and we have only...SIX more days!!! (well almost 5)

Jan 14, 2009

I cannot say how I feel because one minute I am so hungry ( a week of liquids... is TOO LONG BEFORE SURGERY NEVERMIND TWO!!!!) lol sorry.. got distracted! LOL for real tho, I am super excited about this surgery. I cannot wait to start this journey. I am ready and I am focused and I am determined. I want to have a before and after picture that makes me say WOW like those on this webpage do now. I have to say that I have waited far too long for this! I cannot wait to put my tap shoes back on. I want to ride the rides at Disney and I want to get in and out of a kayak with my husband on the lake. I want to rollerblade and I want to do ANYTHING without worrying. I want to fly comfortably I want to dine out without the worry of whether or not I will fit in the booth. oh wow... I cannot wait!!! I cannot wait!!!


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Dec 25, 2008
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