My name is Amy, I live in Terrytown Louisiana. I am 35 years old and a mother of 2 awesome boys!  I have been reading the stories on this website for months and still can not believe the before and after pictures everyone looks so amazing!

So how did I get here? I was not a big child growing up, I was a normal size through high school. I met my husband in 1994 and BAM here comes all the weight. We got married in 1996, I walk up the isle 170 pounds. Today I weigh in at 262, hmmm. I had my first child in 1999 second in 2004 I weigh more today than I did 9 months pregnant (no wonder I can't breath).
So fast forward.....I have read and met several people who have had lap-band. I went to the seminar with Dr. Lavin's group. I was set in my mind to have lap-band only to find out my insurance did not cover lap-band they still consider this to be experimental???? What a blow that was!!! I had not even considered gastric by-pass I thought it was too extreme. The nurse at Dr. Lavin's office told me to keep an open mind and come to a support meeting at their office, they have them every Monday night at 6:00pm. So I did, and all I can say is WOW! These meetings have been a blessing to me, they are all special people and have helped me beyond words. I have been going to these meeting for four months now waiting for my surgery date to come.

10/1/06 I have 8 days till surgery, I am mentally prepared. Although It's been a rough road mentally waiting for this day to come. I have read many many stories here sasying the same thing. I have cried myself to sleep thinking what if I die during surgery I have 2 boys (one 2 yrs old and the other 6 yrs old) What would happen to them without me. Am I being selfish having this surgery? I have not told many people about this surgery, I found the people who I thought would be behind me really arent. Some have actually told me all I need to do is eat turkey sandwiches and fat free ice cream and I should be ok.....ummm did you really just say that? Then I had the other friends and family, once I told them I was having the surgery, they felt the need to say OHHH I know 2-5-10-15 people who have died from that surgery..come on....So I decided to stop telling people. My parents have not asked me anything about the surgery which is really hard to understand, like I said its been hard getting to this mental state because of all the negitive people I have come across. If it wasnt for the support meeting every monday night I dont know what I would do.
So here I sit 8 days before surgery. Of course its too good to be true....I woke up 5 days ago with a sore throat, which lasted 2 days, then I started sneezing now I am coughing. I have had no fever....I am loading up on Vitamin C....and praying a whole lot! I am suppose to meet with Dr. Lavin in 4 days I can only pray my sugery is not cancelled. My husband Finally got approved to take off of work to help me at home. My leave at work have been approved and I am mentally ready. I can't imagine having to go through this all again!!!! I have not taken any medicine because I am so close to surgery date, does anyone have any advice?

10/2/06 It's 7 days till my surgery....I'm still fighting this cold. I'm taking Zycam, Vit C and I just called my husband to bring home some sudefed(sp). My emotions are all over the place, its almost like im pregnant again (did i just say that) last week I was scared something would go wrong during surgery, i couldnt sleep etc now this week im worried my surgery will be cancelled. I can't win. I see Dr. Lavin this Thursday at 10:00 to sign consent papers, then im suppose to do pre-op after at Omega at 11:00. All I can do is rest and pray things will work out, its not in my hands anymore.

5 Days to Go......My cold is getting better i'm still coughing on and off. I see Dr. Lavin tomorrow to sign consent and pre-op test at the hospital. So if I "pass" I will be able to focus on actually having the surgery, right now I am so worried he will tell me NO because I have a cold. Still drinking lots of fluids water and OJ. Taking Zycam and Sudafed.

4 Days to Go.....I meet with Dr. Lavin today for the first time, very nice, caring man. I felt 100% at ease from the moment he entered the room, he answered all my questions and concerned. I found out a few things i never knew 1) Dr. Lavin said surgery usually take him between 55-70 mins. Less time to develop blood clots. He also said his patients do not have to take the drink test the next day which i was very glad to hear! He also said i will not have any drain tubes when i wake to my ears!!! I' ready i wish tomorrow was my big day. I'm also glad to say my cold is 97% gone. Thanks to everyone who prayed for worked!


I've been home from the hospital since 10/12 I feel great! I got to the hospital at 7:00am, surgery was supposed to start at 8:30am. I was taken to my hospital room which was right across from the nurses station. I was given a pair of those white stocking to put on my legs for blood clots, my husband and I had a really good laugh "trying" to squeeze my legs into what felt like my 2 years old clothes lol. Then my nurse...(i still say i was her first ever IV) came in and tried to find a vein to start my IV fluids. After thumping my top of my hand she tried to put the IV in...then i got this HUGE lump on the top of my hand...then the blood started and wouldnt stop...WOW did that hurt. My husband and friend Jeanne were there i was trying to act brave for my husbands sake but darn it hurt. Then my savior walked in, Dr. Lavins assistant, he said he would give it a try and got it on the first stick which was on my left arm. I will just say....the IV was the hardest part thru my WHOLE By-Pass surgery!!! I really mean this. I was given to bags of fluids then antibiotics then a shot in the belly. Then I was wheeled to the waiting area. I told my husband good-bye, then I realized I never told him I loved him OMG. I was laying in the waiting area it must have been -20 i was cold then I had to pee. I asked the nurse if i could get up and use the bathroom and she said yes. Then about 10 mins later then came to get me for surgery, they wheeled me in the room I moved myself onto the surgery table they put the mask over my face and that's all i recall. I woke up in no pain.....My stomach did not hurt, i thought it was going to feel like my c-sections which were very painful....but no, i was very surprised. The only pain i felt was from the gas bubbles, they started in my back, which was hard the lay back, so i sat in the chair hoping that would help. Then my nurse told me i needed to start walking which would be the only thing that would help, so i started walking the hallway, which to my surprise was easy to do, i wasnt running by any means but i felt no pain when i walked. I came home after 2 nights in the hospital, we bought a chair prior to surgery so i could sleep in that, havent dont so yet, i have been sleeping on the sofa waking up ever few hours to potty and walk around to help my circulation.


All is going well, tomorrow will be 3 weeks post op I get to add smoothies and ripe bananas to my diet I cant wait, never thought I would be so excited about adding little foods.  I am having trouble getting all my protein down, its very hard because I am not hungry, my stomach makes all sorts of new sounds when im eating/drinking i think b/c i am not hungry? I have been eating (very slowly) a cheese called laughing cow. I learned the hard way after the first peice that I was eating too fast. Its just nice to be chewing something!!!

I have been dreaming of food every night since my surgery! Does anyone else do this I wonder? Last night it was french bread....last week it was McDonalds dreams dont bother me...but the one food that does drive me crazy since my surgery is popcorn the smell of it triggers head hunger BAD. Seems like I live in Target these days and my sons like to get the popcorn from there as we shop....


I havent updated in a while, I am 5 weeks post op I have lost 39.5 pounds so far! I feel GREAT!!!! I am a success story, i have had NO complications, I get my protein in daily (Thanks to smoothie king!) I have more engery now then I would have ever dreamed of. I have one small set back...I am addicted to the scale lol, I cant wait to wake up in the morning to see if it has moved any....I have been the same weight for almost 2 weeks now but i know it will I keep my head up! I did go to dinner with a friend last night, since I live in New Orleans all the food is SO GOOD well thats how I got this big in the first place. I ordered crab cakes, they came 2 on a plate, maybe 2 inches in dia. I ate 1/2 of one and did friend ate the rest :) Its just real hard not to drink while I am eating some habits are hard to break I guess. I need to start excercising!!! I bought some 5 pound weights from Target, well they are still in my trunk...(some things never change)


Ok it's been 13 weeks since surgery...what a wild ride this has been!!! This surgery has saved my life! I FEEL GREAT!!! I have lost 73.3 pounds to date, started at 265.3 today weighed in at 192, can I tell you how awesome it felt to step on the scale and finally be under 200 pounds!

The Holidays were great! I did not over eating....good thing. My hubby gave me jewerly for xmas, when I found out how much he spent, I asked him if i could return it and get a treadmill instead, something I would be able to get more use out of...WOW...can you imagine? I am so dedicated lol. I just started exercising after xmas, i wasnt doing what i was suppose to I know, but I just wasnt motivated like I am now. I can walk, then "jog" for 1 min then back to walking....before surgery I couldnt climb a flight of stairs, now im jumping up 3 flights of stairs with no worries!

People are really starting to notice my weight loss all of a sudden at work, the stares I get are sometimes priceless! You can see the confused look on their faces, but most are too scared to ask questions.

Weight Pre-OP
8-8-06     263.5
9-4-06     261.5   -2
10-2-06   254.5   -5
10-5-06   255.0   -8.5
10-9-06    251 (Day of Surgery)

10-15-06  245.4   -18.1

10-29-06   233.4   -30.1

1-13-07   192      -73.3

3/4/07    175     -90

 10/8/07  130 -135


About Me
Terrytown, LA
Surgery Date
Jul 31, 2006
Member Since

Friends 8
