Hunnie 16 years, 9 months ago

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highmaintenance 17 years ago

Teresa just wanted to let you know I pray you will be better soon and out of the hospital!

lindy7767 17 years ago

Hi everyone, I wanted to give you another update on Teresa. I called her on Saturday about 5PM, thinking that she would be home or at least getting ready to go home. However, she had a rough night and was still not passing the swallow testing. So the doctor wanted to keep her another night. She was having a lot of swelling. Teresa called me today about 5PM and said that she was having to stay another night because she still wasn't passing the swallow test. Dr Barker said that she had alot of swelling in her esophagus and they couldn't take her off of IV's until she could swallow well. She said that they are having her try to drink an ounce of water ever hour. She did say she felt a whole lot better since yesterday. They were trying different pain and nausea medicine to get her comfortable. Please continue to pray for her as she recovers. She needs all of the prayers she can get to pray her out of that hospital. Lindy

lindy7767 17 years ago

Hi everyone, I wanted to give you another update on Teresa. I called her on Saturday about 5PM, thinking that she would be home or at least getting ready to go home. However, she had a rough night and was still not passing the swallow testing. So the doctor wanted to keep her another night. She was having a lot of swelling. Teresa called me today about 5PM and said that she was having to stay another night because she still wasn't passing the swallow test. Dr Barker said that she had alot of swelling in her esophagus and they couldn't take her off of IV's until she could swallow well. She said that they are having her try to drink an ounce of water ever hour. She did say she felt a whole lot better since yesterday. They were trying different pain and nausea medicine to get her comfortable. Please continue to pray for her as she recovers. She needs all of the prayers she can get to pray her out of that hospital. Lindy

.: Rana :. 17 years ago

Hi Teresa! I'm glad to hear that all went well, even if the "aftermath" is a little rough. I guess we have to expect some pain and discomfort after going through something like this. I does get better everyday though. My surgery was only 3 days prior to yours, and it was rough. But I'm doing quite a bit better today, and I was yesterday also. We just have to be patient. I look forward to seeing a post from you when you feel up to it! Peace, Rana

Kookie L. 17 years ago

Teresa you are in my prayers.. Just know you have many that care and are praying for you .. Hugs, Tami

lindy7767 17 years ago

Just dropping in with another update on Teresa. I visited with Teresa at the hospital. She is doing great. She was in quite a bit of pain, but that is to be expected. She also was having a bit of nausea from the pain medicine. She was suppose to get a dose of pain meds at 8PM, but the nurse didn't come until 9:30PM. That was after we had to call the nurse station a few times and I had to walk the halls to get some relief for her. I left about 10PM and she was resting. The nurse was going to get her up in about an hour to start walking. Thanks for continuing to send the prayers into Teresa. I know she will need all of the support she can get. Lindy

lindy7767 17 years ago

Just dropping in with another update on Teresa. I visited with Teresa at the hospital. She is doing great. She was in quite a bit of pain, but that is to be expected. She also was having a bit of nausea from the pain medicine. She was suppose to get a dose of pain meds at 8PM, but the nurse didn't come until 9:30PM. That was after we had to call the nurse station a few times and I had to walk the halls to get some relief for her. I left about 10PM and she was resting. The nurse was going to get her up in about an hour to start walking. Thanks for continuing to send the prayers into Teresa. I know she will need all of the support she can get. Lindy

BrendaP 17 years ago

HI Teresa! I hope all went well with your surgery. We know you have an extremely skilled surgeon! You will be up and around in no time! Take it easy and enjoy the new life you have begun! Take care! Brenda

BrendaP 17 years ago

HI Teresa! I hope all went well with your surgery. We know you have an extremely skilled surgeon! You will be up and around in no time! Take it easy and enjoy the new life you have begun! Take care! Brenda
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Forney, TX
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Feb 16, 2002
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