Hi!  I have been overweight since having children as a teen.  I come from a family of two older sisters and two younger brothers.  None of them have ever had a weight problem so I keep think the milkman must have been involved in my case.  My sister used to model and at 5'6" her normal weight was 98lbs.  She confessed to me as an adult the she deals with anorexia.  She is 60 years old now and to a all time high of 125 lbs.  I haven't seen that since 6th grade.  My mother was very thin and thought that I was overweight even as a preteen.  She packed me a lunch of hard boiled eggs and celery sticks when the other kids were having peanut butter and jelly and bologna.  When she introduced me to her friends she would start with, "This is my daughter Vinca, wouldn't she be beautiful if she lost some weight."  As a teenager this was devastating to my self esteem.  So the first guy that told me I was pretty without losing weight I married.  Sixteen is way too young to be married and then I had a child at 17 and one at 18.  They are both grown now and I have my first grandchild, Lucius, who is ten months old.  I decided after Lucius was born that I had to make a change in my lifestyle.  I want to be healthy and be around to see him grow up.  I want to be a grandma that can go out and shoot hoops with him or play tag.  Not someone that is exhausted going up a flight of stairs.  I have followed the bypass surgery for several years but was reluctant to pursue it due to the complications I have heard about from friends that have had it done.  When the lap band procedure started here in Montana two years ago I started talking to people that had it done.  I have finally decided that it is the right step for me.

About Me
Jul 31, 2007
Member Since

Friends 4

Latest Blog 9
Still battling it out
Still a struggle
Labs back!
2 months postop
Well got to 30 lbs lost.
25 lbs gone!
Wt. loss slowing but still there
12 days postop
One week Preop
