Jun 13, 2010

Since surgery I have had a lot of unrelated stressors including my Grandfather dying, not being in the comforts of my own home due to lots of travel for work, being given a promotion at work with lots of responsibilty and high standards, working between 60-80 hours a week to clean up the mess that I took over, relocating to a new state for work and much more. 

The past couple of days I have had trouble not only keeping my food down but also severe diarrhea, nausea and cramping which sometimes makes me double over with pain.  Once the diarrhea eventually exits I feel fine, but the couple hours preceeding it is miserable.  Even though I suffered with IBS before, the past few days I'm not even able to control it with Immodium. 

I'm wondering if all this is just stress and if so, how can I control it better?  Should I go back to strickly protein shakes for a while?

Have any of you experienced negative symptoms from high stress post surgery?   In addition to that I have not lost any weight in about a month.  I appreciate any help or advice you can offer, thanks a million!  Tammi.

No bones about it!

May 11, 2010

I was washing my face in the shower this morning and felt my bones!  Cheek bones, jaw bones, AWESOME!!!!!!!!


May 11, 2010

This process never ceases to amaze me!  I surprise myself daily at things that come out of my mouth, little pieces of confidence starting to come out.  I am already holding my head high and even catch myself laughing for no reason!  Today I was given an incredible promotion which includes moving to another state.  I would never have even tried for something like this a year ago.  I am so grateful and feel unstoppable.  Thank you God! 

Anyone nautious?

May 10, 2010

Hey ya'll, I finally called my doc today and told them how sick to my stomach I've been for the last two weeks.  It has been pretty frusterating as I feel great except for every time I even think about eating...then I want to vomit.  The nurse made an appointment for me for Wednesday and said it sounded like my, I'd love to hear from anyone who has experience with this!  Thank you! 

The beginning

May 09, 2010

The beginning of my life started 2/22/10.  I am down 45 lbs after undergoing the gastric sleeve via the impressive Dr. David Kim.  Even only after two and a half months after surgery I am still amazed as I never thought I would be able to feel like this again.  I had given in to the fact that I would be fat and feel worthless for the rest of my life.  Man, was I wrong!  My heaviest was 260 and as of yesterday I weighed in at 216.  Life is good. 

I would like to pose a question however...lately I've been very nauseous.  I know I need to keep up with my protein and watch that very closely, but I'm still sick to my stomach, even before eatting.  Any ideas to share? 

Thanks friends!  Tam.

About Me
Albuquerque, NM
Apr 22, 2010
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