Weigh In's

Jul 02, 2011

Well, now that my weight loss has slowed down I decided a few weeks ago to start weighing myself on Friday's and Sundays........oh and by all means first thing in the morning when I get up.  I weigh myself twice a week now because it allows me to feel more secure in my weight-loss for the week.  There have been weeks when I weigh myself and the scale hasn't moved at all and then the next week I lose 5 pounds and the following week I'm up a pound.  I truly believe that there are several circumstances that come into play when weighing oneself.  The time of day, what you are wearing when you weigh, when you go to the bathroom and so on and so forth.  I even bought a new set of scales thinking there was something wrong with my old ones since they kept bouncing up and down.  But both set of scales and right on with each other.  So when I weigh myself on Friday and then again on Sunday and the scale reads the same on both days I feel confident that I truly lost or didn't lose that week, whichever the case may be.  This mornings weigh in (Sunday, July 3, 11) put a pretty big smile on my face.  It said that I was down two more pounds from Friday's weigh-in.....that's good right???? At least it didn't say I was up two pounds from Friday.  This would make a total weight-loss of 62 pounds from my pre-surgery date.  Yay!!!!  But for me and my mind it's not quite that simple........so I'm chosing to accept the weigh-in on Friday of down 3 pounds for the week and total weight-loss of 60 pounds rather than today's down 2 more pounds and total of 62 pounds.....Like I mentioned earlier I just feel more secure with the readings.....might sound crazy and silly to some but to me it gives me security. 


About Me
Saint Pauls, NC
Surgery Date
Jun 17, 2011
Member Since

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