Well, it's gonna be a interesting year (aka Boy, what a ride!)

Feb 09, 2009

I hope everyone had wonderful holy days.  Ours was full of joy but also, full, of sadness.  Our middle daughter, Janine Elayna Mason, went home to be with the Lord on Sunday, December 21st.  She had had a heart transplant about 2 1/2 years ago and went into what turned out to be vascular rejection (the first hospital thought it was a urinary track infection) then her organs shut down and she coded about 5 that evening.  We were at a Christmas gathering for my husbands band, Mwendo, and got the call.  Talk about being blindsided.  She was doing so well, the thought that she could die never entered our minds.  I truly thought that she would outlive her Daddy and I.  It was and continues to be very surreal.  The love, fellowship, generousity and compassion that has been showered on us is undescribable.  I have been awed by the glory and power of  God to show up and show out in our lives.  You see, HE doesn't make mistakes. It was time for Janine to go home.  The fruit of her passing is the people that have showed up to testify to her ministry of praise.  I have never attended a funeral like that before.  She lived about 2 1/2 hours from where we live and was divorced.  Her church family, her friends, her co-workers, her neighbors, everyone had to speak at the funeral in her home town and at the memorial service we had for friends and family here who could not travel.  I can only hope that I leave as much love in my trail as she left in hers.  The ligistics, of course, were tough.  We had to arrange a funeral with no money available to do so, we had to empty her apartment the same day we buried her and transport and distribute her things.  Can I tell you that GOD sent angels every step of the way to provide everything that we needed and more?  A complete stranger paid for her burial plot and the costs of opening and closing the gravesite.  Money, food and friends just poured in.  In the midst of it all, we got a call that our youngest daughter had sent our grandaughter, Maya, to Houston (we live in San Antonio) as a surprise Christmas present for us.  Maya lived with us for the 1st 3 years of her life and we adore her,  It was an interesting to have a 5 year old here with all the death preparations taking place.  Of course, having Maya here brought more people by the house.  My ex-husband and his family and Sarah's friends.  It was more love and more joy added in the mix.  Then on January 9th, my husband had shoulder surgery that was supposed to be fairly routine and turned rather extensive.  Good Grief, what a roller coaster we have been on.  I am still unemployed.  Jobs are a bit scarce.  I am encouraged with our new president.  I would like to make a request:

Whether or not you voted for Obama, can I ask you to pray for him, for our country, for our planet.  PLEASE.  Every day, every moment we make a decision by our thoughts, our words and our actions whether we choose blessing or cursing.  The WORD tells us to choose this day whom you will serve.  Can I tell you that this time, right now is a time for blessing - watch yourself.  Guard your mouth, your mind and your actions.  The devil is looking to steal from us and we have to stop him - in the name of JESUS.  As for me and my house, we choose blessing - we serve our God - wherever He sends me for whatever purpose - I will go to glorify HIM.

Ok, I stepped off my soapbox but folks we are in a time of urgency and the warriors among us have to fight.

We have a choice to see the blessings in ALL things and praise HIM.  If I had not lost my job when I did, I would not have been available to take care of my family and all the events that have taken place since then.  I am praying for the right job at the right time and I am confident that God will supply it.  I choose to live victoriously, even on the days when I have trouble getting out of bed because I'm scared.  The word tells me to FEAR NOT!  hallejeuh - AMEN.


About Me
San Antonio, TX
Surgery Date
Sep 20, 2007
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I ran across this a year ago.............
A NEW DAY -- HALLEJEUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Ya'll
Good News!
Hey There!
