Abdominal Abscess

Jun 28, 2009

Can't think of any other title. The pain was new and it was unbearable and the reason why I was not feeling normal. 3 days in the hospital for the surgery. 5 days in the same hospital for this abcess. Just got out yesterday.  My biggest fears. They had to aspirate it, and put it on a culture to see if it would grow. Nothing grew so they are figuring that it was a fatty growth. But an abcess none-the-less. It was horrible. It was green. 15 numbing needles given to me 2 millimeters near my belly button hole! A million times under the cat scan machine. A large aspirating needle. 13 cc's aspirated from me and at least 2 left in me that he could not get. Where all RNY incisions have healed I now have a new belly button penrose drain in me. Again. It will stay until the green stuff goes away. I am not feeling well about it. I am scared. I want it all to go away and I don't want it to come back. It's not the pain. It's the poking and prodding of millions of needles in the hospital for the iv in the left hand for the anti-biotics. Then when that iv begins to hurt it's the iv inside the elbow of the right arm. And the antibiotics are caustic. They have to be delivered fast so you almost feel it going into you. It's the heparin shots in the belly. It's the calf compressors. It's the blood tests. Over and over again. I need to get my hair done. I need to go for a walk. I need to clean up my winter clothes and take out my summer clothes. I need to go out and feel sexy again. At any size! I feel haulted. Can't do too much runnin with this new drain. But I am gonna get a move on and do what I can. Gotta pray and get my head straight. Gotta be careful in the shower. Again! Because the the drain must stay dry. I think I am going to go for a walk in the park. I need that now.


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Long Island, NY
Apr 24, 2009
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