What a ride.....

I was a skinny kid and still was after having two children.  I started gaining weight when I was in my 40's.  The docs placed me on diet pills, which I hated.  Oh, the weight came off, but I didn't like the way I felt all the time, plus couldn't sleep at night.  This went on for about two years.

I had a boat, which I loved entertaining on, but knew that I was a big girl....but didn't care.  I loved bicycling, but got to the point that I was out of breath after the first 5 minutes.  I had a 27 foot travel trailer that I pulled with my Durango and went all over.  I used to go "camping" with just me and my dog, Sarah Lee (she's a Rat Terrier).

One day at work, one of the ladies was talking about getting Roux-en-Y surgery.  I didn't think she was that big, but she told me that for medical reasons, she was having the surgery.  I had never even heard of this before.  After the surgery, she started losing weight, but I didn't think she was losing that much.  I think it's her body shape.  Anyway, she didn't lose that much weight after it was all said and done.

My GP and I were going rounds about my weight.  I was gaining about 7 pounds a month.  He told me I was eating at least 5,000 calories a day....so I bought this software for my PDA that counts everything that goes in your mouth.  I was eating 1,200 calories a day and still gaining.

I was tired, listless, had no interests, sold the boat, sold the travel trailer and said to hell with it.  I went to my GP and told him that I wanted the surgery.  He said he didn't know of one, but I stepped in and said I did.  So he pre-certified me to have the surgery.

I talked with the surgeon and his staff and I had to go through all these tests...pulminary specialist...that's when I found out that I had sleep apnea.  That's why I was listless and tired all the time.  They did two sleep studies...the first one I woke up 62 times and didn't breath during these times on an average of 39 seconds.  That in itself was a heart attack waiting to happen.  I was already on blood pressure medication with a diuretic.  The pulminary specialist also gave me a "blood gas test".  Oh my goodness.  I wouldn't wish that on anyone.  Anyway, I was only getting 73% oxygen to my extremeties (hands and feet).  Not good.

The cardiologist found a "leaky valve" and we are keeping check on it every year.  I am at a stage 1 and stage 4 is surgery.  No changes.

After sonograms, I found out that I had gall stones.  There was so many things wrong with me that I didn't even know it.

My insurance didn't flinge....they immediately authorized my surgery.  It took about 3 months for all the tests to come back.

Anyway, November 2003, my entire family went on a cruise for Thanksgiving.  We had the group picture taken at the formal dining area and when I looked at that picture, I couldn't believe it was me.  I was absolutely FAT.  I was up to 265.  How could that happen?  I had to take a C-Pap machine on the cruise just so I could breath at night.

Long story short, I had the surgery and they removed my gallbladder.  I was supposed to have a five inch incision, but ended up being twelve inches.  I was in the hospital for 5 days and they sent me home.  I couldn't even walk.  I should have never left.  The first night home, my sister rushed me back to the hospistal.  The doctor said I had no potassium in my body, so they hooked me up to an IV.  It was terrible.  I had bought me a Lazy Boy recliner to sleep in, which I did for three months.  I had nurses coming to my home for three times a week during this period.  I literally thought I was going to die, so I started giving my stuff away.  Things that were in my will.  I kept saying to myself.....where is the energy.  I couldn't walk, but all my vitals and bloodwork were in normal range.

I couldn't eat anything.  I had the dry heaves everytime I even drank water.

THEN ONE DAY...ON A SATURDAY, I woke up....and there it was....the energy.  It's like God placed his hand on me during the night and I was ALL BETTER.  I couldn't believe it.  I could even eat without getting the dry heaves.

I did get a bit scared, though.  I started going to the gym five times a week to tone myself.  I was up to power walking three miles and the trainers placed me on five different machines.  I was feeling great, but my weight was melting off so fast, that my surgeon told me to stop exercising.  I got scared.....I got down to 121 (I'm 5'6").  I was looking gaunt.

Another long story short, I sold my Durango, bought a MR2 Spyder convertible and am livin' the life.  I weight 136 and can eat anything.  Literally anything and not get sick.  I am right where I want to be.  I'll be 52 this year and feel like I'm 30.

I am off all my meds except for my thyroid, because I don't have one.  They zapped that a long time ago.  I no longer have high blood pressure or retain water.  I no longer have sleep apnea.  Life is good.  Although I thought I was dying for the first 3 months, would I do it over....YOU BET.  There is nothing like getting in that little sports car with the top down and putting on some ZZ Top and cruisin'.

Because I wasn't heavy for very long, my skin went back to where it's supposed to be.  Oh, I could use a tummy tuck, but everytime I think of any type of surgery, I think....no no no.  I can actively live just the way I am.

I met a man and dated for over a year.  We married and things didn't work out.  I am filing for an annulment (next week).  We still talk and are friends, but it just wasn't meant to be.  Perhaps there is someone out there for me, but I'm just having fun with me, right now.  NOTHIN' WRONG WITH THAT.

I'm a size 4 junior.  Came from a 3X.  Go figure.

Would I recommend this surgery?  Weigh the pros and cons.  For me, I didn't see me being alive in 5 years....and that was 3 1/2 years ago.

Be good in all you do and do something kind for a stranger today....and always remember....if someone can't give you a smile, give them one of yours.


About Me
Dallas, TX
Jan 19, 2005
Member Since

Friends 1
