I am an RN at the hospital where I will be having my surgery.  I work in surgical recovery. I have 4 children and am happily married.  I was very slim as a child and teenager, but gained a lot of weight with each pregnancy, and never lost everything I gained.  I find that my obesity interferes with my life in every way.  I am especially bothered that I no longer feel comfortable in social situations, and often make excuses not to attend parties and such, just because I am so uncomfortable in my own skin.


I am 40 years old, and my BMI is 40.  Seems like my BMI has pretty closely followed my age for my adult life!  I have had some success with diets in the past, the best of which was Atkins.  After my twins were born in 2002, I was about 265 lbs.  When they were a year old I went back on Atkins full force, and took myself down to about 230, then stuck, and struggled, and eventually found myself around 250 again.  Than was when I knew that diet alone was not going to fix what's wrong with me.  I began to seriously investigate weight loss surgery. 


I am planning a Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy.  My first choice was DS, but the only MD in AZ who does it laproscopically felt that I was not heavy enough for that surgery.  He offered VSG or Lap Band.  After much research, I felt there were too many complications with Lap Band that I was not willing to try to deal with.  I felt, and still feel, that I will do very well with the VSG.  I like the idea of the stomach functioning very normally, as opposed to the RNY.  We see many RNY patients returning to the ER or to Surgery with strictures, blockages, adhesions, etc.  My hope is to avoid these problems, and still get good restriction, and in the end, a good result.  I do not have a big problem with sweets, but instead have problems with quantity.  I can each a huge amount of food before I feel "done".  I am looking forward to my VSG, and to being "done" with a much smaller portion.  I hope to set a good example for children by eating "small normal" portions of healthy foods, and maintaining a healthy weight with good diet and exercise habits. 


I am also hoping to be a good example to my patients.  It is difficult to instruct my patients about healthy diet and exercise when I look like the poster child for overeating!


I should add that I am self pay.  My husband agreed that we should use the equity in our house to pay for this.  I have Health Net POS through my work, and they specifically exclude restrictive procedures for weight loss.


Here is a picture of my kids.  I was very thin, just like my daughters, until my first pregnancy.


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Here are my husband and myself on our wedding day, June 17th, 1996.  I was just under 200 lbs at that time.


Image Hosted by ImageShack.us


March 14th 2006

pre-op 294

current 285

goal 160


I am home and doing well!!! I went in for surgery on March 11th, a Saturday morning. Of course I hadn't slept at all the night before. I had never had surgery, except for a c-section, and so was very concerned about everything. I had to have my surgery in the unit I work in, because the only 2 surgeons in Tucson who do bariatrics do all of their work at the hospital I work at. I begged them for a Saturday surgery to minimize the number of my coworkers who would be there on my surgery day. I work in the pre-op and recovery area, mostly recovery, and was worried that I might wake up a little rough, and all of my coworkers would be there to see it. I ate my last meal, grilled swiss cheese sandwiches on rye bread, at about 10 am on Friday. I drank plenty of clear liquids after that, and also drank 1/2 bottle of Mag Citrate. My surgeon felt that a more aggressive bowel prep wasn't necessary for the VG. This doctor had only done a handfull of VG's, so he is still figuring out the details. They do lots of RNY's, and have been doing Lap Band for a couple of years. I find it interesting to note that my surgeon says that in his office, the VG's are doing quite a bit better than the Lap Bands. Saturday AM my son drove me to the hospital. I checked in, got weighed, put on ted hose and SCD's to prevent DVT, (blood clots in the legs) and a gown. My friend and coworker, Lynn, started my IV on the first try, and they immediatly began pushing fluids into me. They say that the extra fluid prevents a lot of post op complications. It helps with post op nausea, and dehydration, and can help reduce the chance of DVT. I had to read and sign a bunch of papers, then my anesthesia doctor gave me some Versed in my IV. Versed is a drug that helps you relax, and also causes amnesia. I am here to tell you, it really works. The last thing I remember is feeling really good, and calm. They had warm blankets on me, and since I had asked another nurse friend of mine to come in to OR with me, I had 3 nurses, all friends of mine, holding my hands all the way to the OR. I am told that I was awake and talking, and even moved myself to the OR table. I would definately do general anesthesia again, if need be. It was no big deal. My only regret is that I worried so much about it beforehand. So there you have my pre-op experience. I'll write about the recovery room in my next post. I am very glad to be "on the other side" of this surgery!! Tonya Lap Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy surgery date March 11th 2006


March 16, 2006


Wow!  5 days post op and feeling pretty darn great. Kind of turned a corner, I guess. Don't need pain meds, have a bit more energy.  My surgeon took the JP drain out yesterday at my first post op visit. And guess what?  I am down 13 Lbs!  From 292 tio 279!  Very encouraging.  My kids say my belly is smaller.  I think that may be because my umbilical hernia was repaired "incidentally".  Since they removed my excess stomach through the belly button, it was easy for my surgeon to repair the hernia at the same time.  This is good for the eventual tummy tuck I plan to have in about 18 months. 


I promised to post about the recovery room and hospital stay, so here goes.


I woke up in recovery with the worst nausea I could ever imagine.  Worse than my second pregnancy, and that was pretty awful and lasted for months.  I remember saying to the nurses and anesthesiologist that I was sooo nauseated.  I also remember that pain wasn't really a big deal.  I kept feeling like I was about to vomit.  Then they started giving me nausea medications.  All of that seemed to last about 1 minute.  Next thing I remember is about 6 hours later, waking up in the afternoon, still in the recovery room, and feeling suprisingly ok.  The nausea was gone, and did not return.  My surgeon allowed me to have a very few ice chips, so I had one, and talked to the nurses about how long I'd been there etc.  I had sent my digital camera into the OR and asked that the nurse take a picture of whatever they took out of me, so the nurse showed me the picture of my stomach on the camera.  Next thing I knew I was in my room, with a pain medication pump.  It had dilaudid in it, and although I didn't have much pain, I used it from time to time just to be sure I didn't get any pain.  It also helped me rest.  By 7 PM I had been out of bed, and walked to the sink and back.  By 9 I had walked in the hall.  I had a foley catheter for urine, a JP drain, the IV, and oxygen.  (And the pain pump, of course.)  My doctor ordered Toradol to be given at regular intervals through my IV, in addition to the pain pump.  Toradol works like Ibuprofen, and complements the narcotic pain medication very well, since it works in a different way, and doesn't cause nausea.  I also had Ted hose and SCDs, and Heparin injections to prevent blood clots in the legs.  Ted hose are the tight stockings that help your circulation.  SCDs are leg massage things that fill with air then deflate over and over to keep the blood moving from your legs so it doesn't clot.  Heparin is given in the abdominal skin, with a very tiny needle.  All in all, not a bad time. 


In my next post I'll talk about the day after surgery.




Lap Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy

surgery date March 11th 2006

pre-op 294

current 279

goal 160


March 16th, 2006


Ok, the day after surgery....

I was still very sleepy, and using the pain pump.  about 8 am or so I was taken by wheelchair to the radiology dept.  My surgeon met me there.  He supervised the leak test personally, and I am glad he did.  It seemed to me he was explaining to the technician and the radiologist that they only needed to see my stomach, not the intestines too, as with the RNY surgery.  This meant that I ended up taking only 3 mouthfuls of gastrograffin, and I gathered that they would have had me drink a whole lot more!  Anyway, it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be.  It didn't make me sick at all, but it did taste vile.  After that I was allowed a pitcher of water, and got a tray for lunch and dinner.  Both times it was sugar free jello and broth, and both were awful.  By Sunday night I had been up in the hall several times, and was taking little bites of jello, and sips of water pretty easily. 


Then my IV infiltrated.  During shift change.  And no one came for almost and hour.   When the nurse finally did show up, she was a new grad, and also spoke very little english.  She wanted to call the doctor to ask if she could take the IV out.  She wanted to start a new one.  Did I mention that I am an RN, and have been for 10 years?  I tried to be patient, but when the charge nurse showed up, and she was also a new grad, I knew it was time to hit the highway.  I took out my own IV, (I'd waited an hour, for gosh sakes.) and asked them to call my surgeon and ask for discharge orders.  They looked like they thought I was from Mars, but they did it.  I could hear the suprise in their voices when they talked to him: "ok, discharge home tonight, ok, yea, follow up in 2 days to have the drain out...right...ok thanks."  I was out of there in 30 minutes, and happy to be home in my own bed.  I even went up the stairs!  Slept really well too.  Just took some pain meds and went right to sleep. 


Next morning I got up and started sipping.  Profect, water, broth, jello.  Every moment I was awake I was sipping something.  I slept a lot, and sipped a lot, and when I wasn't sleeping I just tried to move about the house.  I had my son take me to Walgreens on Monday night for gauze 4x4s and tape for the JP drain site, which was kind of weepy. 


Tuesday was more of the same.  Lots of sleeping.  I also took my chewable vitamins.  I misunderstood.  My surgeons office says start those in 2 weeks, but I read it wrong and started right away.  Oh well, didn't hurt me any.  Tuesday night I was more awake, and sat up to watch tv.  For some reason I got nauseated.  I didn't fool around with that.  I had compazine suppositories for that, and I used one right away and went straight to bed.  It worked fine.  My surgeon warned me several times not to let myself "retch".  Word to the wise-use the nausea meds at the slightest sign of nausea.  It sure won't hurt you, and will probably help. 


Wednesday was a bit more of the same.  No more nausea though, just more sleeping and sipping.  A bit of time with the kids.  That evening I needed to go to Safeway for better broth and some staples for the kids.  Here's a hint about broth.  Buy yourself some of that good soup base that resembles paste in a jar.  Tastes like homemade soup, and not nearly so salty as boullion is.  It's about 5 bucks for a small jar, but makes tons of broth, and tastes really nice.  Also have an assortment of herb teas.  I really enjoy ginger right now.  Anyway, I did go to Safeway.  I broke out in a cold sweat about halfway through the store.  Scared the poor checkout guy half to death I think.  I left mumbling something about coming out too soon after surgery and all.....and lesson learned, thank you very much. 


Today is Thursday, and I have lost 13 lbs.  I feel pretty darn good.  I am hungry :-(


Not starving, mind you, but definately hungry.  Everything looks good.  I know that if I wolfed down one of the hot dogs my kids are having for lunch I would probably drop dead from agony, but I still want to anyway.  So much for hunger suppression.  I just keep sipping.  I am going to make hommade chicken soup for the family tonight, and have the broth myself. 


I'll keep you posted!




Lap Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy

surgery date March 11th 2006

pre-op 294

current 279

goal 160


 Satuday March 18th, 2006


Wow!  A whole week gone.  One week ago today, at this time, I was in the recovery room, and now here I am sitting at the computer marveling at how great I feel.  And already people are seeing the difference.  And my jeans are loose.  I've been in sweats all week, but today I had to go for a lab draw, so I put on my size 2x stretch jeans, and a 2x top.  I was very suprised to see the jeans bagged in the but, and gapped at the waist in the back.  I had/have a big belly, partly from having the twins, and partly from a hernia that was repaired during surgery.  I was forever being asked if I was pregnant.  I think the belly has shrunk a bit, allowing for the gap in the waist of the jeans.  I seems firmer too, due to the hernia repair.  I took pre op pics in a 2 piece tankini type swimsuit, which I will post as soon as I can figure out how, but I bet next month when I take them in the same suit my skin won't be showing through between the pieces.  I want you to know, posting those pics will be hard, (awful looking, you know) but I believe that people reading this want to see the real deal, so cover your eyes if you need to :-)


Anyway, am down about 17 lbs in 7 days, and not complaining a bit. 


Now, about food.  I was so hungry earlier in the week, and Friday morning, (yesterday) I found myself just mean and growly, and unable to shake it.  I was sensitive to every little sound the kids made, and smells were very intense.  I was miserable.  I felt like I could eat the wall paper.  I couldn't face the idea of not eating anything for another 8 days.  I broke down and swirled and egg into my broth, (if you put a raw beaten egg in boiling soup it ends up kind of like egg drop soup).  I very slowly and carefully ate a few bites of that, and within half an hour I was feeling much better. 


I am not advising anyone to go against their surgeon's plan, but I am being honest here.  I did it.  I probably should have called and asked, but it was kind of spur of the moment, and I am lucky it worked out well.  My surgeon allows egg on day 14, so I still started with what he wants us to start with, but just a little earlier....anyway, my family is glad I did.  I had egg for breakfast this morning too, and am feeling pretty darn good.  Can tolerate the kids.  Drove myself to the lab.  Am keeping up on the light housework by myself. 


Anyway, for what it's worth, that was my experience with "the first meal."  I intend to keep to very soft egg, and maybe a little sugar free pudding until day 14, then go with his protocol from there.  I also am continueing with my protien supps, vitamins, water, etc, and I think I am doing great.


I think I should mention, also, that I don't think I ate even a whole egg, and am not sure I was "full".  I don't want to stress my staple line at all, or stretch anything prematurely.  I was suprised at how satisfied I have been though.  I have been able to eat such large portions throughout my whole life, that to eat a few spoonfuls of something, and then feel "done" was remarkable.  And wonderful.  I felt such control.




Lap Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy

surgery date March 11th 2006

pre-op 294

current 277

goal 160


March 19th, 2006


Ok, I can say I feel like myself again.  I drove around yesterday, doing the things I always do.  Errands and such.  My incisions look great.  I have 6, and 5 of them are closed with surgical glue.  Those are tiny, and look like little purple bruises.  The sixth it the drain site, and I have been keeping antibiotic ointment and a band aid on it.  The drain came out Tuesday, and so that will take longer to heal than the other spots.  Nothing hurts though.  I am looking forward to advancing to real meat.  I need to chew something! 




Lap Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy

surgery date March 11th 2006

pre-op 294

current 277

goal 160


March 21st, 2006


Still doing well.  I got a little worried a couple of days ago when the scale didn't move, and took a good look at my water intake.  Of course I wasn't taking in enough, and so I was very careful to up the fluids.  That was Yesterday.  I drank water until my urine was almost as light as water. This morning the scale moved, 1.8 lbs down.  I have a really great scale that I got at Target right after surgery.  I should have bought it before, so my weights would all be on the same scale, but turned out it was the same as my old one, so probably ok.  This scale goes to the tenth of a pound, and gives you fat % and water %.  Very handy.  It seems very accurate.  If you get on several times in a row it still keeps giving the same reading.


I am eating a few things.  Today I had some of the fish from a Fillet O Fish sandwich.  I chewed slowly and well, and had no problem.  So far I haven't over eaten, and I still don't really know what my limit is.  I am still so newly post op that I am afraid to test the limits.  Poached egg is still my main meal option, and one egg is plenty.  Amazing.  At dinner tonight I ate the chicken out of my homemade chicken noodle soup, then had the little bits of carrot, and a few tiny bites of bread, and was done.  Totally satisfied.  It is now about 4 hours later, and I just finished 32 oz of some sugar free drink, and I am not at all hungry.  I am loving this! 


I am also a bit worried....no....terrified that it won't last.  I have fear that I will somehow foul this up, and end up humiliated.  I just don't know how I could face my family, friends, husband, or myself if this fails because of my innability to follow the simple rules I have been given.  I worry that maybe MY surgery is somehow defective, and soon I will be able to eat and eat, and will just not lose.  I worry that I spent 18,000 dollars of our hard earned money for a few months of fleeting weight loss.


Now, do I really belive that I will fail? NO!  I just have these little nagging doubts and worries.  I guess based on the fact that nothing has ever really kept the weight off in the past, I have trouble believing something will work now.  So, I just keep reading other peoples profiles, and seeing their success reassures me every time.  If only they could know how much it means to me to read their journals.   That is why I am making my own journal.  Maybe one day I too will be a success story! 


I am feeling more energetic day by day, but today I did have a weird experience.  I tend to be hot all the time, but today I just couldn't seem to get warm.  I turned up the heat, and still was chilled, like through to the bone.  I couldn't wait for the twins to get on the bus, (they go at 1215) so I could crawl under the covers and sleep.  I slept 3 hours and woke up in the exact position I fell asleep in, and was still chilly.  I think my metabolism was slowing, trying to preserve that stored fat!  Well, we'll just have to put a stop to that.  30 minutes on the eliptical ought to do the trick!!!  I took a brisk walk around the neighborhood with the kids on their bikes yesterday, and it felt wonderful. 

I decided today that I would make a short term goal for myself.  It is to be able to wear my wedding set again.  It has been off for months, as I was regaining the weight lost on Atkins the last time.  I don't know what weight I need to be for it to fit, but the wedding set is what I want to fit into most.  I'll keep you posted!




Lap Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy

surgery date March 11th 2006

pre-op 294

current 275

goal 160


March 24th 2006


2 weeks gone.  Wow.  I just keep wishing I had done this sooner.   It continues to amaze me how very little I need to eat, and how very satisfied I am with so little.  I was so worried pre-op that I would feel deprived.  I loved to cook, and I loved to eat, and it was such a big part of my life that it was really hard to think I might have to give it all up.  Well guess what??? Food still tastes great, and I didn't forget how to cook.  I just don't feel as focused on food now.  And there is something to be said for losing 20 lbs in 14 days.  Yep, thats right.  I now weigh what I weighed last May.  Almost a year's worth of weight regain gone in 2 weeks.  Heck, this surgery would probably be worth it if I never lost another ounce, but didn't regain anything from here.  I feel so much better already, and my clothes are fitting better, (the ones that were too tight) or getting to big. (The ones that fit right before surgery.)  I am very tall, 5'11'', and so I have to lose more lbs than most women to actually lose a size, so I don't expect to see a big size change right away, but I think I have pretty much gone from squeezing into a 2x to having them fit very loose.  A 1x might fit, depending on the style.  I know many people who post here end up in single digit sizes, but for me, seeing 16 or 14 again will be great.  I might fit a 12 if I get to goal, (160ish), but at about 180 I fit comfortably in a 14, and that would be heaven right here on earth, I tell you.  I still have some size 16's in my closet, but if I ever get to 14 I will have to have all new clothes.  Isn't that just so sad????  A whole new wardrobe for me.  However will I cope?  LOL!


My husband is overseas right now, and so will get to see me after a pretty significant weight loss.  I think that will be fun.  He is coming home in June, and that calculator that kind of guesses what your progress will be from month to month says I could be down into the 230's by the time he gets here.  That would be over 50 lbs off, and I might be wearing an 18.  I sure hope I get there. 


I haven't really begun to exercise yet, not formally anyway, but with 4 kids I certainly can't just sit around much.  I find I don't need naps anymore, so the recovery thing is pretty much over.  If it weren't for the remains of the 6 little holes from my Laproscopic surgery I could forget I ever had it.  I had wondered pre-op whether I would feel "different" inside, or whether I could feel that anything was missing or rearranged in there, but the answer is no.  Everything feels the same, except I used to be able to feel a slight bulge on my left upper abdomen, just below the ribs, which was my full stomach.  Now the bulge is gone.  


I have to see the doctor on Monday, so I will ask about exercise then.  I am also going to ask him how big was my stomach compared to others. 


I have sent some pics to this site, and will elaborate on them when they appear my profile.  One of the pics is the portion of my stomach removed during surgery.  I sent a camera into the OR and asked my friend Diana, who was also one of my OR nurses, to take a picture of anything they took out.  I figured it had been my stomach for 40 years, and I wanted to see it before it was gone.  I'd do the same for my gallbladder and anything else that was being removed.  I think it helps cement the whole thing in my head. 


I'll write more soon!




Lap Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy

surgery date March 11th 2006

pre-op 294

current 273

goal 160


Here is the picture from the operating room, including my stomach after it was removed.


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April 2, 2006


Three weeks gone, and no regrets!


I am just doing great.  I eat anything I choose, but I do choose carefully.  Protien first!  That is the number one rule with my surgeon, and I think it's a sensible one for several reasons.  Number one is that I need 65 gms of protien daily, and I don't want to try to drink it.  Number two, protien keeps you satisfied.  Number three, I felt wonderfull when I was on the Atkins diet, and so I know from experience that focusing on protien will keep my carbs down, and I will feel good. 


So how do you feel, you ask?  Wonderful.  Perfect.  Amazing.  I used to need a nap every day.  NO MORE NAPS!  The day fairly flies by, and I find myself suprised at the end of it that I never took a nap.   I have boundless energy.  I feel happy when I get on the scale every morning. 


About the scale: I weigh daily.  I know some people don't agree with this, but it works for me.  I bought a really good scale that does my weight to the 10th of a lb, body fat % and water %.  I weigh myself every morning after I get up.  I weigh once, write it on a calendar, and that's it.  I also check my keytones in my urine.  I like seeing the proof that I am burning fat every day.  Also, if the strip isn't turning pink I know that I have taken in too much carbohydrate the day before.  It helps me to monitor my eating, and reasures me. 


I try to eat only at meal time, because I know that grazing and snacking will slow or stop my weight loss.  I also avoid drinking my calories.  I do take in a bit of caffine, but I try to limit that to one cup of coffee each morning.  I make a low carb cappucino with low carb milk and sugar free flavored syrups, and I really enjoy it.  It is often enough that I don't have anything else for breakfast.  I have had soda also, but only diet decaf soda, poured over ice to reduce the carbonation.  It's not my first choice, but at, say, a church picnic or something where there aren't any other choices I would indulge.  My MD is ok with this also.


When I eat, I have found that I eat approximately the amount in a standard custard cup,  That is about 6 fluid ounces.  I have overdone it a couple of times, and had cramping pain in my stomach and a feeling that the food kept trying to come back up into my esophagus.  This is definately a learning process, and I am much better at judging how much I should put on my plate now.  I have snacked a couple of times, but those were times when I was out and had missed mealtime.  My snacks have been things like an Atkins bar, or a handfull of shelled pumpkin seeds, or a piece of ham rolled with a piece of swiss cheese.  I remeber my protien first rule even with the snacks.  


I do get hungry, but it is way different from before surgery.  I know that I was told that removing my stomach would cause me to be unable to make Ghrelin, and then I wouldn't be hungry, but that isn't exactly how is is for me.  I get hungry, but it is a different hungry.  I imagine that it is like "normal" people feel when they are hungry.  I never understood when people refused food.  If I had just eaten lunch, and someone brought in a pizza, I would eat pizza.  I would be hungry for the pizza.  I could probably eat 3 or 4 slices of pizza.  And cheesecake.  And a soda.  WHY??  I used to wonder about that.  How could people say "No thanks.  I just had lunch a couple of hours ago.  I couldn't eat another bite."  I could always eat another bite.  I could out-eat my husband. 


I have never been a big sweets person, although I would eat them if they were around.  My problem has been more about quantity.  I always had a good appetite, even as a small child.  My mom told be a story about a babysitter we used to go to when I was about 4.  She said the woman asked my mom for more money because my brother and I ate so much.  I was thin though.  Even in high school.  I am about 5'11'', and weighed 140.  After my first pregnancy something changed inside me.  I began to eat more, and was less able to feel "done".  It got worse with each pregnancy.  Stressful times made it worse too.  I gained a lot during my first nursing job, and that was one of the most stressful times in my life.  I have also seen this pattern in my family.  I truly belive that the hormonal changes of pregnancy and stressful times caused permanent changes in my brain and my hunger hormones that have been changed or repaired by this surgery.  I hope it lasts. 


I do know that I "feel" differently about food.   I am in control.  I don't just eat anything that's around.  It's about quality now, not quantity.  Not that I would only eat fillet minion or something like that.  I still love a tuna sandwich.  More like I wouldn't eat something I don't really like just to eat.  It's wonderful.


More Later,



Lap Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy

surgery date March 11th 2006

pre-op 294

current 268

goal 160


April 17th, 2006


Well look how time flies!  I feel so good now and am soooo busy!  I took 6 weeks off from work for this, and I only have a week left.

I sure have gotten a lot done though.  We are building a new house, and there is plenty to do there, plus trying to gradually prepare everything for the move, it's all taking up lots of time.  I certainly have the energy for it now!  With about 34 lbs gone, and so quickly, I am amazed at how much lighter I feel, and how much better I move.  Although I certainly am still obese, I don't feel obese anymore.  I have a lighter step, clothes fit me better, and I just have a better outlook in general.  I want to tell everyone how great I feel!!!


And people have stopped asking when my baby is due!  My belly is shrinking, but there will be lots of extra skin there.  There was already a problem in that dept. from having the twins, so there is a tummy tuck in my future.  Probably a breast fix of some sort too, since those were the first to go.  Never big there anyway, I didn't have a lot to lose, but there it went! 


I have found that I can fit into all of my shoes again too.  I had been wearing just my birkenstock shoes because nothing else fit.  Now everything fits, although some are tighter than others.  I have no doubt that by the end of spring I will be able to wear any shoe in my closet, comfortably.  And clothes??? Yep, lost a whole size.  Since I am tall it takes me more Lbs to lose a size.  About 30 lbs = 1 size, I have found.  I can now wear 1x very comfortably.  I expect to be wearing 18's/XL, and be able to shop outside the womens dept for some things when I have lost about 50-60 lbs total. 


As of today I have lost 34 lbs.  Yee-Ha!  I have been losing about .4-.6 lbs a day.  And no, I am not yet formally exercising, but I am very, very active.  I do heavy housework, yardwork, etc.  I park as far as I can from the store and practically jog in, ect.  So far so good!  Now that Easter Break is over for the kids, maybe this week I'll get on that eliptical and get moving.  Pre-op I had a lot of burning pain in my right ankle, that seems to have backed off quite a bit.  It kept me off the workout equiptment before surgery.  Lets see if things are better now. 


I still eat about the same as what I wrote last time.  I still have no trouble with nausea/vomiting.  I have only vomited after a meal one time, and it was a baked potato!!  I never would have thought that would be a problem.  I don't eat much carbohydrate anyway, but one evening we were late for church, and that was all there was, so I ate a few bites of a "loaded" baked potato.  It sat there like a stone until I just couldn't bear it any longer.  I felt much better after it left!  I also don't feel comfortable if I eat inexpensive cuts of beef unless they are crock pot cooked until very soft/falling apart.  Beef and pork are the only things that can be iffy, but as long as they are tender, I'm ok.  I can eat ground beef just fine. 


I do drink with my meals, even though it is against the rules, technically.  I have to take a few teeny sips because I have found that it helps with the reflux I'd been having after eating.  I would feel like my food kept going up and down for about 45 min after a meal.  If I eat slowly, and wait for each bite to go all the way down, and sip after about every 3-4 small bites, I find that the reflux is practically non-existent.  Of course I wouldn't try to chug down a drink with my meal!  But somehow a sip or two seems to settle the food down where it belongs.  The added benefit is I eat a little less this way, I think because I feel the food in my stomach, so I know I'm full sooner.  Not overeating probably helps the reflux too.  (I had the reflux pre-op too.)  I still have a lot of burping after I eat, but it is better than it was at first.  I have read other people's posts about this, and those that had the burping found that it improved after a few months.  I don't even really care, I think.  I would rather burp after meals than be obese any day!  Lets just keep things in perspective, shall we?????


I'll write more soon!



Lap Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy

surgery date March 11th 2006

pre-op 294

current 260

goal 160

an even 100 to go!


May 11th, 2006

Ok, so maybe it won't be all that soon!  LOL!  Time flies when you are having fun, right?  Well I am having fun.  I have lost 2 sizes, and it has been fun giving all of the larger ones away.  It is very fun having people notice something "different" about me, but not be sure what it is.  When I went back to work a couple of weeks ago 15 people noticed my "new" glasses, and 3 noticed my "new" haircut.  Neither were new, of course, they just didn't know what was different.  Even our Pastor at church noticed.  He actually knew it was weight loss, and asked how much I'd lost.  I told him, and also shared how I was doing it.  Turns out there was another member of the church who was debating whether to have the surgery.  I ended up meeting with that person, and shared my info.  I told Pastor to bring anyone he likes to me for info.  I want to tell the world about this surgery.  That's how much fun I'm having. 



Lap Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy

surgery date March 11th 2006

pre-op 294

current 244

goal 160

Down to size 18, for the most part!


June 11th 2006

Wow!  Time sure is flying by.  I am still losing well, and feeling fine.  Sometimes I feel a little guilty about how easy this all is.  I am able to eat just about anything, although I don't really have any desire for sweets, and I still limit carbs pretty severely.  I probably eat less than 20gms a day of carbohydrate.  Not that I don't have a bite or two of bread, rice, pasta, or potato, just that I follow the protien first rule, and there is no room left for the carbs!!!!  I do eat more vegtables and some fruit now. 


I am enjoying people's reaction to my loss.  I still run into someone occasionally who hasn't seen me since before surgery, and they are very complimentary.  Someone just a couple of days ago looked at me and said "You've lost weight!"  I said "Yes, I've lost some."  She said "No, you've lost A LOT of weight, and you look great!"  Yea, that's a pretty good feeling.   I know that I've made the right decision.  I still have good quality of life, and am losing weight easily.  It's like having your cake and eating it too, just without cake!  (Well, maybe a bite or two.)


My loss has been like this:

1st month 30 lbs

2nd month 20 lbs

3rd month 15 lbs

I am guessing I'll lose about 10 lbs a month for a while after this.  That would put me below 200 by the end of summer!



Lap VSG 3/11/2006


down 66lbs in 3 months


I have had a couple of random mini-wow moments I'd like to share.  First of all, I have noticed that although my scale seems to move in a mostly steady manner, my appearance and size seems to change in chunks.  For instance, a couple of weeks ago a friend noticed my arms, back and shoulders seemed to have changed overnight, and one day I was washing my hands and they felt like someone else's hands, unfamiliar, boney, slim, and more delicate than the ones attached to the ends of my arms a couple of days before.  For about a week I marveled each time I washed my hands.  Also last week I had to move down a size in scrubs, and clothing I'd sorted just 2 weeks before that fit fine was suddenly  hanging off me!  Just wierd.  I know others saw it too.  Yesterday at work I must have had about 15 different people make comments, like "Wow, you look amazing!" kind of comments.  Funny.  Even I see it.  At the bank yesterday I saw my reflection and was startled at my "thinness".  Someone referred to me as "skinny".  I keep saying to people that I look like myself again.  Odd how it goes.....


And I truly do look like myself.  I looked back at some old calenders, where for the last 10 years I have jotted my weight nearly daily.  The last time I weighed less than 219 lbs was before my 6 year old was born.  Back in late 1998 I went on Atkins for the 1st of 3 times, and lost from the 230's down to 209.  Right after that I became pregnant with Addie, and shot up to 308 at the time of her birth.  After she was born I landed at about 265.  I did Atkins again while she was an infant without much success, got down to around 240, then got pregnant for the twins, shot up to 318, then down to the 270's after their birth.  I went on Atkins again when they turned 1, and got down to 219, then began the slow climb back up, (while still on Atkins) that lead me to WLS.  When I gave up Atkins December of 2004, it took just a few months to reach my all time non-pregnant high of 294.  Now, in just 4 short months I find myself at 217. 


I am amazed, and overwhelmed with gratitude to god, my surgeon, and everyone else who helped me get to this point.  I do look like me again, pretty much the me I'd been before the last 3 kids were born.  There is a picture of my wedding day June 17th 1996 on my profile.  On that day I weighed 197.  20lbs less than I do today.  At  5'11"  20lbs is about a size.  I tried on the suit I wore that day and it almost fits.  I am almost the woman my husband married that day!  I look at that picture and I see me.  I see a normal looking woman.  I am normal again.  Wow.  I actually wondered if I'd really lose weight after this surgery, and I never dreamed I'd be wearing that suit again iin 6 months or less, but it sure looks that way now. 


I have gone through my closet again, and it is nearly empty.  I have some size 16 dresses that fit now, and all of my size L tops fit.  I have some 14 dresses that are a bit tight, but will fit when I get to 200 or less, then I am out of clothes.   I will neet an entire new wardrobe, except for jeans, which, for some reason, I have some all the way down to 12. 


For anyone considering VSG, I wholeheartedly recommend it.  I am so loving this surgery!




Lap Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy

About Me
Tucson, AZ
Surgery Date
Feb 22, 2006
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Friends 17

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My pics, pre -op to 1 year
