Well my name is Tara, I am a 29yr old stay at home mom of 2 kids.  My oldest just started school for the first time this year, so that is a big change for me and her, but we are both enjoying that journey.  My other one just turned 4yrs Oct 5, he is missing having his play partner but liking having more attention now that she is gone.  I am also a proud military wife, married 6yrs to my combat medic with the army, we are stationed presently at Fort Sill, OK.

     My story is that I have always been somewhat obese, and now am deciding to fix it for good.  When I was younger (10yrs +), my mom used to say that I was getting chunky and would go outside and draw a line on the driveway and make me do 7 laps around the driveway, then do 25 sit-ups.  Ive done many diets with her also throughout my time at home.  Never was there a diet that she did that I wasnt made to try out with her.  I believe that is not a good thing for a young girl to have to do when she is growing up.  For me it created a lack of self worth, I always felt that I didnt look good because I was bigger than other girls.  When I finished high school, I went off to college to become a law enforcement officer.  I was active and lost a good bit of weight, was so proud of my accomplishment.  As cocky as this sounds I dont mean it, but I never had a problem getting a guys attention.  I started getting some confidence, until one day my dad told me, hey you look good but you  could stand to lose about 30lbs.  That popped my bubble and I started to lose my confidence.  Thankfully I met my husband who loves me for who I am and not what I looked like.  I've gained about 70lbs since we met and he still tells me I'm beautiful and how much he loves me.  He's never treated me any different though I've gained weight.  I love him to death and wish I could make him feel the way he makes me feel.  I'm sure some of you out there love the person you are with, but wonder how they could love you because of the way you feel about yourself, I'm one of those.    Because I feel like he couldnt love me for the way I look I kinda close up and dont show him love like I want to.

So my plan is to have the surgery and not tell my parents since they are the type of people who will disapprove and say that I'm just being lazy, even though I've tried to lose weight and have been successful, but have never been able to keep it off.  So my support is going to be coming from my awesome husband, his mom, who has had the RNY 6yrs ago and been successful with it, and my best friend who is going through the process with me but struggling with TriCare, but I know that things will work out for her.  =) 

About Me
Fort Sill, OK
Oct 06, 2010
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