Chest X-ray....Check!

Oct 30, 2009

Just finished with my Chest Xray. 1 more thing down. I am doing my Bone Density test this Monday as well as my Psy Eval. Tuesday I'll be doing my Endoscopy and then I'm all set with my pre-op work. I do plan to get a hold of my Gyno though to have a discussion about Mirena or the Nuva Ring. I'd like to get the Mirena in right now, before surgery, if it's possible. I've ordered my first round of vitamins (holy crappers...expensive!!) and I've began test driving various protein powder samples. Then all I have to do the week before surgery is to stock up on some post op foods to have on hand. Other than that, coasting here and getting fatter by the minute wishing surgery would jsut get here already!!


Git R Done

Oct 23, 2009

Well I've been a busy little bee. I got the pre-op checklist of all the things i need to get done before Dec. 1 surgery. So I made all the appointments yesterday. I made the psych eval, EKG, Endoscopy, Lap Band unfill, blood panel/labs, etc. I went yesterday morning and did all the pre bloodwork and got that out of the way. I went today and got all the saline out of my band and drafted a few different PCP letters. I faxed them to my surgeon's office so they could review them and tell me which is what in line with what they are looking for. I'll bring that with me on Tuesday (Oct. 27) when I go to see my PCP to get my EKG done and hopefully get him to sign it and / or print it on his letter head and sign and also I'll need him to order a chest X-ray that day since he doens't do them in office. After that I have appointments on Nov. 2 & 3 to wrap up my pysch eval and bone density test. I'll do both of those on Nov. 2 and on Nov. 3 I'll do my endoscopy to check band placement, scarring, etc. After that, I'm set until the end of November when I go in on the 30th to do the "clean out" and on Dec. 1 I'll have surgery. That's the way it's looking right now anyway. I've been writing down when what happens with the dates and who I chatted with in case something goes wrong in the end but I'm hoping not. I talked with my Case Manager that Aetna assigned me and he asked me a bunch of questions but other than that said my pre-cert is good for 6 months. So right now I have what I need under control. I will arrange to have time off work in a few weeks (I want to break it to her kinda last minute; a few weeks) and I'm ordering whatever protein/vitamins I'll need next week. Then the week before I'll shop for foods I can eat post op. So right now folks, that's where I am. I've been very busy to arrange all this in only 3 days but I'm a planner and will feel better if it's all out of the way and I'm just sitting waiting for the big day. :-) Thanks to all who answered my silly questions. Wish me luck.


Moving Fwd

Oct 21, 2009

Today I got the checklist of things I'll have to do before my Dec. 1 surgery date. I also got a call from my insurance company; my case manager. Apparently my insurance company, Aetna, assigns all surgeries a case manager to go through the journey with you and make sure you are getting what you want from your surgeon, proper follow up care, etc. So I got a call from mine today and he asked me a bunch of questions like my BMI, height, etc. and told me I am approved and also that my approval is good for 6 months. So that's good. i can't help but feel though that they are looking for a way out....LOL...I know that's awful but I just feel like it's too good to be true and I keep waiting for the carpet to get ripped out from under my feet. So I'm partly afraid to talk about it because I'm afraid I'll jinx myself. Strange? Anyway, that's where I am right now. I got my checklist of X-rays, EKG's, etc. that need to be done pre-op so I made all but 1 appointment today and am moving forward. I am going Friday to get all the fluid out of my Lap Band to prepare for an Endo at the end of the month. I have to also stop my birth control end of Halloween in order to be ready to go.

I'm trying to sort out what vitamins I'll need so I can stock up so after surgery I'm not having to travel a lot to get what I need. I'm going to get a lot of protein and other groceries too. Taking suggestions from the DS board.

There was something strange though that kind of bugged me today when I got my paperwork from the surgeon's office though. There was a form that said the $1000 program fee is due 1 week prior to surgery and I never discussed anything like this with the surgeon so I called them to see what it was. She said it's a support group of sorts that meets every 2 weeks and costs $1000 and is mandatory. I checked with other folks who had this surgeon and they never had to pay this or go to these classes so I'm disappointed I have to. The surgeon is 3 hrs one way from my home so I can't be doing this every 2 weeks. I guess the $1000 is a small fee out of pocket considering what the total thing will cost but I asked if I arrange for monthly visits instead would it still cost the entire $1000 and she said yes. Strange, huh? Anyway, I agreed even though I'll probably pay the entire $$ because my guess is that's what it's all about anyway and try to arrange different meetings than every 2 weeks. Perhaps monthly. I'd rather do them privately b/c I'm not telling friends or all of my family about this or co workers so I worry I'll go to a support group and run into someone I know. So we'll see.

Anyway, guess I'm approved but until I'm on the table I'm not going to get too excited. :(


Ins Approval

Oct 20, 2009

Hi gang,

So I got a call, voicemail rather, tonight from my surgeon's office saying they got the green light from the insurance company and to call the office to figure out the next steps. So I'm excited but also still a bit apprehensive since I don't like to get excited about things until I know for sure they are going to be a reality but it's a good sign anyway. I'll let you all know when I have a date.. Woot!!


Insurance Update

Oct 15, 2009

Okay, so today I got a call from the surgeon's office. They said my insurance company contacted them and wanted some "notes" so they faxed them to them and will get a hold of me when they "get the green light".

I don't know if this is my insurance company seriously considering my revision or if they are simply looking for something to deny me on. Guess we'll see.

Just wanted to update ya'all. Fingers crossed for a speedy, positive consideration by them. :-)


What's Happening Now

Oct 12, 2009

Hi Gang,

Since I've been visiting so many boards I figured perhaps I should write up a current blog post to let folks know why I am all over the place and why I ask some of the questions I do.

I am visiting all the boards (A) because I'm nosy and (B) because I am looking into revision and wasn't sure to what so I wanted to research. I did initial research when I got my Lap Band done almost 3 years ago but have forgotten most of what I learned.

My Band journey was good in the beginning but for about the last year or so I've had problems. Not serious like some folks I read about as in I haven't been hospitalized, etc. I do have issues with getting the right fill which is on my last nerve. If I have too much then I'm tight as all get out and can't eat for crap. If I take some out I am always hungry because things are draining quicker. And so it goes....back and forth. Plus, I get heart burn (probably from being too tight), etc.

I am also unsatisfied with my weight loss. I intially did well and got to my goal but have since put back on nearly all I took off minus 30 lbs or so. I know myself and I know when I'm in a land slide and am looking to do something about it before it's too late. Hence my revision seeking.

I talked with 1 surgeons office in my area only to be told by the receptionist that I "might as well not bother coming in with the insurance I have because they are never going to approve me" and that she "has tried Aetna (my insurance co) with the last 5 patients and hasn't got any of them approved" and to "come back when I have cash to pay for it since my insurance will never, ever cover it". That said, I decided to check with other surgeons.

I then went to see another surgeon and they have submitted a pre-cert which is apparently required by my insurance company and I am currently waiting to hear what they say. I am attempting to get a DS or sleeve approved since these are the only 2 options I am interested in. From what I've been reading on the various boards on here I may have to go through a series of appeals. When I did my Lap a few years ago  I have BCBS of MI and it went quickly and w/o hesitation. I was on the table from beginning consult to surgery in 2 months. Lucky! I know! Now I have Aetna and we shall see. The news so far from others isn't good.

So for anyone reading my questions thinking what is this girl doing I hope this will help give some insight as to why I'm all over the place.

Thanks for all the help folks. I have learned far more here than anywhere else I've sought information and that includes with the various surgeons!

Much Love.
1 comment


Sep 10, 2009

The thing I love most about this band is that you can always 'start over' and get back to basics. I have creeped up to 173 and managed to hold steady there. I would like to lose the 20 lbs I put back on though so I've decided to revisit the journal I kept in the beginning to see what I was doing then that I am no longer doing and getting back to basics. I know when I'm full and my band tells me but for some reason I struggle with making myself stop. In the beginning I was able to do do this with ease so I must figure out what changed. I noticed I haven't posted here since May, 4 months ago, so I've decided to get more active and track my foods to see where I'm adding the bulk of them. I already exercise so that's covered. I even make sure I wear a heart rate monitor to ensure I am not wasting time.

We shall see. Wish me luck on my new journey.

1 comment

Hot Mess!

May 29, 2009

Holy crap have I been a hot mess since last summer. I have been steadily gaining since then and have managed to put on 20 lbs since then. I am still at a healthy weight doc says but can feel things slipping out of control so I'm nervous aboout getting my crap together again. My band is full though and so my options are to upgrade to a larger band (currently have 4cc band) or get another WLS. I'm confused what to do because I'm worried about the sleeve because it's basically my old stomach but smaller which is scary; I stretched my old one and got fat so why wouldn't I do that again? The larger band sounds good but I've also learned to eat around my band so I worry that will just be a repeat of my 4cc band all over again; slowly filling it until it's full and then still being hungry all the time and eating around my band. So I'm at a loss of what I should do. I have serious issues with sugar so I think I need to fix my head or no WLS will work, right? Well either way I gotta get my head outta my ass or I'm going to fail which will be just terrible given all I've been through so far.

Wish me luck ya'all. thanks for reading.



Pouch Test Results

Feb 02, 2009

Ok, so I only lost 3 lbs doing the 5day pouch test but I have a ton of restriction now. I can eat so much less than before but I have noticed I"m starting to push it again and not stopping when I know I'm full. I don't know why I do this. I need to nip this in the bud before it causes me to stretch out again or something WORSE. The test worked well though. Now I need to maintain that tightness because I don't want another fill. I like being able to eat bread and rice and stuff normally. It's a lot less embarrassing when I go out to eat with friends. Plus, I can eat all the proper proteins so I want to maintain this. I need to maybe start measuring a cup or a cup and a 1/2 and eat only that whether I'm hungry still or not knowing that's all I really need. Stay tuned......


Day 3

Jan 28, 2009

Today was a bit of a difficult day because I had a meeting from 8:30 until 1:30 so we had to eat their breakfast and also they served lunch and we couldn't leave. So I ate breakfast before I went but I did have to pick at my lunch. Breakfast was of course donuts, pastries, etc. and they were in the center of the conference room table.....guess where I got to sit......right in the middle with this stuff in my face! So, I am glad I was able to overcome that (not easy at all) but by lunch I was starving. So they served turkey sandwiches, small bags of cheetos, 2 small cookies and cole slaw. So I picked out the lunch meat and cheese and ate that, then ate 1/4 of one of the cookies and the bag of cheetos. So I know that wasn't the right thing to eat but at least I kept out the solids stuff. The rest of the day though I ate what I was supposed to. Well, except for a SLIVER of chocolate bundt cake. I don't usually like bundt cake but OMG this stuff was good. It was like a brownie it was so moist and wet. I probably only ate 3 or 4 bites of that and made sure it turned to liquid before it went down. So overall, not bad considering the day I had and the options I had but I was still a bit bummed I couldn't eat the tuna pattie I brought with me. All well right?! Such is life. We have to learn to roll with the punches. Like the bundt cake....OMG took all I had to eat just that little bit but I told myself this is how normal people eat. So onto day 4!


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