Plateau Buster Diet

Oct 17, 2009

How to break a plateau

#1 - Do this for 10 days to break a plateau

#2 - Drink 2 quarts of water a day

#3 - You must have 45 grams of protein and all your vitamins/minerals supplements each day

#4 - You may consume up to 3 oz of the following high protein foods, 5x a day

low fat cheese
cottage cheese
plain yogurt or artificially sweetened (?)
peanut butter

You may also have:

sugar free popsicles
tea or coffee
sugar free soda
sugar free jello
broths/bullion (sp?)
crystal light drinks

#5 - If it's not on the list, you can't have it for 10 days!!!!

#6 - Keep a food diary and try to get up to 30 mins of exercise daily

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Back from Jamaica!

Jun 29, 2009

We had a blast in Jamaica, we stayed at the Beaches Resort and they have the Sesame Street theme, which my two year old LOVED!

Anyway, I gained. But my vacation is over and time to buckle down.

Sad but true!

Jun 11, 2009

As of this morning I am up to 245. I have great restriction but I am enjoying the summer crawfish boils, BBQs and parties just a little too much. I am grateful for the weight that I have lost so far and if it were not for the band, I would have gained a lot more than 3 pounds back.

Monday, June 15, we leave for Ocho Rios, Jamaica (we were going to Cancun, but changed due to the swine flu, didn't want to chance it with my two year old). So I am coming here today before we leave, to promise to recommit to following the band rules on June 22. I will enjoy myself on my trip and when I return, I will get back on the boards and join all of the exercise challenges and get my booty back in the gym. It's a promise.

Also, wish me luck, I will be wearing sleeveless for the first time ever. (I chose to do it on vacation because I figure that no one there will know me LOL) I might be brave enough to post a pic here when I return.
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Apr 13, 2009

I am finally in the 230's, it is on the high end but hey I will take it. I went through several weeks of not losing a single pound. I was very frustrated because I have been exercising at least 6 days a week and staying within my calorie range (I keep a food journal on the Realize Band Website.

I was beginning to feel like a failure because I knew that I was doing the right things. So, I started a post on OH to seek advice and someone posted that I should watch my sodium intake. LOW AND BEHOLD, that was it. I was eating tons of Boca products for lunch which had over 400 mg of sodium and my soup had over 900 mg, but I added up my sodium intake and it was over 4,000 mg and I was not done eating for the day. 

Needless to say, I started watching my sodium intake. I have begin preparing all of my own meals and keeping my sodium intake around 2,000 mg and the scale has started moving again. I am so grateful for OH. I will have to find that post and thank the wonderful person for such great advice. I will post again when I am in the 220s.

My goal for my Cancun trip June 13-20th is to be in the 220s. I have roughly 7 weeks. Wish me luck.
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I am now in the 240's

Feb 27, 2009

I made it to the 240's, not by much but hey I will take it. This morning I was 249.8. I am now wearing a size 18, down from a size 24. I have two sisters that are 8 and 10 years younger than I am and one weighs 247 and the other weighs 249, so it is indeed on from here. I am the oldest and I am determined to be the smallest.  

Right now I have 7.5 cc in my 10 cc Realize band. I tell you, I really regretted my decision after I had my surgery because I did not lose a pound until the end of July, then after I finally got restriction, I have been losing ever since. I am not losing fast, which is a good thing. I don't know if I mentioned it before but no one but my hubby knows that I have had the surgery and since I am losing at a normal pace, no one suspects a thing. The only reason that I didn't tell my family is because they are totally against WLS and I made this decision for me and not for them. Maybe I will tell them later, who knows.

I have been doing Leslie Sansone's 2 or 3 mile Walk Away the Pounds 3-5 days a week on my lunch break with my co-worker,  but I will start going to the gym and start back doing Water Aerobics, because I am getting really bored doing the same tapes over and over.

I will post again when I reach the 230's.

It's official I am in the 250's

Jan 24, 2009

I finally made it to 258.8. I have scheduled a fill for Wednesday because I have been getting so hungry lately. Hopefully this one will get me to my sweet spot.

I am still doing the January Exercise Challenge, I am not sure if I will make my 1,000 minutes for the month. But I am not giving up. As of last Thursday,, I will have to exercise at least 47 minutes a day to make the goal. I will update on the challenge and my fill later. 

Time for an update 263.4

Jan 03, 2009

I guess it is time for an update. I had a fill in November and had a terrible experience with having too much put in. When I went to bed I had fluid coming out of my nose. I could not even swallow my own saliva. So I went back in to get an unfill, she took out the entire cc that she put in. But hey I didn't care because I felt terrible. I then went back 2 weeks later to get a fill of .5, and I really don't have too much restriction but I am afraid to get another one, fearing that I will be too tight again.

I have just joined the Biggest Loser OH Challenge and the COMMIT to be FIT 2009 January Exercise Challenge here on the boards, I am commiting to exercising 1,000 minutes this month. (I have never done that much exercise in my life, but I figure that is what challenges are for.)

My next goal is to get in the 250's.  I will update once that goal is obtained.

Here's to a New Year and a New Me!



Oct 14, 2008

I originally posted that I lost weight on the post op diet, but I quickly gained that back after I begin eating solid food.

I cannot believe it. I thought that I would never feel this thing called restriction that I hear so many of you talk about. So those of you that feel like giving up, please don't. I was beginning to feel that this surgery was not for me. But my doctor told me that in some cases it takes others a while to achieve restriction.

So after my 5th fill, on September 18th I now have 6.5 cc in my 10 cc band and finally have restriction. I will try to update my profile often now since I actually have something to report to you.

Week One March 13th...-12.5

Mar 14, 2008

Surgery went well. I was fine while walking, but all I can say is OUCH when I tried to stand from a seated position or when lying down. My surgery was on Thursday and I called the surgeon's office on Saturday to get more pain meds, but their office was closed. When they returned my call on Monday, I felt like a new woman.

Now it is a week later and I am back at work and drove to Ocean Springs for my group meeting. I am down 12.5 lbs this week. The good news is that they are going to start monthly group meetings here, so I will not have to drive 90 miles for a meeting. (that really made my day).

Come on week two, I am sick of this liquid phase.

About Me
Surgery Date
Jan 21, 2008
Member Since

Friends 55

Latest Blog 9
Week One March 13th...-12.5
