6 months postop

May 22, 2012

Down 83 pounds.  I can't believe how much better I feel.  I'm still a little upset that I have only lost 20 pounds in the last 2 1/2 months.  I need to get moving.

VACATION and eating right

Mar 30, 2012

I went on a "little" roadtrip during my girls spring break.  We went first to Branson for a day then drove over to Louisville, KY for a day then down to Nashville, TN for a couple of days then over to Memphis, TN for a couple of days.  Little roadtrip? ha.  This was the first vacation I have had since my surgery and found it is a bit difficult.  One of my favorite things to do when I go to different places is the different foods to try.  Every night I did not learn...well really after EVERY meal besides breakfast, I did not learn.  I would try stuff I should not eat...I was sick after every meal.  It took me a week to get over vacation.  I think I've learned now...haha.  I will eat my proteins...take my shakes with me...and take my vitamins.  I tried to live that week like I didn't have WLS.  Let me tell you, it is not worth it.  Before spring break, I had just gotten to the point that I could eat most things.  I forgot to tell myself that that doesn't mean I should try to eat everything.  I am still trying to remind my stomach that it likes food because for the last couple of weeks after I got home and started eating right again, my stomach still does not like it when I eat. 

weight 269 - down 71 pounds.

4 months postop

Mar 05, 2012

I am down to 276...-64 pounds.  I am able to keep down most things now.  I feel so much better and my family now has to keep up with me.  I am back to dressing the way I always have (nicely) and caring what I look like.  I really got down there for a while before surgery (like 2 years) but I'm back to my self.  I have my 20 year highschool reunion this summer and am actually looking forward to seeing everyone.  By then, I should be down or past my highschool weight.

11 weeks postop

Jan 31, 2012

I am having problems keeping my carbs down.  I can't get enough of pretzels.  I guess at least it's not fatty potatoe chips, but it's still carbs and empty calories.  I feel like I'm in the craving stage of pregnancy.  I have major major cravings...OJ, pretzels, pickles...and yes...I could eat them all together and it would be yummy.  I can eat a cup or more of food at a time, so I'm definately having to watch those carbs and fats.  Every once in a while I also HAVE to have something sweet.  When that happens, sugar free fudgesicles and (bad) granola bar here I come.  I am down 50 pounds as of last week...I haven't lost any for about a week.  I hate when that happens, but I know it will and does.  My stomach still talks alot to me.  My girls can't even lay in my lap anymore because of the noise...lol.  It freaked them out at first.  My girls and I have started dancing to 6 songs a night on the XBOX.  We have a blast!  I suggest that for anyone.  We have done it for 3 nights in a row...that's a big step for us, but it's fun so it makes it worth it.


7 Weeks postop

Jan 05, 2012

I completed my 6 months of nutrition counseling and doctors visits required by my insurance.  I was approved by my insurance the first time it was presented to them and had my surgery November 16, 2011.  I had a major anxiety immediately out of surgery...felt I couldn't breathe...felt I was being held down and couldn't move...very clausterphobic.  They had to dose me up with Ativan.  I also experienced intolerable nausea and was on 3 different nausea medications and nothing worked.  For 2 days I suffered with this and as soon as the pain pump (consisted of demerol) was taken away, there was no more intolerable nausea.  So, I now know I cannot tolerate Demerol.  The pain was not bad at all and I was so happy to see that the doctor used glue instead of staples.  It was so much easier to deal with.  Nevertheless, I asked myself "what the heck have I just done".  Everytime I put something in my stomach, including just water, my stomach would grumble.  I was so very tired.  Everytime I would sit up or sit down I would get a shooting pain in my left side as if someone was stabbing me (this lasted for a month).  I couldn't lay down in a bed for 4 weeks.  My tail bone hurt so bad from sleeping in a recliner.  Everything got much better at 4 weeks out.  I lost 30 pounds right off the bat in just 3 weeks and then all of a sudden just quit losing weight.  It was a bit disheartening.  Thank goodness for blogs and forums, I found out this is totally normal.  My body was freaking out that I had done this to it.  I lose about 5-6 pounds a week and this is normal.  I am down 42 pounds now.  I went shopping in my closet and was so happy that I saved my clothing from when I was a couple of sizes from what I was at surgery time.  I had some very cute clothes.  I also was excited to realize I could wear my awesome heels again.  I haven't been able to do that for over a year due to the pain and edema from all the weight I had gained.  I even bought me some gorgeous heels after Christmas.  I have come to realize this is much better than going out to eat.  I have to say, I was a little depressed when I would go out with my family and there was really NOTHING that I could eat or that I wanted besides soup.  Here they were getting Cheeseburgers and fries and I had a bowl of tomato basil.  Not fun, but getting new heels trumps that.  I just see it now as I am a very cheep date.  I'm still have a very hard time with ALL meats except ground turkey or beef.  I'm still trying to figure out ways to get my protein.  Protein shakes make me sick so I have to be very creative. 


May 12, 2011

I went to a seminar yesterday.  One of many that I have attended.  This is not the first time that I have began the WLS journey, but hopefully it will be the last.  I have finally the insurance plan that has WLS as a benefit.  I have never understood why insurance companies do not want to pay for this.  It is still greatly thought of as a cosmetic procedure.  It is true that it does help appearence, but my gosh, the health benefits GREATLY outweighs the appearance benefits.  I have been overweight my entire life.  When I was 5, I had my tonsils removed and every since then has been battling my weight.  I remember my mother taking me to weightwatchers when I was 8yrs old.  I am probably one of the healthiest fat women you would ever know, but that will not always be the case.  I have begun to notice some problems associated with my weight...female issues, fatigue, depression (which I HAVE NEVER experienced really before), not wanting to get out and go anywhere, hormonal issues.  It can get really bad in the future due to genetics.  My mother has diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke at age 51 and 59, CHF...etc.  It is pretty much guaranteed if I do not do anything now, I will have a chronic disease in the near future.  I cannot wait to hear back from my surgeon's office.

About Me
Waxahachie, TX
Surgery Date
May 12, 2011
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Before & After
rollover to see after photo
340 lbslbs
105 lbs lost

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