10 dayz till D day!!

Jul 24, 2010

hello everyone! it's time for me to do my thing. i know this is gonna be strange but i have been waiting on this for a while now. just know this liquid diet is very hard. but i am very determined to stay on track. so get ready to see the new me taking place. i'll start showing pics very soon to track progress. Keep In Touch everyone!!


The Countdown Begins

Jul 05, 2010

I got a call on Thursday July 1st with my surgery date of Aug 3rd. i am getting ready to make that change guyz. get ready to see a lot of me on here hile i make it happen. keep in touch folks!

Still Waiting

Oct 03, 2009

ok. now it has been a week and they still dont have the paperwork from the facility about the COE. i guess they are having issues also...and to think i thought we were the only one's who have to wait without an explaination as to why...still praying and waiting guys...wish me luck!

Surgery Approval Pending

Sep 26, 2009

ok...so now I have to wait on the insurence company to get a center of excellence certtifcate from the hospital where I will be having the surgery. the case worker said there will be no problem as soon as she gets this. now how long will I have to wait for this COE certificate that is coming from the hospital. i talked to the SEB rep and she said it was 4 others waiting on the same thing...is this the part where folks begin to think twice about really going thru with the surgery?
1 comment

And the wait begins....

Aug 06, 2009

I had all my paperwork submitted to the insurance company on Monday 8/3/09...now I have to wait for a response...I bet this is the part that makes you go crazy....with the help of the LORD, I'll get an approval ASAP...good luck...

About Me
Aug 02, 2009
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