Im pregnant.... yippeeee

Oct 11, 2012

Things have been well for me these past 2 years. I could not ask for anything more. I am currently 3.5 months pregnant and counting :)
The start has been rough but evey time we see baby on the sono it makes it all worth it.
My vitamin and iron count is low, so they have me trying all kinds of stuff. The baby is growing well but they want to get this under control.
They tried some iron on me and it made me totally sick, to where I was losing weight.

Is there anyone out there that has a recomindation for either one of theses.

long time

Jan 09, 2012

Wow how time flies......

I am so much healther and have a lot more energy than ever, therefore I have been off my bottom  and moving around....

I have lost a total of 98 lbs since March of 2011, so who could ask for anything more...

HOpe everyone is doing well and enjoying life to the fullest.

Moving on DOWN......

May 15, 2011

Everything is going well....I have only found a few things that I could not eat without getting sick like (hot dogs, hamburgers stuff like that) .... but its okay with me... I only ate them because thats all there was. I just need to plan on taking lunch with me when I go somewhere. My weight is coming off great.... I was so happy a few days ago at 199.5 now I'm at 190.5 so it is going fantastic.

Thanks to everyone at OH.... great support and posts.... sometimes I dont want to ask or post, but I can read someone elses and find just what I need. Thanks everyone

SW 226
CW 190.5
GW 135
1 comment

back to losing

May 09, 2011

Doing great so far....... I stalled for a while but was really losing inches I could tell in my close. I am now wearing a size 18/16 yippeeeee..... I started losing this weekend I now weigh 193 lbs... I lost 4 lbs in 1 week. So glad to see the scale going down.

under 200 wowowowowowowowowowow

Apr 24, 2011

Today I am under 200 I weigh 199.5 wow I thought I would never see this again...

Size 18 yiiippppeeee......

Apr 17, 2011

Wow moving on feels sooooooo wonderful....

SW 226
CW 202
GW 135

pant size 24 now size 18

So excited I am almost under 200 lbs..... cant wait I just want to see 199 lol......

I did it....

Apr 13, 2011

Yesterday afternoon,,,,, I did it...... I rode my bike for 1 mile while pulling my 1.5 year old in a bike trailer..... She loved it so much by the second lap she was out snoring up a

The best part was I felt great after doing it and my daughter was part of my ride....

I have lost 23 lbs since surgery on March 15th.... I cant wait to see what else we can do together...

Doing Well

Apr 11, 2011

Well I think I finally figured out how my body is going to lose weight.... only on the weekends. :) It seems like all week I stall and then on the weekend I lose about 1.5 lbs so that's good. I did lose 1 lbs today, so its even better. I have 5 more lbs so that I can be under 200lbs.... yippppeeeee......

All is good, I have done well with food testing and trying new things and everything seems to go okay. I'm not even going to try sugar........ that's the EVIL in my life... besides I don't think it is worth the consequences.

Doing Well

Apr 07, 2011

I am doing well in my journey.. I am starting to learn the tricks of the . The only struggle at this point is I am stalling in my weight loss which I believe is because of the lack of protein drink.... But I feel much better and definitely more alive than I have ever felt.


Apr 01, 2011

Okay,,,, I just keep wasting money..... I ordered lunch today and my mind set is still on ordering BIG....(HALF A SANDWICH WITH A CUP OF SOUP)

Am I crazy..... I couldnt even eat 1/2 of the cup of soup.......

About Me
Mar 07, 2011
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