Afternoon Hunger

Apr 05, 2007

I am fighting with afternoon hunger. I don't know if it is mind hunger, getting over a habit, or if I am actually hungery. About two to three hours after I eat, I get so hungery. I try to drink protien so I don't reach for vending machine chips. 

I think I do very well at my meals. I have been having one egg every morning for breakfast so I get some protien. Then lunch is grilled chicken and something. Today at the hospital they didn't have grilled chicken so I had green beans and mac and cheese. They give you a spoon of each. I ate most of the green beans and maybe 1/3 to 1/2 of the mac and cheese. I threw away the rest and felt satisfied but I can tell it didn't stay with me like protien does.


My first fill - not so fun

Mar 29, 2007

Well, my first fill was not so fun. After three sticks and attempts to get to my port they then decide, they need a bigger needle. 

So, stick one with the big needle and cannot get into port but valve will not open. So, on to rolling around with needle and pulling on port and pushing hard on my skin, we try again. Only to be confused as to if they are in or not. By this time I have tears coming out my eyes and Dr. Ferrera is asking does this hurt...well YES!

I finally was able to get 1 cc in and he said my second fill would go much better. I told him I was going to hold him to that!! I think I will go on a day that Dr. Smith is doing the fill to make sure that it goes better.

Anyway, I am off to finish my workday!

Down 24.6

Mar 27, 2007

Well, another little bit of weight down. I just want to see the scale drop into the 350's and then down down down from there!

I have my first fill tomorrow so we will see what changes will come about.

Thank you to all my friends out here on OH. You have really helped me and I have learned som much from each of you to help me with my own personal journey with Lap-band. We are all loosers and proud to be as we watch that scale go down.

Down 22.4 Pounds

Mar 25, 2007

Well, down 22.4 pounds so doing pretty good. I am struggling with getting all my water in on the weekends. I just look around a realize I am not drinking all that I am supposed to. I have to work on that!!

I am not sure if I am overeating or not. I try to remember 1/2 cup of food and that it is. I have my first fill on Thursday so we will see how that goes. It is actually a little early but the doctor's office said they have moved back all patients on their first fill.

I just want to continue down on my weight. I am anxious to see 350 again. I know that seems horrible to have that as a goal; however, for someone who hasn't seen 350 for so many years, it is a mini goal to accomplish then on to 300 :)


At Work

Mar 21, 2007

Well, I started back to work on Monday. I am just a little tired and slower than usual. I feel good, just trying to get back into the swing of things.

I have been eating my three meals a day with 1/2 cup of food. I am drinking my water. I know I need to get in one more glass and I am trying!

I have not cheated or ate anything between meals. I have done exactly everything that is asked and I just hoping the pounds continue to shed!

Feeling Good

Mar 17, 2007

Everything seems to be going great. My port is still a little sore; however, I am moving around fine. Today is 10 days post surgery and I was able to start eating soft foods. I have pretty much eaten mashed potatoes, canned veggies, and yogart. I will say I am a little nervous about the addition of more foods. I have had a touchy stomach so just trying little by little to add in additional foods.

I am starting to feel like myself and will be going back to work on Monday. I worried about overdoing it; however, it will be great to have something to do. I have followed all the rules and not done much. My husband has been making me follow the rules and no cleaning and etc. I think Monday, he is going to let me start to clean. It will be nice to start doing a little bit and then get back to normal tasks!

I am down 20 pounds YIPPEE! I am sure I might gain a few with the addition of more foods. I am really going to try and watch it. My first fill is March 29!

One week Post Op

Mar 15, 2007

Today was the one week post op appointment. Things are going pretty good. I am down 16.5 pounds.

Today I can start mashed potato, canned foods, large pasta and etc. So, this is going to be good to try and get some solid foods.

Today I had a little mashed potato and a little mac and cheese. I just got two little sides of each and ate about 1/3-1/2 of an ice cream scoop of each. They feel stuck. I don't know if this is the normal feeling after surgery or if this is just from transitioning from liquids to solids or if gas. Kind of a little nervous about the feeling I am having.

I am anxious to see how things go from this point forward.

Three Days Post Surgery

Mar 11, 2007

Today is three days post surgery. I have to say it has been a struggle. I had to return to the surgeon's office the day after surgery. The pain medicine was not working and I was having muscle spasms. Everything appeared to be fine it was just that my body was not responding to the pain medicine. So, after 24 hours of severe pain and no sleep, they changed the pain medicine.

I feel 80% better today. I did have major gas and those pains have gone away today. I am still extremely sore and thank goodness for the recliner!!

Today was the first day that I would eat or drink anything without the nausea sitting in.

My husband has been wonderful and been extremely supportive. I am excited for each day of recovery. Down 12 pounds so that is good!

Liquid's Are Going Good

Mar 05, 2007

Six days of liquids and it is going good! The first two days were hard because I guess your body is going through withdraw from sugar that is in foods you eat. I feel good and am happy.

I have been talking to several people on OH and it is really helping to hear your stories and have support. Thank you to all my friends out there. You are in my thoughts as you are on your own personal journey!

Well, two days until I am banded and on my new journey! I am so excited!!!

Luquid Diet

Mar 01, 2007

I started my liquid diets today. I had no idea how much of an impact going on liquids would be. I am not complaining, just didn't know I would have headache, gas, and etc. I know now I am getting all that horrible fatty food I have been eating out of my digestive tract.

Today really is the first day of my new life! I am excited. March 8th is just around the corner!

About Me
Fort Worth, TX
Surgery Date
Jan 29, 2007
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