Tammy 'Buckley McCool

Tammy 'Buckley McCool 18 years, 8 months ago

(October 2, 2005) 2 years and 6 months since my surgery Truth to be told now , I was asked lastnight how much did I really weigh when he First met me at The Casino back May 2004 , Like I told him 107 pounds , (as I have told everyone 107 I never would tell anyone the truth on my actual weight at that point I knew and felt like I was going to die ) He said he knew better than that , and he was right and he guessed the weight right , I was shocked . I actually got down to 98 Pounds , and I was still loosing and I did not know how to stop the weight loss , that is when I started having all kinds of problems , getting sick on everything I ate , I was Stressed out finalizing my divorce and and going through so much, I was at a point in my life I did not know if I was coming or going, I was nothing but Bones and Looked so bad , Alot I have not put in this sight or said that I have in fact gone thru . If It was not for the man that I met that for some odd reason took intrest in me May 2004 , I would not be at a healthy weight now , he studied me , Found out out from a co worker about my surgery , and he studdied and researched everything about it , and than 3 months of just casually talking thru my cage ( I was a cage cashier) at the casino , never trying to touch me , never making a sexual comment , never trying to make advances on me , just to come by my cage and make me smile with a simple hello and start up a conversation with me , this went on for 3 months . And those 3 months I never asked his name never looked at his players card when I cashed him out ...but he knew mine because I wore a name tag Than one Sat night he was just talking away , he finally said to me your what 25 with this big smile on his face , I smiled and said a lady never tells her age , at this point I glanced over to a women who was playing a machine and she was smiling at me and shaking her head and I winked at her and I smiled ,( He was intertaining that night ) SO he was playing the guessing game with me , and about that time my daughter walked up to the cage and said mom I am going home , call me when u get off work ........That is when he looked at me in shock and said "well gal you better be at least 41 to have a daughter that age " , I laughed so hard I said no I am 38 , we talked for a bit more and he said well I will catch you later he was headed home . and my shift was about to end , That is when I found out his name . The Same night I finished with my shift and I was walking thru the casino, the casino was very crowded that night, as I was walking thru I felt this hand sweep across my back and another across my Front....and everything seemed to stop and I looked behind me and seen it was him , he looking at me and I looking at him , it was like noone else was there but me and him , I can not exsplain the feeling that came over me , or understand it , something I have never in my life felt before , but it was there on both parts ....... We Talked a few min more and exchanged numbers. And the story begins........... A Few Days later we talked and decided to meet and when we did meet we talked for hours in the middle of downtown , outside of our cars all night long under the moon and the streetlights , it was like noone else was even around , as cars drove by and the police department on the next corner , it did not matter ...the conversations about life was unbeliveable ...he was put in my path for a reason . And we started seeing each other after that, the chemistry was there the attraction was there . to me he was perfect and still is . He was focused and damn and determined to get me Healthy , not for his personal gain , he says because he saw someone who needed his guidence and help and he chose me because I was not like any other female he has ever came across , I carried my self well , and with Class, I did not act like I wanted a man , nor did I want one, to me all men only wanted to cause me more pain . (He watched me while I walked thru the casino and how I handled my self ..He could not figure me out , he was amazed...He said more , but he seen a good human in me , A human he wanted to help ........) He put me on Colida Silver, he says what ever is wrong with the blood the Colida fixes it , Put me on High Protien foods , and slowley I started gaining and Slowley my Stomach stopped Hurting all the time , and Slowley I stopped throwing up everything I ate , I had my energy coming back , This is a man who has everything he ever needs in life , This is a man who sets a goal and get's to it and has worked hard all his life , This is a man who is not out looking for different women to be with , This is a man who does not look for Women Online . This man sticks to ONE and only ONE . This is a man who does not want or need a women , work is more important...but he wants me so that says something. This is a man who has Never lied to me and has always treated me with kid gloves , says I am fragil, MY body is different... but I am Stubborn as hell he says , He says he had a job to do and I was that Job and he will see it through ...by making me Healthy Sure we seen each other for 9 months , and broke up 3 times , he had to have control of me , on everything I did , but I ended it the last time ( Feb 2005 ) , It was the hardest thing I ever had to do , but it had to be done ... And I got control of my life again ....... Or thought I had control ..... ( He was still keeping tabs on me , asking questions with my neighbors) I stopped taking the silver, I figured I did not need it , only to wind up in a hospital with Iron levels so low, Red Blood cell count way to low and Liver Enzime count way to low I had fallen into bad shape worse than ever , falling alseep at work standing up at that , falling alseep driving...so instead of taking HIgh doses of Iron meds that the doctor gave me and other prescriptions witch I call poision ...... So I put myself back on Colida Silver and within a few weeks I had my energy back and my Iron level was right and my liver and Red Blood Cell count was normal ....and than I sat back and thought About everything he said to me and taught me in the 9 months we was together ...He was right about everything , he knew what I had to have to run my body right , proper rest , proper diet, he was also right about Cons, and how people really can be in this world.. not to trust anyone .... He taught me how to pay attention to everything, a Touch, a certain smell , opened my mind up to so much . One day as I was going thru my stuff I found his letter to me , his christmas card , and the cds of perfect music he downloaded and burned for me to help with the stress That I was going through in my life , to help me relax . and I missed him even more than before ..So I took a chance and called him and left him a message , and to my shock he called me back and we talked for hours . He is the only person I trust and the only person I have allowed into my Home ...(other than a nosey neghbor)...why should I not trust him??? he has helped me mentally and emotionally ( Never Finacially), he helped me be healthy again , he is very Gentle with me , gives me wonderful advice, and asks for Nothing in return , because he has everything, what could I possiably give him ..he says he was given a Job and he will see it through ... Is he my sole mate ?? Did God put him in front of me for a reason ? what I do know , is he will not play me , or con me , everything that comes from him is the truth...no hidden agenda .. TO me there is not another person who can fill his shoes , I have never meet another like him and probley never will ... He turns 50 in Dec , what do you give someone who turns 50 who has everything , perfect body , Healthy as can be , never sick , looks like he is 40 or younger works very hard ( Self Employed ) and works out everyday on his bench press at almost 50! God Rewards him very well . Now I do not know why I put all this in here , but trust me there is a reason , There is a reason for everything To be continued ..........

Tammy 'Buckley McCool 19 years, 1 month ago

wooo hoo they finally got my current picture up : )

~Tooter - the Droopy Witch 19 years, 2 months ago

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! Here's hoping life is all you want it to be! Hugs, Toots

Grace H. 19 years, 2 months ago

Tammy, Congratulations on your 2 year anniversary. Wow -160 lbs is Terrific. You look amazing. Keep up the good work. You are truly and inspiration to us all. Have a Wonderful day! Hugs, Grace

Chellesgift 19 years, 2 months ago

Congratulations on your wonderful weight loss!! And your 2 year anniversary! I can't wait to say the same :0) Keep up the good work! God Bless Chelle

~Tooter - the Droopy Witch 19 years, 2 months ago

Congrats on making the century club! You've come far! WTG!!!! Hugs & Shalom (May you be blessed in every aspect of your life) Toots

Tammy 'Buckley McCool 19 years, 2 months ago

new picture working .....??? testingggggggggggg

Tammy 'Buckley McCool 19 years, 2 months ago

testing to see if pic is showing up

Tammy 'Buckley McCool 19 years, 2 months ago

03/15/2005 Hello all , well forced myself to get a checkup , been falling asleep alot very fatigued , found out I am Anemic so He has me on Iron meds and back on Zantac, holding weight between 119 and 125 goes back and forth I am in a size 0 and sometime a 1 but likes to wear my comfy clothes size 3 and 4 cus there so baggy : ) no longer working 7 days a week 13 hour days , to hard on my body so I am told . My Sister Deana Robben is having her surgery soon so check out her profile and wish her the best of luck You would think after 2 years things would get some what easier , but you still have to watch what you eat , and again if I had to do it all over again I would in a heart beat I have tried to update with latest photo if it is not in here u can check it out on my yahoo profile tx_bansheweb 2 years out coming up April 2 , hard to believe it has been 2 years already anyway till next update

ShirleyH 20 years, 2 months ago

Happy Anniversary Girlfriend. Love and miss ya bunches. Never thought we would make it this far did we?
About Me
Geeonimo, OK
Jan 05, 2003
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