Hello, everyone, well here goes my story is pretty long and messed up I will try and keep it short. Well back in 
2003-2004 for the first time I heard about the lapband. I was very miserable at the time, my health had been slowly getting worse and I thought I was going to die ,so I prayed alot and ask God to send me a sighn that everything would be ok...Yall may think I am crazy!! 
but I remember it was a Thursday morning and I was listening to the radio  when they began talking about this new weight loss surgey, that wouldn't cost an arm and a leg (jiji) and that they would be speaking to Cynthia Jones one of the first to have this surgery, That following Monday.Well I was so sure this was my sighn from God I could not wait.. until Monday,, so I called her, of course it wasn't that simple, there were several calls before she called me back, but she did!! and she explained everything to me, I was so exited and determined to get this surgery done. But then reality set in "MONEY".  
Well that Monday they began a contest on the radio to win a lapband surgery, I just new I was going to win!! cause,, God had sent me that sighn..The day the contest was over I sat on my bed and cried for hours,, I felt so cheated by God, why would he send me this sighn just to hurt me more, I felt like a dog with a steak being dangled in front of it,, that it was never going to reach...worst feeling ever!! 
I had not told my husband about the contest until after it was over, I didn't want to jinks it
(so much for that) anyway after the disapointment wor off some.. I started looking for ways, help asstance some way to get this surgery,, cause I didn't have the money or means of getting it. I have 5 kids, a morgage,and only my husband works, and a few years earlier we had to file bankrupsy, so we didn't qualify for a loan so I was at a dead end...for the next two years I would wright letters, make phone calls anything and everything I could do, with no luck,, then in march of 2006 my husband tells me he had applied for a medicall loan with a surgen  in Monterey Mexico, and it had ben approved, I couldn't believe it, finaly after 2 years of so much crap it was going to happen.
I called the cordenator for Dr. Sanchez that Tuesday, we were on our way Friday after noon. I had the surgery that week end and was on my way home that Monday, I had no problems everything went well the Doctor was wonderful, the hospital was very nice (clean)better than some of the ones here.EVERYTING was great the first 2 months, then I went for my first fill with a doctor here in Grand Prarie..$250.00 (OUCH) this was going to be tuff
but I was determined.. the loan payed $6500.00 and my husband had been saving and had $3000.00 this $9500.00 total for surgery did include fills.. if I went back and forth to Mexico, but unfortionatly that was not posible, so we were rilly rilly tight for a while..well the first fiil they did nothing, they flushed my port anded 5cc they said that was good for the first time so I went with it,, some restrictions not much, some vomiting...second fill three months later,, another $250.00  still not a compleet fill they said they wanted to take it slow, ok I went with it,, at this point no restictions... five months later I go back,, now the fee has gone up to $300.00, and this time the main Doc in this office sees me not his assistant,,well he sticks my port three different times and fills nothing, but I feel it..we will do better next time He said,, I WAS PIST.. ALL these fills and I have not lost anything,, what the heck!! and now to top it all off I am brussed and soar,, and don't want to return to this doctor.. so I don't..I call the cordinator for Dr Sanchez to see what we can do maybe it has slipped or something,, she informes me that Dr Sanchez has died and I would have to see the doctor that has taken over his cases but I would have to pay again..O MY GOSH!!  time is going bye and I am getting deppressed,, my husbsand and I start talking about other options.. we have never had insuranse for our selfs cause it is to expensive, but we are at this point considering it.. but it is impossible to get me approved because of my BMI..
well after long discushons and cut backs my husband sighns up for insuranse at his job...so now we are talking REVISING, cause the lapband just is not working.. so I start serching for surgens who do revisions, I found
Dr. Nick Nicklson, and I went to his siminar I was so impressed, I was going to go for it... so I thought,, after  the siminar I got with his insuranse cordinater and I was on my way, she set up what I thought was a free consultation with the doc. I went in they weighed me I spoke to the doc for maybe 10 minutes, I was told they would submit the papers to the insurance and everything would work out,, that they had seen manny cases like mine..after I think a month went by they said NO, the cordinator said don't worry they almost always say no the first time,, we will try again... again they said NO.. so I give up again...my best friend keeps telling me to stop giving up, that when one door closes another opens,, so here I go again she sees this Doc in D magazine and wants me to call him.. at this point I have been having some pain and lots of disconfort with my port.. so I call Dr. Alexander and they give me an appointmant for the next week,, he right away sets me up for some tests,, and tells me that the first sight of pain or disconfort to go to the ER (in Farmers Branch) he thinks there may be alot of erosion from the band causing my disconfort.. so on Friday I wasn't feeling very well and my husband says thats it lets go,, so we went and they addmitted me to the Hospital he put me on iv fluids and started some other tests and said that more tan likely I wasn't leaving the Hospital until he did the surgey I was shocked,, finaly again its going to happen I am going to be Ok???well the next week they take me in for surgery I was feeling very nervous and apprihinsive.. The anostigyolagist came in and sees me, and right away I notice that he is very uncofortable about my size, he is asking all kinds of questions witch normaly would be ok but the way he does it and his meaner I could tell he had issues,, when he left I told my husband I did not like him or feel comfortable with him,, my husband notices to.. but he doen't want me to worry anymore than I already am so he says its just nerves you will be ok???so they take me back for surgery,,keep in mind,, I am an extreemly big women and they proceed to move me on to a steel table were only half (if that much)of my body fits,,now they are tying my arms down..OUT not to my side cause ther is no place for them cause I am already hanging off both sides of this table. this whole time the anostigyolagist and the nurse are chit chatting,, I am very very uncomfortable,,,and then he puts that damb mask on my face and he is holding it rilly tight, I am trying to tell him its not on my face right but he is not listening to me he keeps on saying its ok we will take care of you, but he didn't...That was the last I remember then I woke up in ICU,, intabated (tube down my throte)I almost died!!! because I wasn't compleetly asleep.. and I asperated and my lungs filled with liquid... while I was intabated they had placed a central line on my upper thigh, this was a very delicate place so they needed to move it to my arm...I was in ICU for 2 days,I am conpleetly mortified I want to go home I never want to think about this again...THEY ALMOST KILLED ME... I am terrified. so a few days later I go home,, then 2 days later I have to go back to the ER different hopital this time,(Irving) cause the central line had become infected and caused a blood clot I was in te hospital for 2 weeks.. because of this  I have been terrified ever sence every one says, when you fall of the horse you need to face your fear and get back on,, I know,, I need to.. cause my health is just getting worse and I am getting older,, that doesn't help,, I am just so DAMB scared, of the whole situation not just the surgery,,thats the biggest part of it,, but the dinials the insurance I am so tired!! when will I be OK?????

About Me
Irving, TX
Jun 18, 2008
Member Since

Friends 13

Latest Blog 2
getting started for the 3rd time
