The hard truths

Sep 24, 2009

I'm kind of doing this backwards (Ive already reached my weight loss goal)  as I was not aware that this site or such sites were even available.  If I had, I would have chronicled the whole thing.  But now that I am here, I think my story can be an inspiration to others. 

I started my weight loss journey 1year and 7months ago.  I weighed 276 at the time of my surgery but have weighed  as much as 298 at one point.  I am now 150 and I feel fantastic!  I will not be one that will glamourize the process... although in the end one can "look" glamourous... there are some hard truths that everyone has to understand in order to get to where you want to be.

I've been to a few support group meetings and while I did learn a few things, there is plenty that is not discussed.  One of those hard truths is trying to figure out what the hell you can and cannot eat.  This is different for everyone!  There is no hard formula on what you can and cannot consume.. some can never eat bread... I have no problem eating bread.  Some can eat chiicken... I cannot.  Believe it or not but the only part of a chicken that I can eat is the skin of the and it has to be fried.. I know, I know it's bad... but it tastes damned good.  I just work out extra hard the day eat it and don't beat myself up about it.  One thing I do know is that there are foods I never want to eat again.. I'll tell you about those foods later....

One interestng thing.. was I could not figure out why one day I could eat one food and the next day I could not.  What I discovered is that  dependng on the food you eat today  it can still be sitting there tomorrow..

I've had 4 fills since I started and had to have one aspiration (that's when they have to take some out)  I think some food had gotten stuck and I couldn't intake anything!  My last fill was about 5months ago and at this point don't feel like I need another but it's nice to know that if you find yourself slipping or consuming too much, that you can go and get one.  

 I guess this is a good start.  In my next blog I will talk about  the surgery and this 6weeks following.  Stay tuned and keep up the good work (for those of you that have had the surgery) And for those that are thinkng about it...perhaps I can inspire you to do it... it is the single most important thing I have ever done for myself.

Until nextime.....

About Me
Irving, TX
Surgery Date
Sep 24, 2009
Member Since

Friends 11

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