
Jul 10, 2008

 Went for a fill today. Things went well. I am six months out now and down 60lbs.. I am so excited. I feel so much better physically and mentally. I have so much more energy now. I am having a problem with my hair falling out, but she told me today that I am on the wrong vitamins and I need more protein. Hard to get enough when I am not hungry.. I got new vitamins today and started them, so maybe that will help. May God bless you all. Good luck on your journeys ahead. Keep me in your prayers.


Jun 01, 2008

In a few days I will be at my 5th month out. I have lost 56 lbs so far. I feel great and I am so excited. If anyone has used the clothing exchange off this website, please drop me a line to let me know exactly how to use it. Hope everyone is doing good. Keep up the smiles and the hard work.


May 20, 2008

 Sorry it has been so long since I have posted. I hope that this finds everyone doing great. Things with me are great. I have lost now down to 276. I am so thankful for the lapband. It has truly changed my life and my lookout of life.  I had some hard times, but they were all worth it everytime I step on the scale. I feel so much better and have so much more energy and happiness. Good luck to all that are pre-op.. You can do it.


Apr 28, 2008

I am doing really good. I am down to 282. I am feeling much better. I have more energy. I thank God for all he has done for me and I thank everyone who has prayed for me and just cheered me on.


Mar 15, 2008

sorry I have not updated in a while. I have changed jobs and I have been really busy. I am down to 292 now. I am getting my 3rd fill on the 3rd of next month. I missed my last appointment becouse of my new job. I have still been losing though. Thanks for all the support and prayers.
Tina Cook


Feb 20, 2008

Hi Everyone!! I got my second fill today. It went much better than the first. I am now down to 296.... Things are going great here.  Good luck to all that is out there. 

Valentine's Day 2008

Feb 15, 2008

 This was the best Valentine's Day in many many years. I weighed this am and I am under 300 pounds. First time in over 14 years. I am now 299. I cant believe it. I feel great and I am feeling better every day. Physically and mentally.  I go back for my second fill on 1/20/08.. Wish me the best of luck. I wish everyone out there that has had surgery or is on their way to having surgery or is just thinking about it, the very best of luck. This is the best thing I have ever did for my self. I wouldnt change it for the world.


Feb 10, 2008

 I had my first fill on 2/4/08. They added too much fluid the first time and I couldnt even get water to go down. So before I left the office they took a little out and I was okay. I have lost 2 more pounds since my fill. I am 300 even now. I cant believe how this has actually worked. I was really doubtful at first.. This is great. I feel so much better. I have much much more energy. I thank God for me being able to have this surgery and it working. He is awesome. I hope all is well with everyone else. I will write again later. I get my next fill on 2/20/08. Thanks for all the support of my friends.


Feb 06, 2008

  Hi everyone. I just wanted to let everyone know how I am doing. I am now down to 302. I cant believe it. I weigh and look at the scale over and over and weigh again. It is just amazing. I always feel like my scale has went crazy. My energy level is high. I feel so much better and I have so much farther to go. I cant wait until the end and see how much better I feel and look.  May God bless each and everyone of you..


Jan 23, 2008

 Hi everyone. I just wanted to update. Sorry I havent written in a while. Having computer trouble at home. I have lost another pound since surgery.  I am feeling much better now. I am back to work today. I was a little shakey at first, but after the first 5 hours, I feel fine. I only have a little soreness left at my port and besides that I am okay.. Hope all is well with you all.

About Me
Frankston, TX
Surgery Date
May 28, 2007
Member Since

Friends 29

Latest Blog 37
