
I had weight loss surgery on June 30, 2004.  I had a Roux n Y gastric bypass with a silicon ring.  My surgeon was Dr. Quaid with the Northern Colorado Surgical Associates in Fort Collins, Colorado.  I would recommend him to anyone.  He has been awesome and his nursing and office staff have also been incredibly supportive and helpful.

I did great for the first five and a half years after my surgery.  I lost a ton of weight and was maintaining the loss.  Between 5.5 years and 6.5 years post-surgery, I sort of fell off the wagon.  I experienced several massive traumas in my life and I turned back to food.  My weight gain wasn't huge but it was disheartening.  December 28, 2010 was the turning point for me.  That's when an ulcer forced me to wake up and get back on track.


-Eat at least 60-75 grams of protein a day

-Drink at least 40 ounces of fluid a day.  I usually consume more like 90-120 ounces.  I like Walmart's generic equivilent of Crystal Light as well as caffeine free hot teas with Splenda added.

-Try to exercise daily but I actually only do it about four times a week.  I either walk around the lake, walk on the tread mill, do generic aerobics as I watch tv, or exersise along to a video such as:  Tai Bo, Richard Simmons' aerobics, Tai Chi, Yoga, etc.  I picked up a ton of old VCR work out tapes at a second hand store so I have many choices there.

-Take my vitamins and minerals exactly as prescribed.

-Eat four meals per day.  I always eat out of the same size of bowl so I know exactly how much I am eating.  This has been the biggest revelation in my weight loss journey.

-Record everything I eat.  I spot checking my nutrition by entering it into the nutrition software here on

-No sugar, no caffeine, no carbonated sodas and hardly any white flour, white rice, pasta, or potatoes.  I do dump a lot after eating simple carbohydrates.

-On my foods, I sprinkle:  wheat bran, flax seeds, bran buds or wheat germ.  This gives me the fiber without the empty carbs.

About Me
Windsor, CO
Surgery Date
Jan 18, 2011
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