TennDee posted a discussion topic 11 years, 8 months ago
Sleep? In a Perfect Post VSG World...is Sleep An - Hello VSG Folks! How important is sleep to the post VSG people.  I have found the need to up it by 2-3 hrs per night.  Anyone else finding sleep to be that important?  If you do...

TennDee posted a discussion topic 12 years, 6 months ago
Well this is the goal reached for me, and thanks t - Well I can say that I reached my goal, and everyone is happy but I would like to see a few more pounds off.  I lost the weight so fast, I am gaunt in my face and arms and I have NE...

TennDee posted a discussion topic 12 years, 10 months ago
ONDERLAND!!!! finally!! - I finally broke that damm plateau and I put a pair of khaki pants that I haven worn in years and wore them today!!  YAY!   I can never put to words how much this sleeve has chan...

TennDee posted a discussion topic 12 years, 10 months ago
Okay it's crazy, but Euphoria anyone? - After my surgery in May, June was a learning experience complete with all the soup and protein and what to make mushy for that stage and finding all the vitamins etc...  So I'm...

TennDee posted a discussion topic 12 years, 10 months ago
New Breakout of Pimples on the Face? - I am past my days of pimples.  Since the surgery, it seems like I have a breakout and they come and go.  It just has been years since I worried about my complexion. Any one else g...

TennDee posted a discussion topic 12 years, 11 months ago
Totally Weird.... anybody else? - I just ate my lunch, 1/4 cup of low fat cottage cheese, with a half a scoop of vanilla protien powder stirred in.  NOW  I feel like I ate too much and some how feel guilty..   My t...

TennDee posted a discussion topic 12 years, 11 months ago
Anyone else kind of over whelmed with all the supp - I find I am constantly eating!!  Now the chocolate chewy Calcium is great. But all the others, the chewables, multi-vit, 3 sublinguals, some wafer type probiotic.  Just seems like ...

TennDee posted a discussion topic 13 years ago
Is there a time to wait before you dye your hair? - I am 12 days out and I have alot of roots showing. Since I do it myself I am just wondering if anyone knows if putting those chemicals on my head would hurt my stomach? So has a...

TennDee posted a discussion topic 13 years ago
One Week Weigh IN!!! - So my First Visit and I lost 10 pounds!!!!!!  He said sutures are doing good, I'm drinking enough liquid, getting all my protien and no I am moving up the next week to cream soups,...

TennDee posted a discussion topic 13 years ago
Big Question Here... - 6 days post op and I have 2 places where my stitches are uhm... pinchy.  Especially if I bend over to get something from the floor or bend forward (obviously using abdominals)   Is...

TennDee posted a discussion topic 13 years ago
Home Last Night... Feeling Beat Up.. - *if you are still scheduled to go in, maybe not read this... lol* So I had my VSG done 5/31 and this is day 1. I feel stuffed with air and sore. The doctor also repaired a sl...

TennDee posted a discussion topic 13 years ago
Surgery in 2 days!!! - I go in for a VSG on May 31, and I'm scared, happy, and currently on liquids so I'm starving!! Wanted to introduce myself here, and say I have been reading and this seems like a...

TennDee posted a comment 13 years ago
Thanks!! I go in Tuesday 5/31/2011 and it's all so fast and I'm in...
About Me
Surgery Date
May 27, 2011
Member Since
