
Ok so here is MY STORY, I was born in 81 and for as long as I can remember I have been overweight. Ya I did the whole going to elementry school and being so nervous someone would make fun of me I would usually just fake a headeache or tummy ache and call my mom to come and get me at least 3 times a week. I guess thats where my social anxiety came in...elementry school ...thats sad, but lets move on.   Junior high and high school were ok because I learned if  make fun of myself first than nobody will want to make fun of me if im already doing it..so that worked ok, along with actually having some friends and dressing funky so people would think I was totally awsome for my clothes and distract them from my fat body. After high school I had a blast party party party.
Then at age 20 I met my Hubby and we were inseperable! needless to say we were having a BABY shortly after we met. Thats when I had my big guy Warren he is 6 now (un-believeable). Anyway I gained alot of weight while pregnant but for some reason after I had Warren I felt this crazy feeling like I could do anything! So I decided I didnt want to be fat anymore and joined weight watchers and lost all of my weight and then some! I actually went from 235 to 158 all on my own ( with the help of W.W.) that feeling was awsome! I kept the weight off for about 2 years and decided it was time to have another BABY! So I figured what the hell Id better enjoy all the food now im going to be pregnant soon anyway! well I didnt get pregnant for about 3 years...so ya I ate what I wanted for 3 years...YIKES. Well needless to say I gained quite a bit of weight with this pregnancy too....but this time after I had my Baby Brody Boy who is now 1 year, I weighed 245 and thought this was the perfect time to start my WLS journey and exactly one year later I got my surgery and here I am! WOW long story huh? LOL

About Me
Surgery Date
Mar 02, 2009
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