I just can't wait for this surgery. I know it won't be easy and the surgery is a tool, but I can't wait! I feel like I'll have a new "birthday" on July 28th :-)

PRE-OP BMI - 50.1

Well, it's been almost eight months and I've lost 111lbs. I try to stick to the program and do what I'm supposed to do (eat all my protein, take my supplements, exercise). It's really not THAT difficult if you do what you're supposed to do. The weight loss has slowed alot. I'm working out more frequently and still getting my water and protein in everyday.

Coming up on nine months and I've now lost 118lbs. Just keep on keeping on :-)

Well it's been almost 10 months and it's been a slow month this past month. I have lost and regained the same 2lbs all month. Although the scale has not dropped, I have gotten smaller around my abdomen/middle. Not sure how that's happening but I'll take it! I've been trying to do some things differently to shake this up. Even if I never lose another pound, I'm still thrilled with the results of this surgery to date and I am thankful everyday to have gotten my life/health back. 119lbs down, another 47 to go.

Well, I passed the 10 month mark this past weekend (May 28th), it is now May 31st and the scale has started moving again...down 121lbs...yippee!!

One year ago today I was in and out of it as I started to recuperate from LAP RNY the day before. I remember really waking up for the first time that Friday morning and thinking "Terry, what the hell have you done to yourself?" I mean, I was having no complications, but I also had never had major abdominal surgery so I wasn't used to that. My recuperation progressed and I came home that Saturday after my surgery. I was (still am) religious/fanatical about getting all my protein and supplements in. At first it was a struggle to get the water in, but with time, I was easily getting over 100oz in each day. As for exercise...well I walked at the beginning because I didn't want any complications from the surgery. As time went on and life became more the "norm" I struggled to fit exercise in everyday. I'm not a total couch potato, but I have always struggled to fit exercise into my busy schedule. Almost immediately after getting home, my already thin hair started falling out at an alarming rate. My Dr's Nurse even noticed it at six months. Thanksfully, it has rebounded and is at least as plentiful as it was prior to WLS. So one year has gone by and I was sitting here thinking about what's different in my life:

I've lost 129lbs!! Now - 201lbs, Then - 330lbs

Now - Size 14-14W/16-16W, Then - Size 26W-28W/20-32W

Now - Can easily move around and have lots of energy, Then - Struggled just to make it through the day

Now - Can easily do an hour on the elliptical trainer, some exercise - going to concentrate on making exercise a priority this year, Then - No exercise, felt like I was going to pass out

Now - Can fit anywhere I want to sit, Then - Couldn't fit into a booth in restaurants (how embarrassing that was!)

Now - Legs aren't swollen, Then - Legs swollen

Now - Normal Blood Pressure of 115/65 with no meds!, Then - Blood Pressure of 135-140/90 with medication

Now - Normal Blood Sugar, with A1C of 4.9 with no meds!, Then - Blood Sugar that hovered around 150-260 with medication (with increasing dosage)

Now - No asthma symptions, Then - On 3 inhalers an had to use them all daily.

There are so many other things I could list. There are so many things that are different (better) in my life - I feel great and I'm no longer taking any medications at all! I didn't have the emotional struggle giving up food that others talk about. I was so ready to not be a slave to food anymore. My pouch pretty much rules my life and I can take or leave food and I LOVE IT! That's not to say that I don't struggle with emotional eating at times, but the pouchy rules and I can't (don't) stray too far off course. If I really want something I'll take 1 bite of it and move on. I still don't have a significant other in my life (sigh)...but at least I am willing to put myself out there (to look). Before losing weight I didn't like myself and figured if I didn't like myself why should I expect a man to like me. One year after WLS, I like myself. I'm still a work in progress (in all aspects), but I like me. My surgeon wants me to lose 10 more lbs. After my weight stabilizes, I plan to have plastic surgery for excess skin. For those of you out there that may read this and are thinking "should I have WLS?" I want you to know that over a year before my surgery, I had a good friend who underwent WLS. At the time I was dead set against WLS. I was fearful of the complications that could arise and that there would be no going back. Yes, it is serious...but after another year of struggling with losing weight, I decided that if I really wanted to live the kind of life I wanted to live, I was going to have to lose weight and my best shot at losing and keeping it off was WLS. I realize there are some who experience some bad complications and all manner of things could happen. I was so miserable that I decided I would rather take the risk (of a quick death) rather than the slow death I was experiencing by being morbidly obese. I would do this again in a heartbeat. That being said, it's a truly personal decision and everyone must do their homework prior to making a decision about both their surgeon and the type of surgery.

It's now early February 2007 and I've now lost 134lbs!  Just 32 more to go!  Life is great. 


About Me
Losinsum, MD
Surgery Date
May 25, 2005
Member Since

Friends 25
