Lets see where do I start?  This has been a long long journey for me. I originally started this years ago but did not have insurance. In 2003 or 2004 I finally had insurance that would cover the cost. I had everything done and the date scheduled then the company I worked for changed their policy and I had to cancel it. 
Here I am again now with another company that covers it. I made an appointment with the doctor and then I got sick and missed it. By the time I was able to get another appointment they added new rules  to be able to have it. So, in August of 2009 I will have put in the time and done everything so I can finally have this life saving procedure.

March 12, 2009
I went to see my surgeon Dr. Patrick Reardon and he is a very nice man. I have all the confidence in him.  I got my referal and went this past Monday to our weight management and started on the program that is required  by insurance. I am doing good so far and can't wait for the time to go. I will update more later!

June 22, 2009
I finished up my weight management earlier this month and the doctor is submitting my information to the insurance company for approval this week. We have the date set for July 6, 2009 with insurance approval. I can't wait for this life saving tool.  Please keep me in your prayers.  I will keep this updated better.

July 2, 2009
Happy 4th to everyone! I got the news Tuesday I am approved and will have my surgery this coming up Monday! I am so blessed by God. First I got a new job making more money and now I am finally getting to have my surgery! I will update after I get back to work on how I did and my progress and experience.  Pray for me!

July 23, 2009
Hi I had my sugery on the 6th of July. There were some complications in surgery so it took them 8 hours in the OR to finish.  I am blessed that God guided my doctor and his hands and everything turned out great. I am now a little over 14 days out and have already lost 18 pounds. I can't wait to loose more and look forward to everday.  I will update more when I have more news.

July 29, 2009
I'm on my 4th week and I am down 24 pounds since surgery and 34 total. I am so excited. I can't wait for each day to go by so I can get smaller and healthier. I can already tell a difference with just the 34 pounds off. I will update more later.

August 10, 2009
I am down another 3 pounds this week for a total of 29 pounds since surgery. I am thinking that I am not doing so good and I do not know why. I will post more later.

February 10, 2011
WOW! I haven't been on here in a long time. So much time has passed and things have changed for me. I met the most wonderful man and married. I quit my job and now help him run his buisness. I am sad to say that I lost down to 183 pounds and was doing GREAT but sorry to say that I have gained back up to 198 pounds. It would be easy to say I don't know why but I do. Even though this surgery changed the amount I can eat at one time it did not change my way of thinking and I am having a very hard time changing that. However, I am going to go back and remember why I did this and get back on track and lose my my last 50 pounds. Food has ALWAYS been my comfort and I need to learn another way of dealing with my emotions besides eating those "comfort" foods. I will try to keep this updated better.

About Me
May 12, 2008
Member Since

Friends 2
