just keep on keepin' on

Sep 26, 2013

I was in to see the surgeon for my post-op check. Everything is fine. Now I just keep seeing the nurse/dietician unless an issue arises. Dr Reed informed me that I will lose muscle mass as I lose weight, and research is not decided on whether weight training this early is beneficial or not due to the serious lack of protein. He suggested that when my hair stops falling out (around 8 months) I can try back at the gym, assuming I'll be getting enough protein by then. He does encourage walking, biking and swimming, so I will continue with that. I hate weight training anyways, and if I'm not going to benefit from it, well, forget that.

I tried some fish today. Rooney no like fish. Maybe I'm trying too many new things at once. I'll leave off the fish for a while.

I feel like an archeologist - I'm finding bones everywhere! lol People at work are noticing. Most keep asking, "How do you feel?". I'm fine of course, but they're a little freaked out I guess. Oh well!

I'm taking the vitamins so my energy level is improving, even if I'm not getting all the food I need yet. I'm so impatient! I want it to be a year from now! lol - don't wish your life away, my mom always says.

I'm still amazed at the way that my food obsession seems to be *snapped*. I just eat what I'm supposed to, buy food that I require and that's that. No more wandering the store, shame and guilt-ridden, arguing with myself "will I or won't I?" "should I or not?" over all the bad food choices I was desperately trying not to make. Now I just go in and get what I need. End of story. I hope this lasts past the first year! I do so enjoy the freedom from the obsession.

I've also quit chewing my nails. I don't know why, I just don't. I'm not trying not to, I just don't. Maybe I was more anxious than I thought re: food issues.

Hope all is well in OH Land,




About Me
Stratford, ON, XX
Surgery Date
Apr 02, 2011
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