that you get a date soon,as I know the waiting for one can just about drive you nuts!Dont worry,After you have your surgery you will probably be able to run circles around your 4 year old,all of the excess bagage that comes with being obese will go out the window and a new door will open up to a beautiful new healthy and fulfilling life.I pray that all your dreams come true.Take care and god bless you.***Hugs***(:

gale C. 21 years, 8 months ago

ksthleen- thank you for the kind words--i have surgery on tuesday and i have been on the rollercoaster of emotions the past few days. i am very excited!! = ) this evening i am trying to relax and reading all the encourgement is giving me a sense of being calm!! i will keep ya posted on the days to follow. this time of waiting has gone soooo fast, i really cant believe that it is here. i read all of you "pro's" for the surgery and let me tell ya, i can agree with 99% of them. you are not alone in this, whenever you need to chat, just drop me a line!! again thank you, hugz, gale
About Me, OR
Surgery Date
Aug 23, 2002
Member Since

Friends 1
