Day 3 of getting back on track

Dec 17, 2014

Hey Bloggers

1/2 way through day 3 here and I have to say, I hate dieting. The only thing that helps to keep me going is my “before” picture hanging on my desk wall.

I am making myself more aware of my water intake, my vitamin intake, and the speed that I eat food. It’s amazing that those things are making me less hungry. I do miss the goodies. The surgeon did warn me (our surgeon’s warned us all) that this day would soon come. I was hoping it was a lie LOL.

I’d like to blame the weight gain on birth control or any other medicine or the winter or the holiday’s but I know it boils down to unhealthy choices. Blogging yesterday did help me to stay motivated and to stay away from snacking.

Currently, I’m forcing myself to drink my 2nd bottle of water. That is ounces 21 to 40, one more bottle after this and I am done for the day with water (atleast the tracking concept of it). Have I mentioned that I hate water? I do…

It looks like rain outside and I am trying to decide if I’m going to risk it and walk or play it safe and find something to do to occupy my hour. There are huge consequences to each choice: if I walk and it rains then I’ll be soaked. If I don’t walk – 1) it may not rain. 2) I lose out on the extra calories that I would earn. 3) I have to find something to do that does not involve eating for an hour.

I did step on the scale this morning and I was 152.4 which is a 1.6lb loss. Although my goal is 140, I think I will feel better about myself once I break into the 140’s.

This blog series may sound like I’m whining a bit. I am, I’ll admit to it. My goal, as is everyone else’s, is to keep their weight off. I want my readers to hear that I struggle with what they are struggling with; I want them to know that, if they aren’t struggling now, there may come a day when they will. Bottom line is that if it annoys you then don’t read it.

I’ll try to write more tonight. This blog may be helping me more that it’s helping you. When I started my blog, I decided that it would be like a journal and I would write freely. My goal was to state the facts; be it good, bad or ugly. I never held back, I’m not going to start now.

Talk to you soon J

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About Me
Surgery Date
May 17, 2012
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February 2012 – 351
I am just 4lbs away from goal

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