takingcontrolguy posted a discussion topic 9 years, 6 months ago
1 Year Ago Today! - I've been waiting all year to celebrate my 1 year "surgiversary" as some on this site refer to it. Well i am happy to report that in spite of the miserable first few weeks i can sa...

takingcontrolguy posted a discussion topic 9 years, 7 months ago
Ulcer free! - After the serious bleeding ulcer complication which left me passed out in my hotel room on a business trip in July, it was nice to have the follow up scope today to learn it has co...

takingcontrolguy posted a discussion topic 9 years, 11 months ago
First complication 8 mos out - emergency hospitali - Well, Up until now I have been one of those complication free, do anything, eat anything, lose weight lucky ones.  I was on business travel last week and didn't feel very well in m...

takingcontrolguy posted a discussion topic 10 years ago
6 Month Surgiversary - Past goal - 100% Excess Wei - Highest weight ever = 256 lbs. in October of 2011, height 5' 7". Severe sleep apnea, cholesterol at 250, triglycerides at 900. I started most recent yo-yo diet struggle in April 20...

takingcontrolguy posted a discussion topic 10 years ago
So thankful for that afternoon coffee!!! - Before my surgery I took my enjoyment of coffee for granted - now it's part of my afternoon routine and one skinny vanilla latte or even just a regular coffee with splenda and crea...

takingcontrolguy posted a discussion topic 10 years, 1 month ago
OK - I want the weight loss to stop now! - My goal was 155-160 - I've been in the 147-149 range last two weeks - I want to stop losing, find some balance.  At the same time I am very, very, very afraid to start eating more....

takingcontrolguy posted a discussion topic 10 years, 1 month ago
prednisone effects for us RNYers? sudden hearing l - I've had a complete sudden loss of hearing in my right ear, been tested and the ENT has prescribed a 14 day prednisone treatment to stop the constant pressure and ringing and hopef...

takingcontrolguy posted a discussion topic 10 years, 5 months ago
Old habits die hard! LOL! - So my very first restaurant breakfast on the road.  I took such careful measures to order a healthy omelet, planned my time to eat slowly. I spent 20 minutes at a brisk walk on ...

takingcontrolguy posted a discussion topic 10 years, 5 months ago
5 weeks out - travel challenge - I travel for a living and I knew this day would come after 5 weeks grounded since surgery.  Traveled Dulles to Las Vegas via Chicago (ORD). Day one was OK - passed on all airpla...

takingcontrolguy posted a discussion topic 10 years, 5 months ago
12 days post-op! Better daily but sooo weak - Everything is going well after RNY10.  Following DR instructions to the letter! So glad the gas pain seems to be over.  I went out with my wife today for about 2 hours Christmas...

takingcontrolguy posted a discussion topic 10 years, 6 months ago
Home just 2 hours now - not feelin so well - Had an RNY on Tuesday. Three nights in the hospital because my vitals didn't want to stabilize so well.  The numbers all looking better but I feel like hell. This was my first e...

takingcontrolguy posted a discussion topic 10 years, 6 months ago
Dec 10 Surgery - So ready - Day 1 of the liquid diet pre-surgery just about over!  Looking forward to this online support!

takingcontrolguy posted a discussion topic 10 years, 6 months ago
Surgery scheduled Dec 10 - Day 1 of the three day clear liquid diet before RNY surgery Tuesday morning.  Today is the day I take back the power I have given to food and to my own unhealthy eating habits. ...
About Me
San Diego, CA
Surgery Date
Dec 07, 2013
Member Since
