Stuck stuck stuck.

Jul 13, 2014

I'm getting this down now in the hopes that I'll look back in a year and see how much I've lost.

My body is weird.  I started a diet in February of this year to prepare for surgery.  Because I am so big (at the time 446 pounds) I lost A LOT very fast.  30 pounds in three weeks.  Water weight, naturally.  From that time until my surgery in June I lost a total of 85 pounds.  I need to remind myself now how my body did that.  I'd go a week or two without the scale budging a single pound and then BAM, I'd lose 8 pounds at once.  Why?  No idea.

Well, that's where I am now.  As of today I am 3 weeks post-op and the scale hasn't moved in a week.  I'm keeping my protein between 50-70 a day and drinking my 50-64oz of water each day.  I'm following my plan and even keeping myself at or below 500 calories a day.  Still, no movement at all.  It's so frustrating.

My surgeon told me I have to stop trying to compare myself with people who are losing 20 and 30 pounds a month because my body has already given up 85 pounds in the last 6 months but it's hard to do what I'm supposed to do and see no movement on that scale. 

Frustrating :(


5 days post-op

Jun 28, 2014

The world's biggest chicken made it through her VSG surgery!  Thank you to all of the people who sent me messages or replied to posts and gave me encouragement and advice.  I savored each one and it made me stronger.


Dr Curry is a fantastic doctor and his anesthesiologist is a gift.  The minute I met the anesthesiologist and we spoke I felt my fear melt away.  He had me convinced that I was going to be just fine and he was right.  I don't even remember being wheeled into the operating room.  I just remember waking up with a funny fluttering pain on my left side right around my heart and wondering if it was a heart attack.  But no, just gas pain from the laproscopic surgery.

They had me up and walking within the hour and I was released to a nearby hotel with my family to rest.  The next morning we headed the 100 miles home and I've had minimal pain and nausea.  How lucky am I? 


Thank you all again!


2 more days.

Jun 20, 2014

It's Friday night and my surgery is Monday morning so it's a little more than 2 days, but not much more.  Nervous and scared yet excited. 

I'm second guessing myself right now.  Should I have made the doctor send me for a stress test or for pulmonary tests to make sure I'm healthy enough for surgery?  When I told him I was scared he said "You're NOT going to die.  You're in good shape for your size" so I'm hoping he's right.

Just a couple of days to find out.


Two weeks.

Jun 08, 2014

Two weeks until my surgery and I'm truly scared.  My primary care doctor and the surgeon have both tried to tell me I'll be okay, but I'm still terrified.  I'm not sure anything is going to ease my mind.


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May 29, 2014
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