18 Months

Aug 19, 2008

It's been 18 months. I can't believe I am still not at my goal weight. I would have never imagined losing 72 pounds after having WLS would be so darn hard!  I haven't been lifting weights for six weeks now since my lap band replacement.  I get to go back to that next week. I have been running 3 times a week and have logged 82 miles on my nike plus. I have a 54:00 10k, which is pretty good!  I took my measurements today, I compared them to the ones I took back in April. I have lost about an inch all over. I figured it would be more but like this whole process it is super SLOW!  15 more pounds to go!

Weight: 150, Body Fat % 32.5 Water 49.2% BMI 25.2

Hopefully the fill I just got will help.

17 Months

Jul 15, 2008

It's 17 months....Today. I'm not sure if I should change my wieigh in date to my new bandanaverery July 3rd or not. I have been on liquids and pureed foods. I actually went down to 149 on the scale once..I was really Happy about that. I think I was losing a pound a day on clear liquids. I ended up eating pureed foods and the scale creeped back up..bummer!  My follow up appointment isn't until the 23rd. I hope I can resume exercising. I did go to the gym last week and did the eliptical & bike but the next day I felt like I over did it. So I am trying to rest and heal. I don't want another hernia!  I hope I can still run 5k without stopping in a few weeks.

Weight: 151.8, BMI 25.5, 35.3% Body Fat, 47.2 Water, Down 7 pounds since revision surgery. 57.4 total.

Emergency Band Removal and New Band

Jul 05, 2008

July 3rd I developed severe chest and shoulder pain went back to see the doc to repeat the barium swallow. My band had to be removed ASAP.  My doc was able to replace it with the new AP band and place a low profile port. He also discovered a large hiatal hernia and repaired that as well. I am back on clear liquids, no fill and no exercise for at least 10 days. I hate the fact my exercise has to be put on hold because I am one of those people who either go everyday or not at all!  Hopefully this new band will help me get the last 20 pounds off and it will work like it is supposed to.

Slipped Band/Unfill..awaiting removal in 6 weeks

Jul 02, 2008

Got the news today, I must say I handled it very well. not even a single tear. I think because I have been so frustrated the last 17 months, I know I have been doing everything right and it just wasn't working. I have 6 weeks to raise the deductable to have this band removed. I have know idea how I am going to handle that. My doctor said Medicare would cover a revision to the new AP band since this was a complication BUT...that also depends on what he finds when he goes in and the scar tissue issue will probbaly be worse than it was during the initial surgery. So who knows if I can even get that done. I guess raising the money for the deductible is a what I need to worry about now. Someone asked me all the details of my symptoms and stuff so I posted. I am going to copy it here to save time, I am sure it will come up again.
I have to say from the beginning my experience wasn't the same as most of my lapband friends. I have been a very slow loser, hungry most of the time and forcing myself to diet.  I exercise and diet like crazy and I still wasn't getting any results and not feeling much of a tool at all. I don't have any problems eating any foods. I haven't felt too tight, everything goes down fine. In the beginning I had a few PB's (I think I didn't take small enough bites) and I was always cautioned that a sign of being too tight was a preference toward liquids and soft foods, (That was never an issue for me, steak and chicken go down with no problems) So I continued to get fills thinking "Maybe I am not tight enough, because I hungry an hour or two after eating a good size bander meal.  I would have to say at one point after a fill, I noticed that I would no longer PB if I ate too fast or didn't chew well, I would get the stuck feeling and then eventually burp (not productive) and then I felt fine again.  I had frequent burping and some reflux. This prompted me to go to the doctor about 6 months ago, a barium swallow indicated a minor pouch enlargement. I was unfilled and my stomach rested several weeks and then refilled again. I started to get filled back up again gradually and  tolerated all foods. I wasn't having any more problems until 2 weeks after my last fill, I had a sudden tightness, pain under my left ribcage and reflux. I thought this may be due to TOM since it had been 2 weeks since my last fill. I have been extra careful about portion sizes because the pouch enlargement six months before scared the crap out of me. Anyway, I had two nights in a row where I woke up in the middle of the night choking and spewing fluid (water, not acid) I was concerned but I thought maybe I ate/drank to soon before bed so I watched that closely for a week or so. It got better but the burping (not productive) came back. I would wake up in the middle of the night and just feel like I had to burp. I went in today, had an upped Gi and my doc came down to watch the procedure. He saw the slip before I even drank the barium. He said it was bad, removed all the fluid and doubtful it would correct itself.  Even up until today I have been able to tolerate all foods and haven't felt too tight. If I could share something to help someone else I would say: 1. just because you can tolerate solids and your not opting for a soft diet doesn't mean your not too tight. 2. Get fills under flouro (mine were not) 3.  burping alot (not pb) is the one symptom that sticks out looking back besides the reflux.

16 Months

Jun 16, 2008

16 months out..the scale is still wobbling between 158-162.  I finished my Couch Potato to 5k program. That felt really good. I can now run (more like jog) 3 miles without stopping. This is a pretty big accomplishment for me since I haven't been able to run a single lap since elementary school! I wouldn't say I was one of those "I can't wait to get up and run" people...lol!  In fact the last 5 minutes of my run I feel like I am going to die. I do really feel great when I finish though. I feel like OMG..I did it! Now I have the 5k down, I hope to improve my speed. I do about average 10:30 min so I hope to get that down to 8 soon. My shin splints are KILLING me, so I better take it easy before I end up side lined.  As for the weight loss...maybe one day I can have that OMG...I did it feeling!  24 more pounds to go until I hit goal. 

Weight: 159, 36.8% body fat, 46.1% water, 26.8 BMI.  Monthly loss: 2 pounds   Total Loss: 50.2 pounds.

15 Months

May 15, 2008

I added a day to my work out a month ago and lowered my calories. I also startd the cool runnings 8 week running program. (Currently on week 4)  My weight hasn't changed. My measurement hasn''t changed, my clothing size hasn't changed. At this point...I honestly feel like why the hell bother!

Currently: weight 161.00, BMI 27.1, 37.7% body fat, 45.4% water.

14 Months

Apr 15, 2008

I am suprised to report that I have had great restricition this month, better than I have ever had and I have been able to tolerate all foods in moderation. I added an additional day to my work-out (totally didn't want to!) and I have really watched my portion sizes. 
So are you ready for my amazing numbers?
I DID NOT LOSE ONE SINGLE FREAKING POUND! GRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
At one point (April 2nd..I was down to 159.8 pounds which put me at .2 pounds away from the 50 pound mark  (Thought I would be there 7 months after surgery) Anyway, I even updated my ticker to reflect a 50 pound loss. (how hard can it be to lose .2 pounds in 13 days (my official weigh in day is the 15th) As of today I am back at 161.00 pounds so I still haven't lost 50 pounds 14 months later. I met with a trainer friday, afterwards I sat in my car and cried. I worked extra hard this month and the trainer basically told me I was doing everything wrong. So I felt like what a waste of time & effort. I had a little pitty party though..I handled things the way I always have..I pigged out and I had two HUGE Margaritas and at least a 3000 calorie day. I got back on track and went to the doctor yesterday (the 14th) and my doc asked me if I thought I needed a fill since I gained a pound since my last visit. I said no. My restriction is fine and if I get another fill the reflux may get worse. So he proceeded to tell me ....I must be sabatouging my weightloss progress. (Technically my binge...but seriously that was one day out of 30 days) Granted (2 days before my weigh in didn't help) but I was so pissed when I left his office I skipped the gym and had a 3 musketeers bar. (WHY? .....comfort?) I feel like I should take up smoking or drinking or something at this rate. I am back on track today, I took my measurements and compared then to January's....(4 MONTHS AGO!) Some were the same, some were down a half inch or an inch...not alot of progress considering I have increased my weightlifting ALOT! I don't understand what is happening. I really  don't get it and I feel so depressed and down about it. Here are the numbers officially.
weight: 161, BMI 27.1, Body Fat 35.2% Water 47.3% April
weight: 161.8, Body fat 37.3%, water 45.7% BMI 27.2 March

As I type this I am watching the Biggest Loser Season Finale .  GEEZ..these people lost more weight than me in 16 weeks....I have been trying 14 months!  
I guess I will stop complaining..hopefully between now and May 15 I can lose 3 freaking pounds so I can get to -50. (Iv'e only been stuck in the 160's for SEVEN months. Wish me luck. Better yet..Pray for me. I need it!

13 Months

Mar 15, 2008

Today is the 13 month mark. I am down another whole pound. Here are the numbers:
weight: 161.8, Body fat 37.3%, water 45.7% BMI 27.2

So I am down a pound from last month. I got a fill last week. I can tolerate all foods but the reflux is back. It is very slight but I think I am going to have to get .3 removed. I didn't have the reflux before the fill but I didn't have restriction either. Now I have restriction and a tiny bit of reflux. It isn't like I am coughing up acid or anything it is an annoying burning or lump in my throat. Anyway, as far as the weight loss it didn't make much of a difference so I better not take my chances with the reflux.

I can tell my whole body is tightening up. I really can't see on the scale but I actually see it in the mirror. I have way less jiggle, my skin is looking much tighter (except the wrinkles in the inner thigh and upper arm) my stomach is really showing a dramatic difference. I FEEL SKINNIER. I think I am looking pretty good right now. I changed my work out and I have reduced my cardio and increased my weight training. I can see the results. I am going to work harder then ever this spring so I can look good in my bathing suit this summer. I may have only lost a pound but it is important to me that I SEE a difference, finally it is nice to report a positive change. This week is Spring Break so I should be updating my photos soon.


Feb 15, 2008

It has been a year.. I seem to be obsessed with numbers so here they are:
2/15/07 :
Pre-op: 209.2, 50.3% Body Fat, 39% water ,BMI 35
2/15/08 : Weight: 162.8  38% Body Fat, 41% water, BMI 27.4

Down 46.4 pounds and 12.3% body fat.  I went from size 16 jeans to size 6 (vanity sized I am sure) but they are baggy in the butt so I bought size 4 today. I went from a size xl or 16/18w shirt to a size large blouse. 

I have been pretty down on myself and the band because I am only down 46 pounds and I really thought for sure I would be down 72 pounds and at my goal of 135 at a year out. Obviosly that isn't going to happen. I am off all insulin and I feel much better. I hope I can reach down deep this next year and either face the fact I wasn't meant to be 135 pounds or get there!
27.8 pounds more to go.... thats about 2.3 pounds per month over the next 12 months...that might be pushing it since I only seem to lose a pound or two a MONTH!

Jan08 to Feb 08..down .6 pounds

11 Months

Jan 15, 2008

It has been 11 months today.  After my unfill last month I went about 5 days without eating anything determined I wasn't going to gain any weight back. That lasted until Christmas Eve and Christmas day when I ran out of willpower. I ate more than I normally would have but I really tried to watch my diet. I didn't skip any workout over the holidays and for the most part I dieted the entire time. I ended up get a fill 2 weeks after the unfill to 2.8cc. I am always hungry is is clearly not enough restriction but I have been trying to eat salads and veggies that I was having trouble eating with more restriction. I was up almost 2 pounds when I got the fill. My doc said he would give me another fill on Jan 30th but it would have to be a small one. His records indicated I was at 3.4 when my pouch dilated. I thought my band was at 3.8 or 4cc when I had the problem. Anyway, he doesn't want it to happen again so he said he wont be putting 3.4 in again. It really doesn't matter anyway, I was losing 1-2 pounds per MONTH with a full band and even this month with my band unfilled for 2 weeks and practically starving myself a week, I only lost a pound and some change..so what is the point? This band isn't working and I am trying to see about getting a loan on my house to self pay VSG. I have an appointment with another surgeon this month and hopefully the scar tissue won't be an issue.

This months numbers: weight: 163.4, Body fat % 38.1%, BMI 27.5, water 45.1%. Total monthly loss: 1.6 pounds.

About Me
Spring, TX
Surgery Date
Jan 31, 2007
Member Since

Friends 69

Latest Blog 21
18 Months
17 Months
Emergency Band Removal and New Band
Slipped Band/Unfill..awaiting removal in 6 weeks
16 Months
15 Months
14 Months
13 Months
11 Months
