Approval: Part DUH!!!

Feb 12, 2009


It seems like yesterday when I attended the infomational metting at United Hospital for St. Paul Surgeons.  It was the Summer of last year and I went ahead with scheduling my first meeting with the Nurse.  I got my list (and I checked it twice.....gonna find out if I can ever eat rice)

(((Corny Line....Check)))

I did the Pysch Eval (don't know how I got past that), I did the weight documentation....hell I did everything on the list to see if I could get my procedure complete my years end.  Well that was at least the plan.

There was a couple snags along the way (Foot surgery, Alien Abduction)

So finally, I told all my paperwork was in order and it was faxed off.

3 Weeks later.."Mr. Hall, this is Blah Blah Blah from Such and Such and the Insurance Company said that they have everything they need......


They need you to see a Dietician to prepare you for your surgery. You have 45 days to complete this.

This was one of this requirements on that list I spoke on earlier.  So you mean to tell me that's all that is in the way?

That's comforting since I did that requirement in OCTOBER!!!

So now, it came down to contacting the Dietician that I met with back in OCT.  I gave her a call on a Monday.  Voicemail is a drag.  I called I swear once an hour.  Voicemail.

The Nurse who I've been in contact with at the surgeon's office (she's a Godsend) suggested I call Medical Records at the hospital to see if they could release the document stating I went through the appointment.  I even printed out their online form in case I had to fill it out and send it to them.  I got ahold of Medical Records.....

"I'm sorry Sir, but those records are kept with Nutritional Services, I'll connect you.."

"Hello....Nutritional Services this is ....enter some name here"

So I tell her what I need...

"Ok Sir, you would need to contact the Dietician's office for that document"

Great..the same lady I've been trying to call all day.  So now it's Tuesday and I get ahold of the Dietician's assistant (What does SHE do? Obviously don't answer the phone).  She said she can't find the form, but she will page the Dietician and have her call me.

You know I didn't beleive her. I gave her the "You're lying" look.  You know the one when you turn your head sideways and bunch up your lips to one side of your face.  Could be a hood thing.

Ok, now it's Wednsday....No call.  I'm not tripping yet because I was busy at work saving the world.  I FINALLY get a call on Thursday and she tells me she has the paper right in front of her and she will walk it up.....

Yes people, the Dietician's office and my Surgeon's the same Building!!

We update a few things and as promised, she walks it up and the nurse sends it off.  A week ago today I was told that I was approved, but they won't schedule a meeting with me and the surgeon until they actually get the approval letter.  I checked the mailbox like a kid on Christmas Eve just about all week.  Yesterday was no different. I normally don't look forward to mail because it means bills.  Well I got the letter and now I'm even happier than I was last week.

I'm even typing this before I call the Surgeon's office to let them know I have it...I'm sure they have it too, but has not called me yet.  You bet your arse I'm calling them first.

So there you have it folks... I'm official and all that good stuff.

Enjoy your weekend and don't eat the yellow snow.

The Juice


About Me
Frozenville, MN
Surgery Date
Aug 14, 2008
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In the Beginning.....
Why God, Why Me, WHY NOW?
